853 research outputs found

    The Elliptic Algebra U_{q,p}(sl_N^) and the Deformation of W_N Algebra

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    After reviewing the recent results on the Drinfeld realization of the face type elliptic quantum group B_{q,lambda}(sl_N^) by the elliptic algebra U_{q,p}(sl_N^), we investigate a fusion of the vertex operators of U_{q,p}(sl_N^). The basic generating functions \Lambda_j(z) (j=1,2,.. N-1) of the deformed W_N algebra are derived explicitly.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Journal of physics A special issue - RAQIS0

    Vertex operator approach for correlation functions of Belavin's (Z/nZ)-symmetric model

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    Belavin's (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model is considered on the basis of bosonization of vertex operators in the Anβˆ’1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model and vertex-face transformation. The corner transfer matrix (CTM) Hamiltonian of (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model and tail operators are expressed in terms of bosonized vertex operators in the Anβˆ’1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model. Correlation functions of (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model can be obtained by using these objects, in principle. In particular, we calculate spontaneous polarization, which reproduces the result by myselves in 1993.Comment: For the next thirty days the full text of this article is available at http://stacks.iop.org/1751-8121/42/16521

    Form factors and action of U_{\sqrt{-1}}(sl_2~) on infinite-cycles

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    Let p={Pn,l}n,l∈Zβ‰₯0nβˆ’2l=m{\bf p}=\{P_{n,l}\}_{n,l\in\Z_{\ge 0}\atop n-2l=m} be a sequence of skew-symmetric polynomials in X1,...,XlX_1,...,X_l satisfying deg⁑XjPn,l≀nβˆ’1\deg_{X_j}P_{n,l}\le n-1, whose coefficients are symmetric Laurent polynomials in z1,...,znz_1,...,z_n. We call p{\bf p} an ∞\infty-cycle if Pn+2,l+1∣Xl+1=zβˆ’1,znβˆ’1=z,zn=βˆ’z=zβˆ’nβˆ’1∏a=1l(1βˆ’Xa2z2)β‹…Pn,lP_{n+2,l+1}\bigl|_{X_{l+1}=z^{-1},z_{n-1}=z,z_n=-z} =z^{-n-1}\prod_{a=1}^l(1-X_a^2z^2)\cdot P_{n,l} holds for all n,ln,l. These objects arise in integral representations for form factors of massive integrable field theory, i.e., the SU(2)-invariant Thirring model and the sine-Gordon model. The variables Ξ±a=βˆ’log⁑Xa\alpha_a=-\log X_a are the integration variables and Ξ²j=log⁑zj\beta_j=\log z_j are the rapidity variables. To each ∞\infty-cycle there corresponds a form factor of the above models. Conjecturally all form-factors are obtained from the ∞\infty-cycles. In this paper, we define an action of Uβˆ’1(sl~2)U_{\sqrt{-1}}(\widetilde{\mathfrak{sl}}_2) on the space of ∞\infty-cycles. There are two sectors of ∞\infty-cycles depending on whether nn is even or odd. Using this action, we show that the character of the space of even (resp. odd) ∞\infty-cycles which are polynomials in z1,...,znz_1,...,z_n is equal to the level (βˆ’1)(-1) irreducible character of sl^2\hat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2 with lowest weight βˆ’Ξ›0-\Lambda_0 (resp. βˆ’Ξ›1-\Lambda_1). We also suggest a possible tensor product structure of the full space of ∞\infty-cycles.Comment: 27 pages, abstract and section 3.1 revise

    Algebraic representation of correlation functions in integrable spin chains

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    Taking the XXZ chain as the main example, we give a review of an algebraic representation of correlation functions in integrable spin chains obtained recently. We rewrite the previous formulas in a form which works equally well for the physically interesting homogeneous chains. We discuss also the case of quantum group invariant operators and generalization to the XYZ chain.Comment: 31 pages, no figur

    The Vertex-Face Correspondence and the Elliptic 6j-symbols

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    A new formula connecting the elliptic 6j6j-symbols and the fusion of the vertex-face intertwining vectors is given. This is based on the identification of the kk fusion intertwining vectors with the change of base matrix elements from Sklyanin's standard base to Rosengren's natural base in the space of even theta functions of order 2k2k. The new formula allows us to derive various properties of the elliptic 6j6j-symbols, such as the addition formula, the biorthogonality property, the fusion formula and the Yang-Baxter relation. We also discuss a connection with the Sklyanin algebra based on the factorised formula for the LL-operator.Comment: 23 page

    Free Field Approach to the Dilute A_L Models

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    We construct a free field realization of vertex operators of the dilute A_L models along with the Felder complex. For L=3, we also study an E_8 structure in terms of the deformed Virasoro currents.Comment: (AMS-)LaTeX(2e), 43page
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