10,498 research outputs found

    Two-Stage Bagging Pruning for Reducing the Ensemble Size and Improving the Classification Performance

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    Ensemble methods, such as the traditional bagging algorithm, can usually improve the performance of a single classifier. However, they usually require large storage space as well as relatively time-consuming predictions. Many approaches were developed to reduce the ensemble size and improve the classification performance by pruning the traditional bagging algorithms. In this article, we proposed a two-stage strategy to prune the traditional bagging algorithm by combining two simple approaches: accuracy-based pruning (AP) and distance-based pruning (DP). These two methods, as well as their two combinations, “AP+DP” and “DP+AP” as the two-stage pruning strategy, were all examined. Comparing with the single pruning methods, we found that the two-stage pruning methods can furthermore reduce the ensemble size and improve the classification. “AP+DP” method generally performs better than the “DP+AP” method when using four base classifiers: decision tree, Gaussian naive Bayes, K-nearest neighbor, and logistic regression. Moreover, as compared to the traditional bagging, the two-stage method “AP+DP” improved the classification accuracy by 0.88%, 4.06%, 1.26%, and 0.96%, respectively, averaged over 28 datasets under the four base classifiers. It was also observed that “AP+DP” outperformed other three existing algorithms Brag, Nice, and TB assessed on 8 common datasets. In summary, the proposed two-stage pruning methods are simple and promising approaches, which can both reduce the ensemble size and improve the classification accuracy

    Characteristic length of a Holographic Superconductor with dd-wave gap

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    After the discovery of the ss-wave and pp-wave holographic superconductors, holographic models of dd-wave superconductor have also been constructed recently. We study analytically the perturbation of the dual gravity theory to calculate the superconducting coherence length ξ\xi of the dd-wave holographic superconductor near the superconducting phase transition point. The superconducting coherence length ξ\xi divergents as (1T/Tc)1/2(1-T/T_c)^{-1/2} near the critical temperature TcT_c. We also obtain the magnetic penetration depth λ(TcT)1/2\lambda\propto(T_c-T)^{-1/2} by adding a small external homogeneous magnetic field. The results agree with the ss-wave and pp-wave models, which are also the same as the Ginzburg-Landau theory.Comment: last version, 10 pages, accepted by PR

    Proton Mass Decomposition from the QCD Energy Momentum Tensor

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    We report results on the proton mass decomposition and also on related quark and glue momentum fractions. The results are based on overlap valence fermions on four ensembles of Nf=2+1N_f = 2+1 DWF configurations with three lattice spacings and three volumes, and several pion masses including the physical pion mass. With fully non-perturbative renormalization (and universal normalization on both quark and gluon), we find that the quark energy and glue field energy contribute 33(4)(4)\% and 37(5)(4)\% respectively in the MS\overline{MS} scheme at μ=2\mu = 2 GeV. A quarter of the trace anomaly gives a 23(1)(1)\% contribution to the proton mass based on the sum rule, given 9(2)(1)\% contribution from the u,d,u, d, and ss quark scalar condensates. The u,d,su,d,s and glue momentum fractions in the MS\overline{MS} scheme are in good agreement with global analyses at μ=2\mu = 2 GeV.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure