4,612 research outputs found

    Resonance fluorescence beyond the dipole approximation of a quantum dot in a plasmonic nanostructure

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    The mesoscopic characteristics of a quantum dot (QD), which make the dipole approximation (DA) break down, provide a new dimension to manipulate light-matter interaction [M. L. Andersen et al., Nat. Phys. 7, 215 (2011)]. Here we investigate the power spectrum and the second-order correlation property of the fluorescence from a resonantly driven QD placed on a planar metal. It is revealed that due to the pronounced QD spatial extension and the dramatic variation of the triggered surface plasmon near the metal, the fluorescence has a notable contribution from the quadrupole moment. The {\pi}-rotation symmetry of the fluorescence to the QD orientation under the DA is broken. By manipulating the QD orientation and quadrupole moment, the spectrum can be switched between the Mollow triplet and a single peak, and the fluorescence characterized by the antibunching in the second-order correlation function can be changed from the weak to the strong radiation regime. Our result is instructive for utilizing the unique mesoscopic effects to develop nanophotonic devices

    Cosmic Constraints to wCDM Model from Strong Gravitational Lensing

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    In this paper, we study the cosmic constraint to wwCDM model via 118118 strong gravitational lensing systems which are complied from SLACS, BELLS, LSD and SL2S surveys, where the ratio between two angular diameter distances Dobs=DA(zl,zs)/DA(0,zs)D^{obs} = D_A(z_l,z_s)/D_A(0,z_s) is taken as a cosmic observable. To obtain this ratio, we adopt two strong lensing models: one is the singular isothermal sphere model (SIS), the other one is the power-law density profile (PLP) model. Via the Markov Chain Mote Carlo method, the posterior distribution of the cosmological model parameters space is obtained. The results show that the cosmological model parameters are not sensitive to the parameterized forms of the power-law index γ\gamma. Furthermore, the PLP model gives a relative tighter constraint to the cosmological parameters than that of the SIS model. The predicted value of Ωm=0.310.24+0.44\Omega_m=0.31^{+0.44}_{-0.24} by SIS model is compatible with that obtained by {\it Planck}2015: Ωm=0.313±0.013\Omega_{m}=0.313\pm0.013. However, the value of Ωm=0.150.11+0.13\Omega_m=0.15^{+0.13}_{-0.11} based on the PLP model is smaller and has 1.25σ1.25\sigma tension with that obtained by {\it Planck}2015 result. This discrepancy maybe come from the systematic errors.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Symmetry energy of super-dense neutron-rich matter from integrating barotropic pressures in neutron stars and heavy-ion reactions

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    Within the minimum model of neutron stars (NS) consisting of neutrons, protons and electrons, a new approach is proposed for inferring the symmetry energy of super-dense neutron-rich nucleonic matter above twice the saturation density ρ0\rho_0 of nuclear matter directly from integrating iteratively barotropic pressures in both neutron stars and heavy-ion reactions. Simultaneously, the proton fraction of NSs at β\beta equilibrium is extracted as a function of baryon density from the same procedure. An application of this approach using the NS pressure from GW170817 and the pressure in cold symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) extracted earlier by analyzing nuclear collective flow data in relativistic heavy-ion collisions provides a useful constraining band for the symmetry energy above 2ρ02\rho_0.Comment: More discussions and references added. Phys. Lett. B in pres

    Exact decoherence-free state of two distant quantum systems in a non-Markovian environment

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    Decoherence-free state (DFS) encoding supplies a useful way to avoid the detrimental influence of the environment on quantum information processing. The DFS was previously well established in either the two subsystems locating at the same spatial position or the dynamics under the Born--Markovian approximation. Here, we investigate the exact DFS of two spatially separated quantum systems consisting of two-level systems or harmonic oscillators coupled to a common non-Markovian zero-temperature bosonic environment. The exact distance-dependent DFS and the explicit criterion for forming the DFS are obtained analytically, which reveals that the DFS can arise only in one-dimensional environment. It is remarkable to further find that the DFS is just the system-reduced state of the famous bound state in the continuum (BIC) of the total system predicted by Wigner and von Neumann. On the one hand our result gives insight into the physical nature of the DFS, and on the other hand it supplies an experimentally accessible scheme to realize the mathematically curious BIC in the standard quantum optical systems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Computing optimal interfacial structure of ordered phases

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    We propose a general framework of computing interfacial structure. If an ordered phase is involved, the interfacial structure can be obtained by simply minimizing the free energy with compatible boundary conditions. The framework is applied to Landau- Brazovskii model and works efficiently

    Computing optimal interfacial structure of modulated phases

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    We propose a general framework of computing interfacial structures between two modulated phases. Specifically we propose to use a computational box consisting of two half spaces, each occupied by a modulated phase with given position and orientation. The boundary conditions and basis functions are chosen to be commensurate with the bulk structures. It is observed that the ordered nature of modulated structures stabilizes the interface, which enables us to obtain optimal interfacial structures by searching local minima of the free energy landscape. The framework is applied to the Landau-Brazovskii model to investigate interfaces between modulated phases with different relative positions and orientations. Several types of novel complex interfacial structures are obtained from the calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1511.0362

    Generation of N-atom W-class states in spatially separated cavities

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    We propose a feasible and efficient scheme to generate NN-atom WW-class states in spatially separated cavities without using any classical driving pulses. We adopt the model in which the couplings between different atoms are mediated only by virtual excitations of the cavity and fiber fields, so the scheme is insensitive to the cavity decay and fiber photon leakage. We carry out both theoretical investigation in a decoherence-free subspace and numerical calculation accounting for decoherence due to the atomic spontaneous emission as well as the decay of cavity and fiber modes. The theoretical and numerical results agree in the large atom-cavity detuning regime. Our scheme proves to be useful in scalable distributed quantum networks.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by J. Opt. Soc. Am.

    One-step generation of multi-atom Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in separate cavities via adiabatic passage

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    We propose a scheme to deterministically generate Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states of N3N\geq 3 atoms trapped in spatially separated cavities connected by optical fibers. The scheme is based on the technique of fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage which is one-step in the sense that one needs just wait for the desired entangled state to be generated in the stationary regime. The parametrized shapes of the Rabi frequencies of the classical fields that drive the two end atoms are chosen appropriately to realize the scheme. We also show numerically that the proposed scheme is insensitive to the fluctuations of the pulses' parameters and, at the same time, robust against decoherence caused by the dissipation due to fiber decay. Moreover, a relatively high fidelity can be obtained even in the presence of cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission.Comment: Accepted by JOSA

    Generation of stable entanglement between two cavity mirrors by squeezed-reservoir engineering

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    The generation of quantum entanglement of macroscopic or mesoscopic bodies in mechanical motion is generally bounded by the thermal fluctuation exerted by their environments. Here we propose a scheme to establish stationary entanglement between two mechanically oscillating mirrors of a cavity. It is revealed that, by applying a broadband squeezed laser acting as a squeezed-vacuum reservoir to the cavity, a stable entanglement between the mechanical mirrors can be generated. Using the adiabatic elimination and master equation methods, we analytically find that the generated entanglement is essentially determined by the squeezing of the relative momentum of the mechanical mirrors, which is transferred from the squeezed reservoir through the cavity. Numerical verification indicates that our scheme is within the present experimental state of the art of optomechanics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Shortcuts to adiabatic passage for population transfer and maximum entanglement creation between two atoms in a cavity

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    We use the approach of "transitionless quantum driving" proposed by Berry to construct shortcuts to the population transfer and the creation of maximal entanglement between two Λ\Lambda -type atoms based on the cavity quantum electronic dynamics (CQED) system. An effective Hamiltonian is designed by resorting to an auxiliary excited level, a classical driving field and an extra cavity field mode to supplement or substitute the original reference Hamiltonian, and steer the system evolution along its instantaneous eigenstates in an arbitrarily short time, speeding up the rate of population transfer and creation of maximal entanglement between the two atoms inside a cavity. Numerical simulation demonstrates that our shortcuts' performance is robust against the decoherences caused by atomic spontaneous emission and cavity photon leakage.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review A as a Regular Articl