185 research outputs found

    Coordinate Quantized Neural Implicit Representations for Multi-view Reconstruction

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    In recent years, huge progress has been made on learning neural implicit representations from multi-view images for 3D reconstruction. As an additional input complementing coordinates, using sinusoidal functions as positional encodings plays a key role in revealing high frequency details with coordinate-based neural networks. However, high frequency positional encodings make the optimization unstable, which results in noisy reconstructions and artifacts in empty space. To resolve this issue in a general sense, we introduce to learn neural implicit representations with quantized coordinates, which reduces the uncertainty and ambiguity in the field during optimization. Instead of continuous coordinates, we discretize continuous coordinates into discrete coordinates using nearest interpolation among quantized coordinates which are obtained by discretizing the field in an extremely high resolution. We use discrete coordinates and their positional encodings to learn implicit functions through volume rendering. This significantly reduces the variations in the sample space, and triggers more multi-view consistency constraints on intersections of rays from different views, which enables to infer implicit function in a more effective way. Our quantized coordinates do not bring any computational burden, and can seamlessly work upon the latest methods. Our evaluations under the widely used benchmarks show our superiority over the state-of-the-art. Our code is available at https://github.com/MachinePerceptionLab/CQ-NIR.Comment: to be appeared at ICCV 202

    Semantic Parsing for Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel method with graph-to-segment mapping for question answering over knowledge graphs, which helps understanding question utterances. This method centers on semantic parsing, a key approach for interpreting these utterances. The challenges lie in comprehending implicit entities, relationships, and complex constraints like time, ordinality, and aggregation within questions, contextualized by the knowledge graph. Our framework employs a combination of rule-based and neural-based techniques to parse and construct highly accurate and comprehensive semantic segment sequences. These sequences form semantic query graphs, effectively representing question utterances. We approach question semantic parsing as a sequence generation task, utilizing an encoder-decoder neural network to transform natural language questions into semantic segments. Moreover, to enhance the parsing of implicit entities and relations, we incorporate a graph neural network that leverages the context of the knowledge graph to better understand question representations. Our experimental evaluations on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superior performance of our model in semantic parsing for question answering.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2401.0296

    Privacy-preserving Energy Scheduling for Smart Grid with Renewables

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    We consider joint demand response and power procurement to optimize the average social welfare of a smart power grid system with renewable sources. The renewable sources such as wind and solar energy are intermittent and fluctuate rapidly. As a consequence, the demand response algorithm needs to be executed in real time to ensure the stability of a smart grid system with renewable sources. We develop a demand response algorithm that converges to the optimal solution with superlinear rates of convergence. In the simulation studies, the proposed algorithm converges roughly thirty time faster than the traditional subgradient algorithm. In addition, it is fully distributed and can be realized either synchronously or in asynchronous manner, which eases practical deployment

    Natural Language based Context Modeling and Reasoning with LLMs: A Tutorial

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    Large language models (LLMs) have become phenomenally surging, since 2018--two decades after introducing context-awareness into computing systems. Through taking into account the situations of ubiquitous devices, users and the societies, context-aware computing has enabled a wide spectrum of innovative applications, such as assisted living, location-based social network services and so on. To recognize contexts and make decisions for actions accordingly, various artificial intelligence technologies, such as Ontology and OWL, have been adopted as representations for context modeling and reasoning. Recently, with the rise of LLMs and their improved natural language understanding and reasoning capabilities, it has become feasible to model contexts using natural language and perform context reasoning by interacting with LLMs such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. In this tutorial, we demonstrate the use of texts, prompts, and autonomous agents (AutoAgents) that enable LLMs to perform context modeling and reasoning without requiring fine-tuning of the model. We organize and introduce works in the related field, and name this computing paradigm as the LLM-driven Context-aware Computing (LCaC). In the LCaC paradigm, users' requests, sensors reading data, and the command to actuators are supposed to be represented as texts. Given the text of users' request and sensor data, the AutoAgent models the context by prompting and sends to the LLM for context reasoning. LLM generates a plan of actions and responds to the AutoAgent, which later follows the action plan to foster context-awareness. To prove the concepts, we use two showcases--(1) operating a mobile z-arm in an apartment for assisted living, and (2) planning a trip and scheduling the itinerary in a context-aware and personalized manner.Comment: Under revie

    EdgeSense: Edge-Mediated Spatial-Temporal Crowdsensing

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    Edge computing recently is increasingly popular due to the growth of data size and the need of sensing with the reduced center. Based on Edge computing architecture, we propose a novel crowdsensing framework called Edge-Mediated Spatial-Temporal Crowdsensing. This algorithm targets on receiving the environment information such as air pollution, temperature, and traffic flow in some parts of the goal area, and does not aggregate sensor data with its location information. Specifically, EdgeSense works on top of a secured peer-To-peer network consisted of participants and propose a novel Decentralized Spatial-Temporal Crowdsensing framework based on Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent. To approximate the sensing data in each part of the target area in each sensing cycle, EdgeSense uses the local sensor data in participants\u27 mobile devices to learn the low-rank characteristic and then recovers the sensing data from it. We evaluate the EdgeSense on the real-world data sets (temperature [1] and PM2.5 [2] data sets), where our algorithm can achieve low error in approximation and also can compete with the baseline algorithm which is designed using centralized and aggregated mechanism

    CompoNeRF: Text-guided Multi-object Compositional NeRF with Editable 3D Scene Layout

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    Recent advances have shown promise in merging neural radiance fields (NeRFs) with pre-trained diffusion models for text-to-3D object generation. However, one enduring challenge is their inadequate capability to accurately parse and regenerate consistent multi-object environments. Specifically, these models encounter difficulties in accurately representing quantity and style prompted by multi-object texts, often resulting in a collapse of the rendering fidelity that fails to match the semantic intricacies. Moreover, amalgamating these elements into a coherent 3D scene is a substantial challenge, stemming from generic distribution inherent in diffusion models. To tackle the issue of 'guidance collapse' and enhance consistency, we propose a novel framework, dubbed CompoNeRF, by integrating an editable 3D scene layout with object specific and scene-wide guidance mechanisms. It initiates by interpreting a complex text into an editable 3D layout populated with multiple NeRFs, each paired with a corresponding subtext prompt for precise object depiction. Next, a tailored composition module seamlessly blends these NeRFs, promoting consistency, while the dual-level text guidance reduces ambiguity and boosts accuracy. Noticeably, the unique modularity of CompoNeRF permits NeRF decomposition. This enables flexible scene editing and recomposition into new scenes based on the edited layout or text prompts. Utilizing the open source Stable Diffusion model, CompoNeRF not only generates scenes with high fidelity but also paves the way for innovative multi-object composition using editable 3D layouts. Remarkably, our framework achieves up to a 54\% improvement in performance, as measured by the multi-view CLIP score metric. Code is available at https://github.com/hbai98/Componerf

    Searching for Radio Outflows from M31* with VLBI Observations

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    As one of the nearest and most dormant supermassive black holes (SMBHs), M31* provides a rare but promising opportunity for studying the physics of black hole accretion and feedback at the quiescent state. Previous Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations with an arcsec resolution have detected M31* as a compact radio source over centimeter wavelengths, but the steep radio spectrum suggests optically-thin synchrotron radiation from an outflow driven by a hot accretion flow onto the SMBH. Aiming to probe the putative radio outflow, we have conducted milli-arcsec-resolution very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations of M31* in 2016, primarily at 5 GHz and combining the Very Long Baseline Array, Tianma-65m and Shanghai-25m Radio Telescopes. Despite the unprecedented simultaneous resolution and sensitivity achieved, no significant (≳3σ\gtrsim 3\sigma) signal is detected at the putative position of M31* given an RMS level of 5.9 μJy beam−1\rm 5.9~\mu Jy\ beam^{-1}, thus ruling out a point-like source with a peak flux density comparable to that (∼30 μJy beam−1\sim30~\mu Jy\ beam^{-1}) measured by the VLA observations taken in 2012. We disfavor the possibility that M31* has substantially faded since 2012, in view that a 2017 VLA observation successfully detected M31* at a historically-high peak flux density (∼75 μJy beam−1\sim75~\mu Jy\ beam^{-1} at 6 GHz). Instead, the non-detection of the VLBI observations is best interpreted as the arcsec-scale core being resolved out at the milli-arcsec-scale, suggesting an intrinsic size of M31* at 5 GHz larger than ∼300\sim300 times the Schwarzschild radius. Such extended radio emission may originate from a hot wind driven by the weakly accreting SMBH.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Ultrasound-induced release of micropallets with cells

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    Separation of selected adherent live cells attached on an array of microelements, termed micropallets, from a mixed population is an important process in biomedical research. We demonstrated that adherent cells can be safely, selectively, and rapidly released from the glass substrate together with micropallets using an ultrasound wave. A 3.3-MHz ultrasound transducer was used to release micropallets (500 μm × 500 μm × 300 μm) with attached HeLa cells, and a cell viability of 92% was obtained after ultrasound release. The ultrasound-induced release process was recorded by a high-speed camera, revealing a proximate velocity of ∼0.5 m/s
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