52,507 research outputs found
Two-dimensional Rydberg gases and the quantum hard squares model
We study a two-dimensional lattice gas of atoms that are photo-excited to
high-lying Rydberg states in which they interact via the van-der-Waals
interaction. We explore the regime of dominant nearest neighbor interaction
where this system is intimately connected to a quantum version of Baxter's hard
squares model. We show that the strongly correlated ground state of the Rydberg
gas can be analytically described by a projected entangled pair state that
constitutes the ground state of the quantum hard squares model. This
correspondence allows us to identify a first order phase boundary where the
Rydberg gas undergoes a transition from a disordered (liquid) phase to an
ordered (solid) phase
3D Depthwise Convolution: Reducing Model Parameters in 3D Vision Tasks
Standard 3D convolution operations require much larger amounts of memory and
computation cost than 2D convolution operations. The fact has hindered the
development of deep neural nets in many 3D vision tasks. In this paper, we
investigate the possibility of applying depthwise separable convolutions in 3D
scenario and introduce the use of 3D depthwise convolution. A 3D depthwise
convolution splits a single standard 3D convolution into two separate steps,
which would drastically reduce the number of parameters in 3D convolutions with
more than one order of magnitude. We experiment with 3D depthwise convolution
on popular CNN architectures and also compare it with a similar structure
called pseudo-3D convolution. The results demonstrate that, with 3D depthwise
convolutions, 3D vision tasks like classification and reconstruction can be
carried out with more light-weighted neural networks while still delivering
comparable performances.Comment: Work in progres
Comment on "Does Gluons Carry Half of the Nucleon Momentum?" by X. S. Chen et. al. (PRL103, 062001 (2009))
The authors claim to have found a "proper", "gauge-invariant" definition of a
charged-particle's momentum in gauge theory, which is more "superior" than the
textbook version. I show that their result arises from a misunderstanding of
gauge symmetry by generalizing the Coulomb gauge result indiscriminately and is
not physical
The finite-temperature thermodynamics of a trapped unitary Fermi gas within fractional exclusion statistics
We utilize a fractional exclusion statistics of Haldane and Wu hypothesis to
study the thermodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas trapped in a harmonic
oscillator potential at ultra-low finite temperature. The entropy per particle
as a function of the energy per particle and energy per particle versus
rescaled temperature are numerically compared with the experimental data. The
study shows that, except the chemical potential behavior, there exists a
reasonable consistency between the experimental measurement and theoretical
attempt for the entropy and energy per particle. In the fractional exclusion
statistics formalism, the behavior of the isochore heat capacity for a trapped
unitary Fermi gas is also analyzed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
The Rotation Average in Lightcone Time-Ordered Perturbation Theory
We present a rotation average of the two-body scattering amplitude in the
lightcone time()-ordered perturbation theory. Using a rotation average
procedure, we show that the contribution of individual time-ordered diagram can
be quantified in a Lorentz invariant way. The number of time-ordered diagrams
can also be reduced by half if the masses of two bodies are same. In the
numerical example of theory, we find that the higher Fock-state
contribution is quite small in the lightcone quantization.Comment: 25 pages, REVTeX, epsf.sty, 69 eps file
Parametric survey of longitudinal prominence oscillation simulations
It is found that both microflare-sized impulsive heating at one leg of the
loop and a suddenly imposed velocity perturbation can propel the prominence to
oscillate along the magnetic dip. An extensive parameter survey results in a
scaling law, showing that the period of the oscillation, which weakly depends
on the length and height of the prominence, and the amplitude of the
perturbations, scales with , where represents the
curvature radius of the dip, and is the gravitational acceleration of
the Sun. This is consistent with the linear theory of a pendulum, which implies
that the field-aligned component of gravity is the main restoring force for the
prominence longitudinal oscillations, as confirmed by the force analysis.
However, the gas pressure gradient becomes non-negligible for short
prominences. The oscillation damps with time in the presence of non-adiabatic
processes. Compared to heat conduction, the radiative cooling is the dominant
factor leading to the damping. A scaling law for the damping timescale is
derived, i.e., , showing
strong dependence on the prominence length , the geometry of the magnetic
dip (characterized by the depth and the width ), and the velocity
perturbation amplitude . The larger the amplitude, the faster the
oscillation damps. It is also found that mass drainage significantly reduces
the damping timescale when the perturbation is too strong.Comment: 17 PAGES, 8FIGURE
Implications of Color Gauge Symmetry For Nucleon Spin Structure
We study the chromodynamical gauge symmetry in relation to the internal spin
structure of the nucleon. We show that 1) even in the helicity eigenstates the
gauge-dependent spin and orbital angular momentum operators do not have
gauge-independent matrix element; 2) the evolution equations for the gluon spin
take very different forms in the Feynman and axial gauges, but yield the same
leading behavior in the asymptotic limit; 3) the complete evolution of the
gauge-dependent orbital angular momenta appears intractable in the light-cone
gauge. We define a new gluon orbital angular momentum distribution
which {\it is} an experimental observable and has a simple scale evolution.
However, its physical interpretation makes sense only in the light-cone gauge
just like the gluon helicity distribution y.Comment: Minor corrections are made in the tex
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