195 research outputs found

    SMMix: Self-Motivated Image Mixing for Vision Transformers

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    CutMix is a vital augmentation strategy that determines the performance and generalization ability of vision transformers (ViTs). However, the inconsistency between the mixed images and the corresponding labels harms its efficacy. Existing CutMix variants tackle this problem by generating more consistent mixed images or more precise mixed labels, but inevitably introduce heavy training overhead or require extra information, undermining ease of use. To this end, we propose an efficient and effective Self-Motivated image Mixing method (SMMix), which motivates both image and label enhancement by the model under training itself. Specifically, we propose a max-min attention region mixing approach that enriches the attention-focused objects in the mixed images. Then, we introduce a fine-grained label assignment technique that co-trains the output tokens of mixed images with fine-grained supervision. Moreover, we devise a novel feature consistency constraint to align features from mixed and unmixed images. Due to the subtle designs of the self-motivated paradigm, our SMMix is significant in its smaller training overhead and better performance than other CutMix variants. In particular, SMMix improves the accuracy of DeiT-T/S, CaiT-XXS-24/36, and PVT-T/S/M/L by more than +1% on ImageNet-1k. The generalization capability of our method is also demonstrated on downstream tasks and out-of-distribution datasets. Code of this project is available at https://github.com/ChenMnZ/SMMix

    Spatial Re-parameterization for N:M Sparsity

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    This paper presents a Spatial Re-parameterization (SpRe) method for the N:M sparsity in CNNs. SpRe is stemmed from an observation regarding the restricted variety in spatial sparsity present in N:M sparsity compared with unstructured sparsity. Particularly, N:M sparsity exhibits a fixed sparsity rate within the spatial domains due to its distinctive pattern that mandates N non-zero components among M successive weights in the input channel dimension of convolution filters. On the contrary, we observe that unstructured sparsity displays a substantial divergence in sparsity across the spatial domains, which we experimentally verified to be very crucial for its robust performance retention compared with N:M sparsity. Therefore, SpRe employs the spatial-sparsity distribution of unstructured sparsity to assign an extra branch in conjunction with the original N:M branch at training time, which allows the N:M sparse network to sustain a similar distribution of spatial sparsity with unstructured sparsity. During inference, the extra branch can be further re-parameterized into the main N:M branch, without exerting any distortion on the sparse pattern or additional computation costs. SpRe has achieved a commendable feat by matching the performance of N:M sparsity methods with state-of-the-art unstructured sparsity methods across various benchmarks. Code and models are anonymously available at \url{https://github.com/zyxxmu/SpRe}.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Shadow Removal by High-Quality Shadow Synthesis

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    Most shadow removal methods rely on the invasion of training images associated with laborious and lavish shadow region annotations, leading to the increasing popularity of shadow image synthesis. However, the poor performance also stems from these synthesized images since they are often shadow-inauthentic and details-impaired. In this paper, we present a novel generation framework, referred to as HQSS, for high-quality pseudo shadow image synthesis. The given image is first decoupled into a shadow region identity and a non-shadow region identity. HQSS employs a shadow feature encoder and a generator to synthesize pseudo images. Specifically, the encoder extracts the shadow feature of a region identity which is then paired with another region identity to serve as the generator input to synthesize a pseudo image. The pseudo image is expected to have the shadow feature as its input shadow feature and as well as a real-like image detail as its input region identity. To fulfill this goal, we design three learning objectives. When the shadow feature and input region identity are from the same region identity, we propose a self-reconstruction loss that guides the generator to reconstruct an identical pseudo image as its input. When the shadow feature and input region identity are from different identities, we introduce an inter-reconstruction loss and a cycle-reconstruction loss to make sure that shadow characteristics and detail information can be well retained in the synthesized images. Our HQSS is observed to outperform the state-of-the-art methods on ISTD dataset, Video Shadow Removal dataset, and SRD dataset. The code is available at https://github.com/zysxmu/HQSS

    MultiQuant: A Novel Multi-Branch Topology Method for Arbitrary Bit-width Network Quantization

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    Arbitrary bit-width network quantization has received significant attention due to its high adaptability to various bit-width requirements during runtime. However, in this paper, we investigate existing methods and observe a significant accumulation of quantization errors caused by frequent bit-width switching of weights and activations, leading to limited performance. To address this issue, we propose MultiQuant, a novel method that utilizes a multi-branch topology for arbitrary bit-width quantization. MultiQuant duplicates the network body into multiple independent branches and quantizes the weights of each branch to a fixed 2-bit while retaining the input activations in the expected bit-width. This approach maintains the computational cost as the same while avoiding the switching of weight bit-widths, thereby substantially reducing errors in weight quantization. Additionally, we introduce an amortization branch selection strategy to distribute quantization errors caused by activation bit-width switching among branches to enhance performance. Finally, we design an in-place distillation strategy that facilitates guidance between branches to further enhance MultiQuant's performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MultiQuant achieves significant performance gains compared to existing arbitrary bit-width quantization methods. Code is at \url{https://github.com/zysxmu/MultiQuant}

    Increased expression of Gremlin1 promotes proliferation and epithelial mesenchymal transition in gastric cancer cells and correlates with poor prognosis of patients with gastric cancer

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    Background/Aim: Gremlin1 (GREM1) plays an important role in certain malignancies by antagonising bone morphogenetic proteins and regulating angiogenesis directly/indirectly. The present study aimed to investigate the role of Gremlin1 in the development and progression of gastric cancer (GC). Materials and Methods: Expression of GREM1 in GCs was examined using quantitative real time PCR and The Cancer Genomic Atlas (TCGA) data. Influence on cellular functions was determined in both Gremlin1 knockdown and overexpression cell line models. Results: GREM1 expression was up-regulated in GCs, which was correlated with poorer survival. Increased GREM1 expression was significantly correlated with tumour growth/invasion and lymphatic metastasis. Gremlin1 promoted proliferation and tumourigenic capacity of GC cells in vitro. GREM1 expression was associated with epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT), angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in GC. Conclusion: Increased GREM1 expression in GCs is associated with disease progression and poor prognosis in which EMT, angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are likely involved