97 research outputs found

    Chinese Organization Name Recognition Using Chunk Analysis

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    PACLIC 20 / Wuhan, China / 1-3 November, 200

    Initial Value Problem Enhanced Sampling for Closed-Loop Optimal Control Design with Deep Neural Networks

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    Closed-loop optimal control design for high-dimensional nonlinear systems has been a long-standing challenge. Traditional methods, such as solving the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Recent literature proposed a new promising approach based on supervised learning, by leveraging powerful open-loop optimal control solvers to generate training data and neural networks as efficient high-dimensional function approximators to fit the closed-loop optimal control. This approach successfully handles certain high-dimensional optimal control problems but still performs poorly on more challenging problems. One of the crucial reasons for the failure is the so-called distribution mismatch phenomenon brought by the controlled dynamics. In this paper, we investigate this phenomenon and propose the initial value problem enhanced sampling method to mitigate this problem. We theoretically prove that this sampling strategy improves over the vanilla strategy on the classical linear-quadratic regulator by a factor proportional to the total time duration. We further numerically demonstrate that the proposed sampling strategy significantly improves the performance on tested control problems, including the optimal landing problem of a quadrotor and the optimal reaching problem of a 7 DoF manipulator

    Representation Disparity-aware Distillation for 3D Object Detection

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    In this paper, we focus on developing knowledge distillation (KD) for compact 3D detectors. We observe that off-the-shelf KD methods manifest their efficacy only when the teacher model and student counterpart share similar intermediate feature representations. This might explain why they are less effective in building extreme-compact 3D detectors where significant representation disparity arises due primarily to the intrinsic sparsity and irregularity in 3D point clouds. This paper presents a novel representation disparity-aware distillation (RDD) method to address the representation disparity issue and reduce performance gap between compact students and over-parameterized teachers. This is accomplished by building our RDD from an innovative perspective of information bottleneck (IB), which can effectively minimize the disparity of proposal region pairs from student and teacher in features and logits. Extensive experiments are performed to demonstrate the superiority of our RDD over existing KD methods. For example, our RDD increases mAP of CP-Voxel-S to 57.1% on nuScenes dataset, which even surpasses teacher performance while taking up only 42% FLOPs.Comment: Accepted by ICCV2023. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.15156 by other author

    Positional multi-length and mutual-attention network for epileptic seizure classification

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    The automatic classification of epilepsy electroencephalogram (EEG) signals plays a crucial role in diagnosing neurological diseases. Although promising results have been achieved by deep learning methods in this task, capturing the minute abnormal characteristics, contextual information, and long dependencies of EEG signals remains a challenge. To address this challenge, a positional multi-length and mutual-attention (PMM) network is proposed for the automatic classification of epilepsy EEG signals. The PMM network incorporates a positional feature encoding process that extracts minute abnormal characteristics from the EEG signal and utilizes a multi-length feature learning process with a hierarchy residual dilated LSTM (RDLSTM) to capture long contextual dependencies. Furthermore, a mutual-attention feature reinforcement process is employed to learn the global and relative feature dependencies and enhance the discriminative abilities of the network. To validate the effectiveness PMM network, we conduct extensive experiments on the public dataset and the experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the PMM network compared to state-of-the-art methods

    Hydrogen jet diffusion modeling by using physics-informed graph neural network and sparsely-distributed sensor data

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    Efficient modeling of jet diffusion during accidental release is critical for operation and maintenance management of hydrogen facilities. Deep learning has proven effective for concentration prediction in gas jet diffusion scenarios. Nonetheless, its reliance on extensive simulations as training data and its potential disregard for physical laws limit its applicability to unseen accidental scenarios. Recently, physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have emerged to reconstruct spatial information by using data from sparsely-distributed sensors which are easily collected in real-world applications. However, prevailing approaches use the fully-connected neural network as the backbone without considering the spatial dependency of sensor data, which reduces the accuracy of concentration prediction. This study introduces the physics-informed graph deep learning approach (Physic_GNN) for efficient and accurate hydrogen jet diffusion prediction by using sparsely-distributed sensor data. Graph neural network (GNN) is used to model the spatial dependency of such sensor data by using graph nodes at which governing equations describing the physical law of hydrogen jet diffusion are immediately solved. The computed residuals are then applied to constrain the training process. Public experimental data of hydrogen jet is used to compare the accuracy and efficiency between our proposed approach Physic_GNN and state-of-the-art PINN. The results demonstrate our Physic_GNN exhibits higher accuracy and physical consistency of centerline concentration prediction given sparse concentration compared to PINN and more efficient compared to OpenFOAM. The proposed approach enables accurate and robust real-time spatial consequence reconstruction and underlying physical mechanisms analysis by using sparse sensor data