198 research outputs found

    PixMIM: Rethinking Pixel Reconstruction in Masked Image Modeling

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    Masked Image Modeling (MIM) has achieved promising progress with the advent of Masked Autoencoders (MAE) and BEiT. However, subsequent works have complicated the framework with new auxiliary tasks or extra pre-trained models, inevitably increasing computational overhead. This paper undertakes a fundamental analysis of MIM from the perspective of pixel reconstruction, which examines the input image patches and reconstruction target, and highlights two critical but previously overlooked bottlenecks. Based on this analysis, we propose a remarkably simple and effective method, {\ourmethod}, that entails two strategies: 1) filtering the high-frequency components from the reconstruction target to de-emphasize the network's focus on texture-rich details and 2) adopting a conservative data transform strategy to alleviate the problem of missing foreground in MIM training. {\ourmethod} can be easily integrated into most existing pixel-based MIM approaches (\ie, using raw images as reconstruction target) with negligible additional computation. Without bells and whistles, our method consistently improves three MIM approaches, MAE, ConvMAE, and LSMAE, across various downstream tasks. We believe this effective plug-and-play method will serve as a strong baseline for self-supervised learning and provide insights for future improvements of the MIM framework. Code and models are available at \url{https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmselfsup/tree/dev-1.x/configs/selfsup/pixmim}.Comment: Update code link and add additional result

    Collaborative Propagation on Multiple Instance Graphs for 3D Instance Segmentation with Single-point Supervision

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    Instance segmentation on 3D point clouds has been attracting increasing attention due to its wide applications, especially in scene understanding areas. However, most existing methods operate on fully annotated data while manually preparing ground-truth labels at point-level is very cumbersome and labor-intensive. To address this issue, we propose a novel weakly supervised method RWSeg that only requires labeling one object with one point. With these sparse weak labels, we introduce a unified framework with two branches to propagate semantic and instance information respectively to unknown regions using self-attention and a cross-graph random walk method. Specifically, we propose a Cross-graph Competing Random Walks (CRW) algorithm that encourages competition among different instance graphs to resolve ambiguities in closely placed objects, improving instance assignment accuracy. RWSeg generates high-quality instance-level pseudo labels. Experimental results on ScanNet-v2 and S3DIS datasets show that our approach achieves comparable performance with fully-supervised methods and outperforms previous weakly-supervised methods by a substantial margin

    GenRES: Rethinking Evaluation for Generative Relation Extraction in the Era of Large Language Models

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    The field of relation extraction (RE) is experiencing a notable shift towards generative relation extraction (GRE), leveraging the capabilities of large language models (LLMs). However, we discovered that traditional relation extraction (RE) metrics like precision and recall fall short in evaluating GRE methods. This shortfall arises because these metrics rely on exact matching with human-annotated reference relations, while GRE methods often produce diverse and semantically accurate relations that differ from the references. To fill this gap, we introduce GenRES for a multi-dimensional assessment in terms of the topic similarity, uniqueness, granularity, factualness, and completeness of the GRE results. With GenRES, we empirically identified that (1) precision/recall fails to justify the performance of GRE methods; (2) human-annotated referential relations can be incomplete; (3) prompting LLMs with a fixed set of relations or entities can cause hallucinations. Next, we conducted a human evaluation of GRE methods that shows GenRES is consistent with human preferences for RE quality. Last, we made a comprehensive evaluation of fourteen leading LLMs using GenRES across document, bag, and sentence level RE datasets, respectively, to set the benchmark for future research in GR

    Learning-Based Biharmonic Augmentation for Point Cloud Classification

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    Point cloud datasets often suffer from inadequate sample sizes in comparison to image datasets, making data augmentation challenging. While traditional methods, like rigid transformations and scaling, have limited potential in increasing dataset diversity due to their constraints on altering individual sample shapes, we introduce the Biharmonic Augmentation (BA) method. BA is a novel and efficient data augmentation technique that diversifies point cloud data by imposing smooth non-rigid deformations on existing 3D structures. This approach calculates biharmonic coordinates for the deformation function and learns diverse deformation prototypes. Utilizing a CoefNet, our method predicts coefficients to amalgamate these prototypes, ensuring comprehensive deformation. Moreover, we present AdvTune, an advanced online augmentation system that integrates adversarial training. This system synergistically refines the CoefNet and the classification network, facilitating the automated creation of adaptive shape deformations contingent on the learner status. Comprehensive experimental analysis validates the superiority of Biharmonic Augmentation, showcasing notable performance improvements over prevailing point cloud augmentation techniques across varied network designs

    Multi-Path Region Mining For Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation on Point Clouds

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    Point clouds provide intrinsic geometric information and surface context for scene understanding. Existing methods for point cloud segmentation require a large amount of fully labeled data. Using advanced depth sensors, collection of large scale 3D dataset is no longer a cumbersome process. However, manually producing point-level label on the large scale dataset is time and labor-intensive. In this paper, we propose a weakly supervised approach to predict point-level results using weak labels on 3D point clouds. We introduce our multi-path region mining module to generate pseudo point-level label from a classification network trained with weak labels. It mines the localization cues for each class from various aspects of the network feature using different attention modules. Then, we use the point-level pseudo labels to train a point cloud segmentation network in a fully supervised manner. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method that uses cloud-level weak labels on raw 3D space to train a point cloud semantic segmentation network. In our setting, the 3D weak labels only indicate the classes that appeared in our input sample. We discuss both scene- and subcloud-level weakly labels on raw 3D point cloud data and perform in-depth experiments on them. On ScanNet dataset, our result trained with subcloud-level labels is compatible with some fully supervised methods.Comment: Accepted by CVPR202

    EPCFormer: Expression Prompt Collaboration Transformer for Universal Referring Video Object Segmentation

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    Audio-guided Video Object Segmentation (A-VOS) and Referring Video Object Segmentation (R-VOS) are two highly-related tasks, which both aim to segment specific objects from video sequences according to user-provided expression prompts. However, due to the challenges in modeling representations for different modalities, contemporary methods struggle to strike a balance between interaction flexibility and high-precision localization and segmentation. In this paper, we address this problem from two perspectives: the alignment representation of audio and text and the deep interaction among audio, text, and visual features. First, we propose a universal architecture, the Expression Prompt Collaboration Transformer, herein EPCFormer. Next, we propose an Expression Alignment (EA) mechanism for audio and text expressions. By introducing contrastive learning for audio and text expressions, the proposed EPCFormer realizes comprehension of the semantic equivalence between audio and text expressions denoting the same objects. Then, to facilitate deep interactions among audio, text, and video features, we introduce an Expression-Visual Attention (EVA) mechanism. The knowledge of video object segmentation in terms of the expression prompts can seamlessly transfer between the two tasks by deeply exploring complementary cues between text and audio. Experiments on well-recognized benchmarks demonstrate that our universal EPCFormer attains state-of-the-art results on both tasks. The source code of EPCFormer will be made publicly available at https://github.com/lab206/EPCFormer.Comment: The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/lab206/EPCForme

    Bi-Mapper: Holistic BEV Semantic Mapping for Autonomous Driving

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    A semantic map of the road scene, covering fundamental road elements, is an essential ingredient in autonomous driving systems. It provides important perception foundations for positioning and planning when rendered in the Bird's-Eye-View (BEV). Currently, the prior knowledge of hypothetical depth can guide the learning of translating front perspective views into BEV directly with the help of calibration parameters. However, it suffers from geometric distortions in the representation of distant objects. In addition, another stream of methods without prior knowledge can learn the transformation between front perspective views and BEV implicitly with a global view. Considering that the fusion of different learning methods may bring surprising beneficial effects, we propose a Bi-Mapper framework for top-down road-scene semantic understanding, which incorporates a global view and local prior knowledge. To enhance reliable interaction between them, an asynchronous mutual learning strategy is proposed. At the same time, an Across-Space Loss (ASL) is designed to mitigate the negative impact of geometric distortions. Extensive results on nuScenes and Cam2BEV datasets verify the consistent effectiveness of each module in the proposed Bi-Mapper framework. Compared with exiting road mapping networks, the proposed Bi-Mapper achieves 2.1% higher IoU on the nuScenes dataset. Moreover, we verify the generalization performance of Bi-Mapper in a real-world driving scenario. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/lynn-yu/Bi-Mapper.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/lynn-yu/Bi-Mappe

    MoDA: Modeling Deformable 3D Objects from Casual Videos

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    In this paper, we focus on the challenges of modeling deformable 3D objects from casual videos. With the popularity of neural radiance fields (NeRF), many works extend it to dynamic scenes with a canonical NeRF and a deformation model that achieves 3D point transformation between the observation space and the canonical space. Recent works rely on linear blend skinning (LBS) to achieve the canonical-observation transformation. However, the linearly weighted combination of rigid transformation matrices is not guaranteed to be rigid. As a matter of fact, unexpected scale and shear factors often appear. In practice, using LBS as the deformation model can always lead to skin-collapsing artifacts for bending or twisting motions. To solve this problem, we propose neural dual quaternion blend skinning (NeuDBS) to achieve 3D point deformation, which can perform rigid transformation without skin-collapsing artifacts. In the endeavor to register 2D pixels across different frames, we establish a correspondence between canonical feature embeddings that encodes 3D points within the canonical space, and 2D image features by solving an optimal transport problem. Besides, we introduce a texture filtering approach for texture rendering that effectively minimizes the impact of noisy colors outside target deformable objects. Extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets show that our approach can reconstruct 3D models for humans and animals with better qualitative and quantitative performance than state-of-the-art methods