12,268 research outputs found

    Quantifying the impact of future Sandage-Loeb test data on dark energy constraints

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    The Sandage-Loeb (SL) test is a unique method to probe dark energy in the "redshift desert" of 2≲z≲52\lesssim z\lesssim 5, and thus it provides an important supplement to the other dark energy probes. Therefore, it is of great importance to quantify how the future SL test data impact on the dark energy constraints. To avoid the potential inconsistency in data, we use the best-fitting model based on the other geometric measurements as the fiducial model to produce 30 mock SL test data. The 10-yr, 20-yr, and 30-yr observations of SL test are analyzed and compared in detail. We show that compared to the current combined data of type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation, cosmic microwave background, and Hubble constant, the 30-yr observation of SL test could improve the constraint on Ξ©m\Omega_m by about 8080% and the constraint on ww by about 2525%. Furthermore, the SL test can also improve the measurement of the possible direct interaction between dark energy and dark matter. We show that the SL test 30-yr data could improve the constraint on Ξ³\gamma by about 3030% and 1010% for the Q=Ξ³HρcQ=\gamma H\rho_c and Q=Ξ³HρdeQ=\gamma H\rho_{de} models, respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Parameter estimation with Sandage-Loeb test

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    The Sandage-Loeb (SL) test directly measures the expansion rate of the universe in the redshift range of 2≲z≲52\lesssim z\lesssim 5 by detecting redshift drift in the spectra of Lyman-Ξ±\alpha forest of distant quasars. We discuss the impact of the future SL test data on parameter estimation for the Ξ›\LambdaCDM, the wwCDM, and the w0waw_0w_aCDM models. To avoid the potential inconsistency with other observational data, we take the best-fitting dark energy model constrained by the current observations as the fiducial model to produce 30 mock SL test data. The SL test data provide an important supplement to the other dark energy probes, since they are extremely helpful in breaking the existing parameter degeneracies. We show that the strong degeneracy between Ξ©m\Omega_m and H0H_0 in all the three dark energy models is well broken by the SL test. Compared to the current combined data of type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation, cosmic microwave background, and Hubble constant, the 30-yr observation of SL test could improve the constraints on Ξ©m\Omega_m and H0H_0 by more than 60\% for all the three models. But the SL test can only moderately improve the constraint on the equation of state of dark energy. We show that a 30-yr observation of SL test could help improve the constraint on constant ww by about 25\%, and improve the constraints on w0w_0 and waw_a by about 20\% and 15\%, respectively. We also quantify the constraining power of the SL test in the future high-precision joint geometric constraints on dark energy. The mock future supernova and baryon acoustic oscillation data are simulated based on the space-based project JDEM. We find that the 30-yr observation of SL test would help improve the measurement precision of Ξ©m\Omega_m, H0H_0, and waw_a by more than 70\%, 20\%, and 60\%, respectively, for the w0waw_0w_aCDM model.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables; adding a new section to address future SN and BAO observations; accepted for publication in JCA

    Neutrinos and dark energy after Planck and BICEP2: data consistency tests and cosmological parameter constraints

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    The detection of the B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) by the BICEP2 experiment implies that the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr should be involved in the base standard cosmology. In this paper, we extend the Ξ›\LambdaCDM+rr+neutrino/dark radiation models by replacing the cosmological constant with the dynamical dark energy with constant ww. Four neutrino plus dark energy models are considered, i.e., the wwCDM+r+βˆ‘mΞ½r+\sum m_\nu, wwCDM+r + NeffN_{\rm eff}, wwCDM+r + βˆ‘mΞ½\sum m_\nu + NeffN_{\rm eff}, and wwCDM+r + NeffN_{\rm eff} + mΞ½,sterileeffm_{\nu,{\rm sterile}}^{\rm eff} models. The current observational data considered in this paper include the Planck temperature data, the WMAP 9-year polarization data, the baryon acoustic oscillation data, the Hubble constant direct measurement data, the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts data, the Planck CMB lensing data, the cosmic shear data, and the BICEP2 polarization data. We test the data consistency in the four cosmological models, and then combine the consistent data sets to perform joint constraints on the models. We focus on the constraints on the parameters ww, βˆ‘mΞ½\sum m_\nu, NeffN_{\rm eff}, and mΞ½,sterileeffm_{\nu,{\rm sterile}}^{\rm eff}.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Composite Features from off-the-Shelf Deep Models

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    Deep convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on image aesthetics assessment task. In this paper, we propose an efficient method which takes the global, local and scene-aware information of images into consideration and exploits the composite features extracted from corresponding pretrained deep learning models to classify the derived features with support vector machine. Contrary to popular methods that require fine-tuning or training a new model from scratch, our training-free method directly takes the deep features generated by off-the-shelf models for image classification and scene recognition. Also, we analyzed the factors that could influence the performance from two aspects: the architecture of the deep neural network and the contribution of local and scene-aware information. It turns out that deep residual network could produce more aesthetics-aware image representation and composite features lead to the improvement of overall performance. Experiments on common large-scale aesthetics assessment benchmarks demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art results in photo aesthetics assessment.Comment: Accepted by ICIP 201
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