409 research outputs found

    DC-Net: Divide-and-Conquer for Salient Object Detection

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    In this paper, we introduce Divide-and-Conquer into the salient object detection (SOD) task to enable the model to learn prior knowledge that is for predicting the saliency map. We design a novel network, Divide-and-Conquer Network (DC-Net) which uses two encoders to solve different subtasks that are conducive to predicting the final saliency map, here is to predict the edge maps with width 4 and location maps of salient objects and then aggregate the feature maps with different semantic information into the decoder to predict the final saliency map. The decoder of DC-Net consists of our newly designed two-level Residual nested-ASPP (ResASPP2^{2}) modules, which have the ability to capture a large number of different scale features with a small number of convolution operations and have the advantages of maintaining high resolution all the time and being able to obtain a large and compact effective receptive field (ERF). Based on the advantage of Divide-and-Conquer's parallel computing, we use Parallel Acceleration to speed up DC-Net, allowing it to achieve competitive performance on six LR-SOD and five HR-SOD datasets under high efficiency (60 FPS and 55 FPS). Codes and results are available: https://github.com/PiggyJerry/DC-Net

    Finite element and integral equation methods to conical diffraction by imperfectly conducting gratings

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    In this paper we study the variational method and integral equation methods for a conical diffraction problem for imperfectly conducting gratings modeled by the impedance boundary value problem of the Helmholtz equation in periodic structures. We justify the strong ellipticity of the sesquilinear form corresponding to the variational formulation and prove the uniqueness of solutions at any frequency. Convergence of the finite element method using the transparent boundary condition (Dirichlet-to-Neumann mapping) is verified. The boundary integral equation method is also discussed

    Exploring battery cathode materials in the Li-Ni-O phase diagrams using structure prediction

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    The Li-Ni-O phase diagram contains several electrochemically active ternary phases. Many compositions and structures in this phase space can easily be altered by (electro-)chemical processes, yielding many more (meta-)stable structures with interesting properties. In this study, we use ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) to accelerate materials discovery of the Li-Ni-O phase space. We demonstrate that AIRSS can efficiently explore structures (e.g. LiNiO2) displaying dynamic Jahn-Teller effects. A thermodynamically stable Li2Ni2O3 phase which reduces the thermodynamic stability window of LiNiO2 was discovered. AIRSS also encountered many dynamically stable structures close to the convex hull. Therefore, we confirm the presence of metastable Li-Ni-O phases by revealing their structures and properties. This work will allow Li-Ni-O phases to be more easily identified in future experiments and help to combat the challenges in synthesizing Li-Ni-O phases

    Deep Causal Reasoning for Recommendations

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    Traditional recommender systems aim to estimate a user's rating to an item based on observed ratings from the population. As with all observational studies, hidden confounders, which are factors that affect both item exposures and user ratings, lead to a systematic bias in the estimation. Consequently, a new trend in recommender system research is to negate the influence of confounders from a causal perspective. Observing that confounders in recommendations are usually shared among items and are therefore multi-cause confounders, we model the recommendation as a multi-cause multi-outcome (MCMO) inference problem. Specifically, to remedy confounding bias, we estimate user-specific latent variables that render the item exposures independent Bernoulli trials. The generative distribution is parameterized by a DNN with factorized logistic likelihood and the intractable posteriors are estimated by variational inference. Controlling these factors as substitute confounders, under mild assumptions, can eliminate the bias incurred by multi-cause confounders. Furthermore, we show that MCMO modeling may lead to high variance due to scarce observations associated with the high-dimensional causal space. Fortunately, we theoretically demonstrate that introducing user features as pre-treatment variables can substantially improve sample efficiency and alleviate overfitting. Empirical studies on simulated and real-world datasets show that the proposed deep causal recommender shows more robustness to unobserved confounders than state-of-the-art causal recommenders. Codes and datasets are released at https://github.com/yaochenzhu/deep-deconf

    PolarRec: Radio Interferometric Data Reconstruction with Polar Coordinate Representation

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    In radio astronomy, visibility data, which are measurements of wave signals from radio telescopes, are transformed into images for observation of distant celestial objects. However, these resultant images usually contain both real sources and artifacts, due to signal sparsity and other factors. One way to obtain cleaner images is to reconstruct samples into dense forms before imaging. Unfortunately, existing reconstruction methods often miss some components of visibility in frequency domain, so blurred object edges and persistent artifacts remain in the images. Furthermore, the computation overhead is high on irregular visibility samples due to the data skew. To address these problems, we propose PolarRec, a transformer-encoder-conditioned reconstruction pipeline with visibility samples converted into the polar coordinate representation. This representation matches the way in which radio telescopes observe a celestial area as the Earth rotates. As a result, visibility samples distribute in the polar system more uniformly than in the Cartesian space. Therefore, we propose to use radial distance in the loss function, to help reconstruct complete visibility effectively. Also, we group visibility samples by their polar angles and propose a group-based encoding scheme to improve the efficiency. Our experiments demonstrate that PolarRec markedly improves imaging results by faithfully reconstructing all frequency components in the visibility domain while significantly reducing the computation cost in visibility data encoding. We believe this high-quality and high-efficiency imaging of PolarRec will better facilitate astronomers to conduct their research

    Edge-aware Hard Clustering Graph Pooling for Brain Imaging Data

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    Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) can capture non-Euclidean spatial dependence between different brain regions, and the graph pooling operator in GCNs is key to enhancing the representation learning capability and acquiring abnormal brain maps. However, the majority of existing research designs graph pooling operators only from the perspective of nodes while disregarding the original edge features, in a way that not only confines graph pooling application scenarios, but also diminishes its ability to capture critical substructures. In this study, a clustering graph pooling method that first supports multidimensional edge features, called Edge-aware hard clustering graph pooling (EHCPool), is developed. EHCPool proposes the first 'Edge-to-node' score evaluation criterion based on edge features to assess node feature significance. To more effectively capture the critical subgraphs, a novel Iteration n-top strategy is further designed to adaptively learn sparse hard clustering assignments for graphs. Subsequently, an innovative N-E Aggregation strategy is presented to aggregate node and edge feature information in each independent subgraph. The proposed model was evaluated on multi-site brain imaging public datasets and yielded state-of-the-art performance. We believe this method is the first deep learning tool with the potential to probe different types of abnormal functional brain networks from data-driven perspective. Core code is at: https://github.com/swfen/EHCPool

    Color-Perception-Guided Display Power Reduction for Virtual Reality

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    Battery life is an increasingly urgent challenge for today's untethered VR and AR devices. However, the power efficiency of head-mounted displays is naturally at odds with growing computational requirements driven by better resolution, refresh rate, and dynamic ranges, all of which reduce the sustained usage time of untethered AR/VR devices. For instance, the Oculus Quest 2, under a fully-charged battery, can sustain only 2 to 3 hours of operation time. Prior display power reduction techniques mostly target smartphone displays. Directly applying smartphone display power reduction techniques, however, degrades the visual perception in AR/VR with noticeable artifacts. For instance, the "power-saving mode" on smartphones uniformly lowers the pixel luminance across the display and, as a result, presents an overall darkened visual perception to users if directly applied to VR content. Our key insight is that VR display power reduction must be cognizant of the gaze-contingent nature of high field-of-view VR displays. To that end, we present a gaze-contingent system that, without degrading luminance, minimizes the display power consumption while preserving high visual fidelity when users actively view immersive video sequences. This is enabled by constructing a gaze-contingent color discrimination model through psychophysical studies, and a display power model (with respect to pixel color) through real-device measurements. Critically, due to the careful design decisions made in constructing the two models, our algorithm is cast as a constrained optimization problem with a closed-form solution, which can be implemented as a real-time, image-space shader. We evaluate our system using a series of psychophysical studies and large-scale analyses on natural images. Experiment results show that our system reduces the display power by as much as 24% with little to no perceptual fidelity degradation