4 research outputs found

    Characteristics and Recent Development of Fluoride Magneto-Optical Crystals

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    Magneto-optical materials are the fundamental component of Faraday isolators; therefore, they are significantly important for solid-state laser systems. Fluoride magneto-optical crystals such as CeF3, KTb3F10 and LiTbF4 exhibit advantages of wide transmittance range, high optical homogeneity, smaller thermal lensing and weaker thermal induced depolarization effect, and thus are promising candidates for Faraday isolators in high-power solid-state lasers. Recent progress in crystal growth and characterizations of these fluoride magneto-optical crystals are introduced. Possible applications of Faraday isolators based on various fluoride crystals are discussed, especially for solid-state lasers in the ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) spectral region

    Characteristics and Recent Development of Fluoride Magneto-Optical Crystals

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    Magneto-optical materials are the fundamental component of Faraday isolators; therefore, they are significantly important for solid-state laser systems. Fluoride magneto-optical crystals such as CeF3, KTb3F10 and LiTbF4 exhibit advantages of wide transmittance range, high optical homogeneity, smaller thermal lensing and weaker thermal induced depolarization effect, and thus are promising candidates for Faraday isolators in high-power solid-state lasers. Recent progress in crystal growth and characterizations of these fluoride magneto-optical crystals are introduced. Possible applications of Faraday isolators based on various fluoride crystals are discussed, especially for solid-state lasers in the ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) spectral region

    Cooperation effect of indium and vanadium co-doped into bismuth-iron garnets on magnetic properties

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    For achieving tunable saturation magnetization and line width, different cations were doped into the YIG-based garnets, which the standard molecular formula could be expressed as A _3 [Fe _2−x M _x ](Fe _3−y N _y )O _12 . Most researchers have reported a single rule of one element doping (x or y) on its magnetic properties. However, the cooperation effect of x + y to the magnetic contribution was not clearly clarified. In this work, multi-doped bismuth-iron garnets {Bi _0.84 Ca _2.16 }[Fe _2−x In _x ](Fe _3−y V _y )O _12 (x = 0.72–0.14 and y = 1.24–1.38) with low saturation magnetizations (4 πM _s  = 200–600 Gs at 298 K) were prepared by a conventional fluxing agent method. The cooperation effect of In ^3+ and V ^5+ co-doped into bismuth-iron garnets (BIG) on their structures and magnetic properties were systematically investigated using XPS, TEM and VSM. It could be found that the total doped concentration (x + y) was decreasing regardless of the increasing V concentration (y) and decreasing In concentration (x). As-synthesized BIG presented a well single-crystal structure, and the lattice spacing was decreasing with the decrease of x + y in accompanying with the transition of dislocations from point defects to edge dislocations. Both linear increase of Curie temperature and 4 πM _s with the decrease of x + y was revealed. The mechanism could be attributed that the doped non-magnetic ions could reduce the average nearest-neighbor coordination irons for oxygen ions and weaken the anti-ferromagnetic super-exchange interactions among the magnetic ions within the structure, namely dilution effect. By comparison, the total concentraions were higher than that of previous works, which the tailorable 4 πM _s of ferrite was not reported. Here we revealed the controllable 4 πM _s with higher total concentrations (x + y ≥ 1.52). These findings will be provided more opportunities for applications in microwave devices