23,913 research outputs found

    Pair Superfluid and Supersolid of Correlated Hard-Core Bosons on a Triangular Lattice

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    We have systematically studied the hard-core Bose-Hubbard model with correlated hopping on a triangular lattice using density-matrix renormalization group method. A rich ground state phase diagram is determined. In this phase diagram there is a supersolid phase and a pair superfluid phase due to the interplay between the ordinary frustrated boson hopping and an unusual correlated hopping. In particular, we find that the quantum phase transition between the supersolid phase and the pair superfluid phase is continuous.Comment: 5.5 pages, 5 figure

    Pair density wave in doped three-band Hubbard model on square lattice

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    A pair density wave (PDW) is a superconducting (SC) state with spatially modulated order parameter. Although much is known about the properties of the PDW state, its realization in microscopic models with divergent susceptibility has been challenging. Here we report a density-matrix renormalization group study of a three-band Hubbard model (also known as the Emery model) for cuprates on long two-leg square cylinders. Upon light doping, we find that the ground state of the system is consistent with that of a PDW state with mutually commensurate and power-law SC, charge (CDW) and spin (SDW) density wave correlations. The SC correlations are dominant between neighboring Cu sites with d-wave pairing symmetry. Interestingly, we find that the near-neighbor interactions, especially the near-neighbor attractive VpdV_{pd} interaction between neighboring Cu and oxygen sites, can notably enhance the SC correlations while simultaneously suppressing the CDW correlations. For a modestly strong attractive VpdV_{pd}, the SC correlations become quasi-long-ranged with a divergent PDW susceptibility.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A General Analysis of Wtb anomalous Couplings

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    We investigate new physics effects on the Wtb effective couplings in a model-independent manner. The new physics effects are summarized as four independent couplings f1Lf_1^L, f1Rf_1^R, f2Lf_2^L and f2Rf_2^R. Using single-top-quark productions and W-helicity fraction measurements at the LHC and Tevatron, we perform a global fit to impose constraints on top quark effective couplings. We introduce a set of parameters x0x_0, xmx_m, xpx_p and x5x_5 to study the correlations among Wtb effective couplings. We show that (i) improving the measurements of Οƒt\sigma_t and ΟƒtW\sigma_{tW} is important in constraining the correlation of (f1R,f2R)(f_1^R,f_2^R) and (f2L,f2R)(f_2^L,f_2^R); (ii) f1Lf_1^L and f2Rf_2^R are anti-correlated, which is sensitive to all the experiments; (iii) f1Rf_1^R and f2Lf_2^L are also anti-correlated, which is sensitive to the W-helicity measurements; (iv) the correlation between f2Lf_2^L and f2Rf_2^R is sensitive to the precision of Οƒt\sigma_t, ΟƒtW\sigma_{tW} and F0F_0 measurements. The effective Wtb couplings are studied in three kinds of new physics models: SU(2)1Γ—SU(2)2Γ—U(1)XSU(2)_1 \times SU(2)_2 \times U(1)_X models, vector-like quark models and Littlest Higgs model with and without T-parity. The Wtb couplings in the left-right model and the un-unified model are sensitive to the ratio of gauge couplings when the new heavy gauge boson's mass (MWβ€²M_{W'}) is less than several hundred GeV, but the constraint is loose if MWβ€²>1M_{W'}>1 TeV. The Wtb couplings in vector-like quark models and the Littlest Higgs models are sensitive to the mixing angles of new heavy particles and SM particles. We also include the constraints of the oblique T-parameter and Zbb couplings which impose much tighter constraints on the mixing angles. We show that the Wtb coupling constraints become relevant if the precision of single top production cross section measurements could be reduced to 1\% relative to the SM predictions in future.Comment: Chin. Phys. C in pres
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