71 research outputs found

    Implementation of the Business Plan in Construction

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    Hlavní motivací podnikání je tvorba zisku. Pro tvorbu zisku je potřeba mít podnikatelský záměr. Abychom měli úspěšný podnikatelský záměr, musíme jej správně připravit a poté řídit. Celá práce je zaměřená na tvorbu, uvedení na trh a řízení podnikatelského záměru. Na začátku je úvod do prostředí a následně je vše znázorněno na konkrétním případě. Cílem je ukázat, jak postupovat při tvorbě podnikatelského záměru, jaká úskalí mohou nastat a především, jak ze složité situace udělat výhodu.The main motivation for the business is making profits. For the creation of profit is the need to have a business plan. In order to have a successful business plan, we have to prepare it correctly, and then drive. The entire work is focused on the production, placing on the market and the management of the business plan. At the beginning of the introduction into the environment, and then everything is shown in a particular case. The aim is to show how to do this when you create a business plan, what pitfalls can occur and, above all, from the complex situation do the advantage.

    Cost Management in the Building Company

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    Hlavní motivací podnikání je tvorba zisku. Pro tvorbu zisku je potřeba postupovat v tvorbě ceny od nákladů. Abychom mohli mít prosperující stavební podnik, musíme náklady řídit a mít je pod kontrolou. Celá práce je zaměřená na řízení nákladů. Na začátku je úvod do prostředí a následně je vše znázorněno na jedné z největších českých tavebních společností. Cílem je prokázat důležitost řízení nákladu při tvorbě zisku a možnost i v těžkém období dosáhnout růstu společnosti.The primary objective of business enterprise is profit formation. As for the price formation it is necessary to proceed in the direction from costs. To have a prosperous building company, we need to manage costs and have them under control. All work is focused on cost management. At the beginning we need to focus on the introduction into the operating environment, and then everything is demonstrated on one of the largest Czech building companies. The aim is to validate the importance of cost management for profit formation and the possibility to achieve company growth even in hard times.

    Projects Financing from the EU Funds

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    Cílem práce je posoudit způsoby financování podnikatelského záměru konkrétní výrobní společnosti se zaměřením na možnost financování projektu z fondů Evropské Unie. V teoretické části jsou diskutovány formy financování ze zdrojů Evropské Unie. V prakticky zaměřené části se práce věnuje firmě Montanna, spol. s r.o., představuje její investiční možnosti, na základě SWOT analýzy identifikuje investiční projekt a řeší způsoby jeho realizace, přičemž uvažuje financování formou dotace z fondů Evropské Unie.The goal of the thesis is to consider various ways how to finance entrepreneurial plan of a concrete manufacturing company with the focus on project financing from the European Union funds. In the theoretical part financing forms from the European Funds are discussed. Practical part focuses on Montanna Ltd, possible investment objectives are presented. The thesis also identifies investment plan and deals realization methods considering financing from the European Union funds.

    FRAM telescopes and their measurements of aerosol content at the Pierre Auger Observatory and at future sites of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    A FRAM (F/(Ph)otometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor) telescope is a system of a robotic mount, a large-format CCD camera and a fast telephoto lens that can be used for atmospheric monitoring at any site when information about the atmospheric transparency is required with high spatial or temporal resolution and where continuous use of laser-based methods for this purpose would interfere with other observations. The original FRAM has been operated at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina for more than a decade, while three more FRAMs are foreseen to be used by the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The CTA FRAMs are being deployed ahead of time to characterize the properties of the sites prior to the operation of the CTA telescopes; one FRAM has been running on the planned future CTA site in Chile for a year while two others are expected to become operational before the end of 2018. We report on the hardware and current status of operation and/or deployment of all the FRAM instruments in question as well as on some of the preliminary results of integral aerosol measurements by the FRAMs in Argentina and ChileComment: Proceedings of AtmoHEAD 201

    New developments in aerosol measurements using stellar photometry

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    The idea of using stellar photometry for atmospheric monitoring for optical experiments in highenergy astrophysics is seemingly straightforward, but reaching high precision of the order of 0.01 in the determination of the vertical aerosol optical depth (VAOD) has proven difficult. Wide-field photometry over a large span of altitudes allows a fast determination of VAOD independently of the absolute calibration of the system, while providing this calibration as a useful by-product. Using several years of data taken by the FRAM (F/(Ph)otometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor) telescope at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina and about a year of data taken by a similar instrument deployed at the planned future Southern site of the Cherenkov Telescope Array in Chile, we have developed methods to improve the precision of this measurement technique towards and possibly beyond the 0.01 mark. Detailed laboratory measurements of the response of the whole system to both the spectrum and intensity of incoming light have proven indispensable in this analysis as the usual assumption of linearity of the CCD detectors is not valid anymore for the conditions of the observations

    Aerosol Measurements with the FRAM Telescope

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    Precision stellar photometry using a telescope equipped with a CCD camera is an obvious way to measure the total aerosol content of the atmosphere as the apparent brightness of every star is affected by scattering. Achieving high precision in the vertical aerosol optical depth (at the level of 0.01) presents a series of interesting challenges. Using 3.5 years of data taken by the FRAM instrument at the Pierre Auger Observatory, we have developed a set of methods and tools to overcome most of these challenges. We use a wide-field camera and measure stars over a large span in airmass to eliminate the need for absolute calibration of the instrument. The main issues for data processing include camera calibration, source identification in curved field, catalog deficiencies, automated aperture photometry in rich fields with lens distortion and corrections for star color. In the next step, we model the airmass-dependence of the extinction and subtract the Rayleigh component of scattering, using laboratory measurements of spectral sensitivity of the device. In this contribution, we focus on the caveats and solutions found during the development of the methods, as well as several issues yet to be solved. Finally, future outlooks, such as the possibility for precision measurements of wavelength dependence of the extinction are discussed

    The Twin Challenges to Separation of Powers in Central Europe: Technocratic Governance and Populism

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    Separation of institutions, functions and personnel – Checks and balances – Hungary, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia – Short tradition of separation of powers in Central Europe – Fragile interwar systems of separation of powers – Communist principle of centralisation of power – Technocratic challenge to separation of powers during the EU accession – One-sided checks on the elected branches and empowering technocratic elitist institutions – Populist challenge to separation of powers in the 2010s – Re-politicising of the public sphere, removing most checks on the elected branches, and curtailing and packing the unelected institutions – Technocratic and populist challenges to separation of powers interrelated more than we thought