300 research outputs found

    Progressive Poisoned Data Isolation for Training-time Backdoor Defense

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are susceptible to backdoor attacks where malicious attackers manipulate the model's predictions via data poisoning. It is hence imperative to develop a strategy for training a clean model using a potentially poisoned dataset. Previous training-time defense mechanisms typically employ an one-time isolation process, often leading to suboptimal isolation outcomes. In this study, we present a novel and efficacious defense method, termed Progressive Isolation of Poisoned Data (PIPD), that progressively isolates poisoned data to enhance the isolation accuracy and mitigate the risk of benign samples being misclassified as poisoned ones. Once the poisoned portion of the dataset has been identified, we introduce a selective training process to train a clean model. Through the implementation of these techniques, we ensure that the trained model manifests a significantly diminished attack success rate against the poisoned data. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets and DNN models, assessed against nine state-of-the-art backdoor attacks, demonstrate the superior performance of our PIPD method for backdoor defense. For instance, our PIPD achieves an average True Positive Rate (TPR) of 99.95% and an average False Positive Rate (FPR) of 0.06% for diverse attacks over CIFAR-10 dataset, markedly surpassing the performance of state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted to AAAI202

    From Rank Estimation to Rank Approximation: Rank Residual Constraint for Image Restoration

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    In this paper, we propose a novel approach to the rank minimization problem, termed rank residual constraint (RRC) model. Different from existing low-rank based approaches, such as the well-known nuclear norm minimization (NNM) and the weighted nuclear norm minimization (WNNM), which estimate the underlying low-rank matrix directly from the corrupted observations, we progressively approximate the underlying low-rank matrix via minimizing the rank residual. Through integrating the image nonlocal self-similarity (NSS) prior with the proposed RRC model, we apply it to image restoration tasks, including image denoising and image compression artifacts reduction. Towards this end, we first obtain a good reference of the original image groups by using the image NSS prior, and then the rank residual of the image groups between this reference and the degraded image is minimized to achieve a better estimate to the desired image. In this manner, both the reference and the estimated image are updated gradually and jointly in each iteration. Based on the group-based sparse representation model, we further provide a theoretical analysis on the feasibility of the proposed RRC model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed RRC model outperforms many state-of-the-art schemes in both the objective and perceptual quality

    Rethinking Image Forgery Detection via Contrastive Learning and Unsupervised Clustering

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    Image forgery detection aims to detect and locate forged regions in an image. Most existing forgery detection algorithms formulate classification problems to classify pixels into forged or pristine. However, the definition of forged and pristine pixels is only relative within one single image, e.g., a forged region in image A is actually a pristine one in its source image B (splicing forgery). Such a relative definition has been severely overlooked by existing methods, which unnecessarily mix forged (pristine) regions across different images into the same category. To resolve this dilemma, we propose the FOrensic ContrAstive cLustering (FOCAL) method, a novel, simple yet very effective paradigm based on contrastive learning and unsupervised clustering for the image forgery detection. Specifically, FOCAL 1) utilizes pixel-level contrastive learning to supervise the high-level forensic feature extraction in an image-by-image manner, explicitly reflecting the above relative definition; 2) employs an on-the-fly unsupervised clustering algorithm (instead of a trained one) to cluster the learned features into forged/pristine categories, further suppressing the cross-image influence from training data; and 3) allows to further boost the detection performance via simple feature-level concatenation without the need of retraining. Extensive experimental results over six public testing datasets demonstrate that our proposed FOCAL significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art competing algorithms by big margins: +24.3% on Coverage, +18.6% on Columbia, +17.5% on FF++, +14.2% on MISD, +13.5% on CASIA and +10.3% on NIST in terms of IoU. The paradigm of FOCAL could bring fresh insights and serve as a novel benchmark for the image forgery detection task. The code is available at https://github.com/HighwayWu/FOCAL

    Generalizable Synthetic Image Detection via Language-guided Contrastive Learning

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    The heightened realism of AI-generated images can be attributed to the rapid development of synthetic models, including generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models (DMs). The malevolent use of synthetic images, such as the dissemination of fake news or the creation of fake profiles, however, raises significant concerns regarding the authenticity of images. Though many forensic algorithms have been developed for detecting synthetic images, their performance, especially the generalization capability, is still far from being adequate to cope with the increasing number of synthetic models. In this work, we propose a simple yet very effective synthetic image detection method via a language-guided contrastive learning and a new formulation of the detection problem. We first augment the training images with carefully-designed textual labels, enabling us to use a joint image-text contrastive learning for the forensic feature extraction. In addition, we formulate the synthetic image detection as an identification problem, which is vastly different from the traditional classification-based approaches. It is shown that our proposed LanguAge-guided SynThEsis Detection (LASTED) model achieves much improved generalizability to unseen image generation models and delivers promising performance that far exceeds state-of-the-art competitors by +22.66% accuracy and +15.24% AUC. The code is available at https://github.com/HighwayWu/LASTED

    Under-Display Camera Image Restoration with Scattering Effect

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    The under-display camera (UDC) provides consumers with a full-screen visual experience without any obstruction due to notches or punched holes. However, the semi-transparent nature of the display inevitably introduces the severe degradation into UDC images. In this work, we address the UDC image restoration problem with the specific consideration of the scattering effect caused by the display. We explicitly model the scattering effect by treating the display as a piece of homogeneous scattering medium. With the physical model of the scattering effect, we improve the image formation pipeline for the image synthesis to construct a realistic UDC dataset with ground truths. To suppress the scattering effect for the eventual UDC image recovery, a two-branch restoration network is designed. More specifically, the scattering branch leverages global modeling capabilities of the channel-wise self-attention to estimate parameters of the scattering effect from degraded images. While the image branch exploits the local representation advantage of CNN to recover clear scenes, implicitly guided by the scattering branch. Extensive experiments are conducted on both real-world and synthesized data, demonstrating the superiority of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art UDC restoration techniques. The source code and dataset are available at \url{https://github.com/NamecantbeNULL/SRUDC}.Comment: Accepted to ICCV202
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