34,031 research outputs found

    On scale dependence of QCD string operators

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    We have obtained a general solution of evolution equations for QCD twist-2 string operators in form of expansion over complete set of orthogonal eigenfunctions of evolution kernels in coordinate-space representation. In the leading logarithmic approximation the eigenfunctions can be determined using constraints imposed by conformal symmetry. Explicit formulae for the LO scale-dependence of quark and gluon twist-2 string operators are given

    NLO corrections to the twist-3 amplitude in DVCS on a nucleon in the Wandzura-Wilczek approximation: quark case

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    We computed the NLO corrections to twist-3, L→TL \to T, flavor non-singlet amplitude in DVCS on a nucleon in the Wandzura-Wilczek approximation. Explicit calculation shows that factorization holds for NLO contribution to this amplitude, although the structure of the factorized amplitude at the NLO is more complicated than in the leading-order formula. Next-to-leading order coefficient functions for matrix elements of twist-3 vector and axial-vector quark string operators and their LO evolution equations are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Higher Fock State Contributions to the Generalized Parton Distribution of Pion

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    We discuss the higher Fock state (q \bar q g) contributions to the nonzero value of the pion GPD at the crossover point x = zeta between the DGLAP and ERBL regions. Using the phenomenological light-front constituent quark model, we confirm that the higher Fock state contributions indeed give a nonzero value of the GPD at the crossover point. Iterating the light-front quark model wave function of the lowest q \bar q Fock state with the Bethe-Salpeter kernel corresponding to the one-gluon-exchange, we include all possible time-ordered q \bar q g Fock state contributions and obtain the pion GPD satisfying necessary sum rules and continuity conditions.Comment: References adde

    Probing Quark Distribution Amplitudes Through Generalized Parton Distributions at Large Momentum Transfer

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    In the large momentum transfer limit, generalized parton distributions can be calculated through a QCD factorization theorem which involves perturbatively-calculable hard kernels and light-cone parton distribution amplitudes of hadrons. We illustrate this through the Hq(x,ξ,t)H_q(x,\xi,t) distribution for the pion and proton, presenting the hard kernels at leading order. As a result, experimental data on the generalized parton distributions in this regime can be used to determine the functional form of the parton distribution amplitudes which has thus far been quite challenging to obtain. Our result can also be used as a constraint in phenomenological GPD parametrizations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; new references and figure added, errors correcte

    Range Corrections to Three-Body Observables near a Feshbach Resonance

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    A non-relativistic system of three identical particles will display a rich set of universal features known as Efimov physics if the scattering length a is much larger than the range l of the underlying two-body interaction. An appropriate effective theory facilitates the derivation of both results in the |a| goes to infinity limit and finite-l/a corrections to observables of interest. Here we use such an effective-theory treatment to consider the impact of corrections linear in the two-body effective range, r_s on the three-boson bound-state spectrum and recombination rate for |a| much greater than |r_s|. We do this by first deriving results appropriate to the strict limit |a| goes to infinity in coordinate space. We then extend these results to finite a using once-subtracted momentum-space integral equations. We also discuss the implications of our results for experiments that probe three-body recombination in Bose-Einstein condensates near a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of filling factor 5/2 quasiparticle interference: observation of charge e/4 and e/2 period oscillations

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    A standing problem in low dimensional electron systems is the nature of the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state: its elementary excitations are a focus for both elucidating the state's properties and as candidates in methods to perform topological quantum computation. Interferometric devices may be employed to manipulate and measure quantum Hall edge excitations. Here we use a small area edge state interferometer designed to observe quasiparticle interference effects. Oscillations consistent in detail with the Aharanov-Bohm effect are observed for integer and fractional quantum Hall states (filling factors 2, 5/3, and 7/3) with periods corresponding to their respective charges and magnetic field positions. With these as charge calibrations, at 5/2 filling factor and at lowest temperatures periodic transmission through the device consistent with quasiparticle charge e/4 is observed. The principal finding of this work is that in addtion to these e/4 oscillations, periodic structures corresponding to e/2 are also observed at 5/2 and at lowest temperatures. Properties of the e/4 and e/2 oscillations are examined with the device sensitivity sufficient to observe temperature evolution of the 5/2 quasiparticle interference. In the model of quasiparticle interference, this presence of an effective e/2 period may empirically reflect an e/2 quasiparticle charge, or may reflect multiple passes of the e/4 quasiparticle around the interferometer. These results are discussed within a picture of e/4 quasiparticle excitations potentially possessing non-Abelian statistics. These studies demonstrate the capacity to perform interferometry on 5/2 excitations and reveal properties important for understanding this state and its excitations.Comment: version 3 contains additional data beyond version 2, 26 pages, 8 figures PNAS 081259910

    Large anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetic insulator-topological insulator heterostructures

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    We demonstrate the van der Waals epitaxy of the topological insulator compound Bi2Te3 on the ferromagnetic insulator Cr2Ge2Te6. The layers are oriented with (001) of Bi2Te3 parallel to (001) of Cr2Ge2Te6 and (110) of Bi2Te3 parallel to (100) of Cr2Ge2Te6. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy indicates the formation of a sharp interface. At low temperatures, bilayers consisting of Bi2Te3 on Cr2Ge2Te6 exhibit a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Tilted field studies of the AHE indicate that the easy axis lies along the c-axis of the heterostructure, consistent with magnetization measurements in bulk Cr2Ge2Te6. The 61 K Curie temperature of Cr2Ge2Te6 and the use of near-stoichiometric materials may lead to the development of spintronic devices based on the AHE.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed

    Counting Rule for Hadronic Light-Cone Wave Functions

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    We introduce a systematic way to write down the Fock components of a hadronic light-cone wave function with nn partons and orbital angular momentum projection lzl_z. We show that the wave function amplitude ψn(xi,ki⊥,lzi)\psi_n(x_i,k_{i\perp},l_{zi}) has a leading behavior 1/(k⊥2)[n+∣lz∣+min(n′+∣lz′∣)]/2−11/(k^2_\perp)^{[n+|l_z|+{\rm min}(n'+|l_z'|)]/2-1} when all parton transverse momenta are uniformly large, where n′n' and lz′l_z' are the number of partons and orbital angular momentum projection, respectively, of an amplitude that mixes under renormalization. The result can be used as a constraint in modeling the hadronic light-cone wave functions. We also derive a generalized counting rule for hard exclusive processes involving parton orbital angular momentum and hadron helicity flip.Comment: 7 pages, no figur
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