6,643 research outputs found

    Competing Magnetic Orderings and Tunable Topological States in Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Organometallic Lattices

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    The exploration of topological states is of significant fundamental and practical importance in contemporary condensed matter physics, for which the extension to two-dimensional (2D) organometallic systems is particularly attractive. Using first-principles calculations, we show that a 2D hexagonal triphenyl-lead lattice composed of only main group elements is susceptible to a magnetic instability, characterized by a considerably more stable antiferromagnetic (AFM) insulating state rather than the topologically nontrivial quantum spin Hall state proposed recently. Even though this AFM phase is topologically trivial, it possesses an intricate emergent degree of freedom, defined by the product of spin and valley indices, leading to Berry curvature-induced spin and valley currents under electron or hole doping. Furthermore, such a trivial band insulator can be tuned into a topologically nontrivial matter by the application of an out-of-plane electric field, which destroys the AFM order, favoring instead ferrimagnetic spin ordering and a quantum anomalous Hall state with a non-zero topological invariant. These findings further enrich our understanding of 2D hexagonal organometallic lattices for potential applications in spintronics and valleytronics.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    An improved real hybrid genetic algorithm

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    Želeći riješiti problem prerane konvergencije genetskog algoritma i algoritma roja čestica, kako bi se omogućilo da te dvije metode konvergiraju ka globalnom optimalnom rješenju uz najveću vjerojatnoću te da se poboljša učinkovitost algoritma, u članku će se kombinirati poboljšani genetski algoritam s metodom poboljšane optimalizacije roja čestica da bi se sastavio miješani poboljšani algoritam. Uz različite referentne funkcije upotrjebljene za testiranje funkcioniranja stvarno hibridnog genetskog algoritma, rezultati pokazuju da hibridni algoritam ima dobru globalnu sposobnost pretraživanja, brzu konvergenciju, dobru kvalitetu rješenja i dobru performansu rezultata optimalizacije.Aiming at the problem of premature convergence of genetic algorithm and particle swarm algorithm, in order to let the two methods converge to the global optimal solution with the greatest probability and improve the efficiency of the algorithm, the paper will combine improved genetic algorithm with improved particle swarm optimization method to constitute mixed improved algorithm. Through multiple benchmark function used to test the performance of real hybrid genetic algorithm, the results show that hybrid algorithm has good global search ability, fast convergence, good quality of the solution, and good robust performance of its optimization results

    Polyols Prepared from Ring-Opening Epoxidized Soybean Oil by a Castor Oil-Based Fatty Diol

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    Several biorenewable vegetable oil-based polyols with different molecular weights and various hydroxyl functionalities were successfully prepared by ring-opening epoxidized soybean oil with a castor oil-based fatty diol. It was found that several factors, including reaction time, reaction temperature, and molar ratios between epoxidized soybean oil and castor oil diol, affect structures and rheology behaviors of the final polyols. Proton NMR, FT-IR, GPC, and rheometry results revealed that the hydroxyl functionalities, molecular weight, and viscosity of the polyols could be tailored by controlling the above-mentioned factors. Besides, the role of solvents in the epoxy ring-opening process was investigated as well

    A case crossover study on the impact of heat waves on non-accidental deaths in Jinan, China

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    Background: Heat waves can not only cause direct death from heat stroke but also lead to excess deaths due to other illnesses. Identifying contributing factors of population vulnerability to heat waves is particularly crucial because heat waves will affect the most disadvantaged populations aggravating health disparities. There has been little evidence on the risk of deaths from heat waves and associated contributing factors to the population vulnerability in Jinan. Purpose: To assess the impact of heat waves on non-accidental deaths and identify individual vulnerability factors to heat wave-related deaths in Jinan, China

    Sunspot shearing and sudden retraction motion associated with the 2013 August 17 M3.3 Flare

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    In this Letter, we give a detailed analysis to the M3.3 class flare that occurred on August 17, 2013 (SOL2013-08-17T18:16). It presents a clear picture of mutual magnetic interaction initially from the photosphere to the corona via the abrupt rapid shearing motion of a small sunspot before the flare, and then suddenly from the corona back to the photosphere via the sudden retraction motion of the same sunspot during the flare impulsive phase. About 10 hours before the flare, a small sunspot in the active region NOAA 11818 started to move northeast along a magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL), creating a shearing motion that changed the quasi-static state of the active region. A filament right above the PIL was activated following the movement of the sunspot and then got partially erupted. The eruption eventually led to the M3.3 flare. The sunspot was then suddenly pulled back to the opposite direction upon the flare onset. During the backward motion, the Lorentz force underwent a simultaneous impulsive change both in magnitude and direction. Its directional change is found to be conformable with the retraction motion. The observation provides direct evidence for the role of the shearing motion of the sunspot in powering and triggering the flare. It especially confirms that the abrupt motion of a sunspot during a solar flare is the result of a back reaction caused by the reconfiguration of the coronal magnetic field