6,467 research outputs found

    Phonon and Raman scattering of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides from monolayer, multilayer to bulk material

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    Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) nanosheets exhibit remarkable electronic and optical properties. The 2D features, sizable bandgaps, and recent advances in the synthesis, characterization, and device fabrication of the representative MoS2_2, WS2_2, WSe2_2, and MoSe2_2 TMDs make TMDs very attractive in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. Similar to graphite and graphene, the atoms within each layer in 2D TMDs are joined together by covalent bonds, while van der Waals interactions keep the layers together. This makes the physical and chemical properties of 2D TMDs layer dependent. In this review, we discuss the basic lattice vibrations of monolayer, multilayer, and bulk TMDs, including high-frequency optical phonons, interlayer shear and layer breathing phonons, the Raman selection rule, layer-number evolution of phonons, multiple phonon replica, and phonons at the edge of the Brillouin zone. The extensive capabilities of Raman spectroscopy in investigating the properties of TMDs are discussed, such as interlayer coupling, spin--orbit splitting, and external perturbations. The interlayer vibrational modes are used in rapid and substrate-free characterization of the layer number of multilayer TMDs and in probing interface coupling in TMD heterostructures. The success of Raman spectroscopy in investigating TMD nanosheets paves the way for experiments on other 2D crystals and related van der Waals heterostructures.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figure

    Parameterization of Stillinger-Weber Potential for Two- Dimensional Atomic Crystals

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    We parametrize the Stillinger-Weber potential for 156 two-dimensional atomic crystals (TDACs). Parameters for the Stillinger-Weber potential are obtained from the valence force field (VFF) model following the analytic approach (Nanotechnology. 2015;26:315706), in which the valence force constants are determined by the phonon spectrum. The Stillinger-Weber potential is an efficient nonlinear interaction and is applicable for numerical simulations of nonlinear physical or mechanical processes. The supplemental resources for all simulations in the present work are available online in http://jiangjinwu.org/sw, including a Fortran code to generate crystals’ structures, files for molecular dynamics simulations using LAMMPS, files for phonon calculations with the Stillinger-Weber potential using GULP, and files for phonon calculations with the valence force field model using GULP

    Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoribbons with High Optical Anisotropy

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    Two-dimensional Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) has shown promising prospects for the next generation electronics and optoelectronics devices. The monolayer MoS2 can be patterned into quasi-one-dimensional anisotropic MoS2 nanoribbons (MNRs), in which theoretical calculations have predicted novel properties. However, little work has been carried out in the experimental exploration of MNRs with a width of less than 20 nm where the geometrical confinement can lead to interesting phenomenon. Here, we prepared MNRs with width between 5 nm to 15 nm by direct helium ion beam milling. High optical anisotropy of these MNRs is revealed by the systematic study of optical contrast and Raman spectroscopy. The Raman modes in MNRs show strong polarization dependence. Besides that the E' and A'1 peaks are broadened by the phonon-confinement effect, the modes corresponding to singularities of vibrational density of states are activated by edges. The peculiar polarization behavior of Raman modes can be explained by the anisotropy of light absorption in MNRs, which is evidenced by the polarized optical contrast. The study opens the possibility to explore quasione-dimensional materials with high optical anisotropy from isotropic 2D family of transition metal dichalcogenides

    Analysis of spherical indentation of materials with plastically graded surface layer

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    AbstractIn the present work, a comprehensive parametric study for establishing contact mechanics of instrumented normal spherical indentation on homogeneous materials and materials with plastically graded surface layer (PGSL) was undertaken by dimensional analysis and finite element modeling. The spherical indentation response for homogeneous materials can be described only by two dimensionless parameters: strain hardening exponent and a unified parameter that can describe effects of both the normalized yield strength and the normalized indentation depth. The influences of these two parameters were investigated for a wide range of engineering materials, and the results may be used as an estimate of loading response and pile-up/sink-in behavior when the material properties are known. In the materials with PGSL, a linear gradient in yield strength, and no variation in elastic modulus and strain hardening exponent were explored. The indentation response of the materials with PGSL can be described only by three dimensionless parameters: the normalized indentation depth, the dimensionless strength gradient parameter, and the normalized PGSL thickness. The effects of these three parameters were studied systematically. The normalized pile-up/sink-in parameter is found to be an increasing function of the strength gradient parameter. The normalized pile-up/sink-in parameter increases (decreases) with increasing PGSL thickness for a fixed positive (negative) gradient case at large indentation depth. The results also indicate that the materials with positive PGSL can bear more loads and have significantly more resistance to contact crack formation

    Foundation Design and Settlement Measurement of CCTV New Headquarter

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    The China Central Television (CCTV) New Headquarter is situated in Chaoyang District of Beijing. It consists of two main towers and podiums. The bored piles with diameter of 1200mm and single pile bearing capacity of 11000kN were chosen for the towers. Through the combination of pile-end and shaft grouting, as well as in-situ bearing capacity tests of piles with different pile length, the pile length, the costs and construction difficulties were reduced considerably. Based on the concept of interactions among the superstructure, the foundation raft, the piles and soils, calculations and analysis were carried out on the design of the piles and raft, ensuring the settlements and internal forces be kept at allowable levels. The piles were unevenly distributed below the raft to meet the requirements on settlements, internal forces and tilt control. The maximum thickness of the raft is controlled by the shear strength of the raft. The raft thickness varied from the maximum 7m (Tower 1) and 6m (Tower 2) to the minimum 4.5m.Field monitoring of the settlements, internal forces of raft, reaction forces at pile tops, water and earth pressures etc. was carried out during the construction process. The data of field settlement measurements were then studied