2,185 research outputs found

    Language and translation practices of Spanish-language newspapers published in the U.S. borderlands between 1808 and 1930

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    This article examines the impact of the anglicizing language policies implemented after the annexation of the U.S. borderlands to the United States on language use by describing the language and translation practices of Spanish-language newspapers published in the U.S. borderlands across different sociohistorical periods from 1808 to 1930. Sixty Hispanic-American newspapers (374 issues) from 1808 to 1980 were selected for analysis. Despite aggressive anglicizing legislation that caused a societal shift of language use from Spanish into English in most borderland states after the annexation, the current study suggests that the newspapers resisted assimilation by adhering to the Spanish language in the creation of original content and in translation

    La diagonalización de matrices en arquitectura

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    [EN] In this work we use a beam problem as an application of diagonalization of symmetric matrices.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de cómo introducir la diagonalización de matrices simétricas a partir de un problema clásico de esfuerzo de vigas. Se pretende a partir de un contexto relacionado con la construcción establecer una conexión entre conceptos matemáticos como son los autovalores y autovectores de una matriz cuadrada y los conceptos propios de la física y mecánica como son los momentos y fuerzas, estableciendo un nexo de unión entre ellos.Jiménez Fernández, E. (2011). La diagonalización de matrices en arquitectura. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 4:241-249. doi:10.4995/msel.2011.3083SWORD2412494Sánchez-Pérez J.V., Garcia Raffi L.M. y Sánchez Pérez E.A., Introducción de las técnicas de modelización para el estudio de la física y de las matemáticas en los cursos de las carreras técnicas, Ense-anza de las Ciencias, 1999, 17(1), 119-129

    Unsupervised machine learning approach for building composite indicators with fuzzy metrics

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    [EN] This study aims at developing a new methodological approach for building composite indicators, focusingon the weight schemes through an unsupervised machine learning technique. The composite indicatorproposed is based on fuzzy metrics to capture multidimensional concepts that do not have boundaries, suchas competitiveness, development, corruption or vulnerability. This methodology is designed for formativemeasurement models using a set of indicators measured on different scales (quantitative, ordinal and binary)and it is partially compensatory. Under a benchmarking approach, the single indicators are synthesized.The optimization method applied manages to remove the overlapping information provided for the singleindicators, so that the composite indicator provides a more realistic and faithful approximation to the conceptwhich would be studied. It has been quantitatively and qualitatively validated with a set of randomizeddatabases covering extreme and usual cases.This work was supported by the project FEDER-University of Granada (B-SEJ-242.UGR20), 2021-2023: An innovative methodological approach for measuring multidimensional poverty in Andalusia (COMPOSITE). Eduardo Jimenez-Fernandez would also like to thank the support received from Universitat Jaume I under the grant E-2018-03.Jiménez Fernández, E.; Sánchez, A.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2022). Unsupervised machine learning approach for building composite indicators with fuzzy metrics. Expert Systems with Applications. 200:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.11692711120

    Vitamin C content of rotifers enriched with the microalga Isochrysis AFF. galbana (T-ISO) collected from different growth conditions.

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate if different vitamin C contents in T-iso from different growth phases and conditions would lead to correspondingly different vitamin C contents in rotifers enriched with these microalgae.We conclude that the vitamin C content of rotifers can be manipulated by enrichment with cultures of T-iso with different vitamin C content, obtained by different growth conditions. However, special care should be taken to ensure that DW:rotifer ratios in the enrichments do not vary much or are above the ratio when maximum ingestion rates are reached. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by project P08-AGR-3695, Junta de Andaluc&iacute;a, Spain and by Interreg Project ECOAQUA, financed by the EDRF (European Regional Development Fund). www.juntadeandalucia.es/agriculturaypesca/ifapa/ecoaqua.El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue evaluar si los diferentes contenidos de vitamina C en T-iso de diferentes fases y condiciones de crecimiento llevar&iacute;a a diferentes contenidos de vitamina C en los rot&iacute;feros enriquecidos con estas microalgas Nosotros concluimos que el contenido de vitamina C de rot&iacute;feros puede ser manipulado mediante el enriquecimiento con cultivos de T-iso con diferente contenido en vitamina C, obtenidos por diferentes condiciones de crecimiento. Sin embargo, se debe tener especial cuidado para asegurar que en peso seco, las relaciones de rot&iacute;feros en los enriquecimientos no var&iacute;an mucho y est&aacute;n por encima de la tasa cuando se alcanzan los niveles m&aacute;ximos de ingesti&oacute;n. Agradecimientos: Este trabajo fue apoyado por el proyecto P08-AGR-3695, Junta de Andaluc&iacute;a, Espa&ntilde;a y por Interreg EcoAqua proyecto, financiado por el FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). www.juntadeandalucia.es/agriculturaypesca/ifapa/ecoaqua.</p

    Vegetation groups and habitats of neutro-basophilous fens in the Cantabro- Pyrenaean mountains

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    Los tremedales neutro-basófilos figuran entre los humedales con mayor riqueza de especies y más amenazados de Europa. Debido a su variabilidad ecológica y florística, la vegetación de estos hábitats puede estar sujeta a clasificaciones discordantes. En este trabajo utilizamos una base de datos de tremedales pirenaico-cantábricos para analizar los principales grupos de vegetación de estos medios y su relación con los tipos de hábitat europeos y la clasificación fitosociológica. Seleccionamos 295 muestras de acuerdo a la presencia de plantas higrófilas y calcícolas en el área de estudio (Carex lepidocarpa, C. davalliana, C. frigida y Eriophorum latifolium) y una estratificación espacial. Realizamos una clasificación utilizando datos sobre plantas vasculares y el sistema TWINSPAN modificado con una selección óptima de grupos. Analizamos los grupos de vegetación a partir de su distribución geográfica, variabilidad en altitud y pendiente, así como la similitud en la composición de especies mediante análisis de gradiente (DCA). Identificamos así cinco grupos relacionados con (i) tremedales de fuentes carbonatadas pirenaicas; (ii) fuentes carbonatadas cantábricas con el endemismo Centaurium somedanum; (iii) pastizales húmedos carbonatados pirenaico-cantábricos; (iv) tremedales carbonatados pirenaico-cantábricos; y (v) tremedales neutro-basófilos pirenaicos.Neutro-basophilous fens are among the most species-rich and threatened wetlands in Europe. Because of their ecological and floristic variability, vegetation of these habitats may be subject to classification inconsistencies. Here we use a vegetation database of Cantabro-Pyrenean fens to analyze the main vegetation groups related to these fens and their relationship with the European habitat types and phytosociological classification. We selected 295 vegetation relevés from the study area according to the presence of four calcicole specialists (Carex lepidocarpa, C. davalliana, C. frigida and Eriophorum latifolium) and geographical stratification. We classified the relevés using cover data of vascular plants, modified TWINSPAN analysis and classification crispness. We analyzed the vegetation groups according to their geographical distribution, variation in altitude and slope, and similarity of species composition using gradient analysis (DCA). We finally established five major vegetation groups: (i) Pyrenean calcareous spring fens related to high mountain streamsides, including Caricion davallianae communities with Carex frigida and relict plant communities of the Caricion maritimae alliance; (ii) Cantabrian calcareous springs with the endemic Centaurium somedanum and few fen species, which should be better assigned to tufa-forming springs; (iii) Pyreneo-Cantabrian calcareous fen grasslands, which could be included in alkaline fens or Molinietalia wet grasslands; (iv) Pyreneo-Cantabrian calcareous fens, possibly related to limestone bedrocks of Cantabrian Range and Western Pyrenees; and (v) Pyrenean neutro-basophilous fens, which seem to be part of extremely rich fens distributed on non-limestone substrates of Central and Eastern Pyrenees

    Accompanied child irregular migrants who arrive to Spain in small boats: experiences and health needs

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    The European Union is the preferred destination of child irregular migrants arrived from northern Africa, who risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small boats. Accompanied Child Irregular Migrants (AChIMs) are exposed to physical and psychological risk. The objective of our study is to describe and understand the experiences and health needs of AChIMs who arrive to Spain in small boats, through the testimony of adults who accompany them on the journey. A qualitative study, based on Gadamer's hermeneutic phenomenology, was performed. After obtaining approval from the Ethics and Research Committee, we conducted in-depth interviews on 32 adults who travelled with AChIMs. Two main themes emerged: (1) The journey a child should never have to take, with the subthemes 'AChIMs as a paradigm of vulnerability' and 'Crossing the sea, playing with death' and (2) Characterising emergency care to AChIMs, with the subthemes 'Prioritising specific care', 'Identifying high-risk situations' and 'The detaining of innocent children'. AChIMs, along with adults, risk their lives in such a dangerous and perilous journey, therefore, finding out about their experiences may contribute to improving the treatment of their specific health needs during the phases of rescue and emergency care