472 research outputs found

    Tanggapan Masyarakat Tempatan Terhadap Pelancongan Budaya Di Kabupaten Samosir, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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    Pelancongan budaya mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam membina kesejahteraan masyarakat tempatan. Cultural tourism has an important role in the community welfare development. Yet, cultural tourism in Samosir District, North Sumatera, Indonesia is still facing difficulties to develop


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    ABSTRAKAbstrak Karya Akhir Disertai Kepada Panitia Komisi Ujian untuk Mendapatkan Gelar Magister Manajemen pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala.PENGARUH MOTIVASI, SARANA PRASARANA DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA ANGGOTA SERTA IMPLIKASINYA TERHADAP KINERJA PEMBEKALAN ANGKUTAN KODAM ISKANDAR MUDAOleh :JHONSONNIM : 1209200020115Konsentrasi : Manajemen UmumPembimbing Utama : Dr. Mukhlis Yunus, SE, MSPembimbing Pembantu: Dr. Mahdani Ibrahim, SE, MMPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi, sarana prasarana dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja anggota dalam meningkatkan kinerja organisasi Bekangdam IM. Populasi penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan Anggota yang bekerja pada Bekangdam Iskandar Muda yang berjumlah 115 Orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus. Metode analisis yang digunakan teknik analisis Analisis Jalur (Path Analysis) yang dioperasikan melalui program SPSS . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi, sarana prasarana dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap kinerja anggota dan juga terhadap kinerja Bekangdam Iskandar Muda. Hubungan antara motivasi, sarana prasarana dan lingkungan kerja, kinerja anggota terhadap kinerja organisasi terdapat hubungan yang signifikan. Kinerja Anggota berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap Kinerja Bekangdam IM. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah peningkatan kinerja Bekangdam IM akan sangat baik bila dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kinerja anggotanya. Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Sarana Prasarana, Lingkungan Kerja, Kinerja Anggota dan Kinerja Pembekalan Angkutan Kodam Iskandar MudaABSTRACTAbstract of Final Paper submitted to the Examination committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Management on the Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University.EFFECT OF MOTIVATION, INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES AND WORK ENVIRONMENT AND IMPLICATIONS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF MEMBERS OF PERFORMANCE TRANSPORT DEBRIEFING REGIONAL MILITARY COMMAND ISKANDAR MUDAby:JHONSONSN: 1209200020115Spelization : General ManagementSupervisor: Dr. Mukhlis Yunus, SE, MSCo Supervisor: Dr. Mahdani Ibrahim, SE, MMThis research aimed to determine the effect of motivation, infrastructure and Working environment on the performance of members in improving organizational performance transport debriefing regional military command Iskandar Muda.This is the overall study population Members who worked on transport debriefing regional military command Iskandar Muda totaling 115 people. This study uses census. The method of analysis used analysis techniques Path Analysis (Path Analysis) which is operated by SPSS.The analysis showed that motivation, infrastructure and working environment simultaneously and significant influence on the performance of members and also on the performance of transport debriefing regional military command Iskandar Muda. The relationship between motivation, infrastructure and work environment, the performance of members of the organization's performance there is a significant relationship. Members performance significantly positive effect on the performance of transport debriefing regional military command skandar Muda. The implication of this research is to increase the performance of transport debriefing regional military command Iskandar Muda will be very good if done by improving the performance of its members.Keywords: Motivation, Infrastructure, Work Environment, Member Performance and Performance Transport Debriefing Regional Military Command Iskandar Muda


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Nagori Tigaras dan Nagori Buttu Bayu Panei Raja Kecamatan Dolok Pardamean yang dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua objek wisata penelitian yaitu objek wisata alam dan objek wisata buatan. Untuk Objek wisata alam sendiri yaitu dilakukan di objek wisata Pantai Garoga, Pantai Paris, dan Pantai Raya, kemudian untuk objek wisata buatan yaitu penelitian dilakukan di Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung dan Monumen KM Sinar Bangun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi pengeluaran wisatawan, proporsi pengeluaran terkait atraksi, amenitas dan aksesibilitas, penggunaan hasil pertanian lokal dalam kuliner dan cenderamata serta kepuasan wisatawan diobjek wisata.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan antara pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata pengeluaran wisatawan di objek wisata alam dengan objek wisata buatan di kawasan Tigaras. Hal ini di uji dari hasil perhitungan uji independent sample t-test dengan program SPSS 22.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di kawasan Tigaras bahwa proporsi pengeluaran wisatawan untuk aksesibilitas, atraksi dan amenitas diobjek wisata alam dengan objek wisata buatan tidak berimbang, karena di setiap objek wisata memiliki harga yang berbeda-beda di setiap fasilitasnya dan daerah asal wisatawan yang berbeda-beda. Penggunaan hasil pertanian lokal dalam kuliner dan cenderamata di kawasan Tigaras lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan penggunaan hasil pertanian luar daerah, hal ini terjadi karena hampir keseluruhan dari setiap bahan baku yang didapatkan dari pengelola kuliner maupun cenderamata berasal dari luar daerah. Tingkat kepuasan wisatawan diobjek wisata alam dan diobjek buatan relatif sedang terkait atraksi, amenitas dan aksesibilitas di kawasan Tigaras


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    Ibarat Bank yang mewadahi kekayaan melimpah, Kebun Raya Botani memiliki tujuan untuk mewadahi tumbuhan-tumbuhan Indonesia yang juga mencerminkan identitas daerahnya. Kebun Raya Botani adalah suatu wadah yang menyimpan tumbuhan sebagai cadangan sumber alam bukan pada habitat aslinya. Kebun Raya Botani merupakan salah satu bentuk alternatif dalam mencadangkan sumber daya alam yang melimpah Kebun Raya Botani muncul sebagai reaksi atas sumber alam yang semakin berkurang. Saat ini Indonesia merupakan negara dengan peringkat ke 3 didunia memiliki keanekaragaman hayati terbesar, namun juga menduduki peringkat ke-5 pada dunia dalam jumlah tumbuhan terancam punah. Kehilangan keanekaragaman hayati ini akan merugikan pembangunan nasional di semua bidang. Hal ini semua disebabkan oleh masyarakat sendiri karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran akan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu Kebun Raya mengangkat tema ekowisata , ramah lingkungan dan arsitektur organik sebagai respon pada integritas bangunan, lingkungan dan manusia sendiri Arsitektur Organik merupakan implementasi pada kepedulian lingkungan. Metode penyatuan desain bangunan dengan lingkungan diharapkan dapat mengajak masyarakat untuk mengenal, mendalami, dan melebur terhadap pengetahuan akan tumbuhan yang dapat diimplementasikan pada pelestarianya. Untuk mengoptimalkan Arsitektur organik dalam kepedulian lingkungan, perancangan bangunan arsitektur organik dibuktikan secara nyata sebagai bangunan ramah lingkungan sehingga mengajak masyarakat untuk ikut peduli terhadap lingkungan. Masyarakat modern menyukai hal-hal rekreatif direspon dengan Tema Ekowisata untuk berkujung kepada hal yang berbau alam yang juga mencirikan identitas Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dengan tiap ciri khas kabupaten pada D.I.Y. Ciri khas ini berupa Tanaman endemik dan ekowisata yang ada pada tiap kabupaten sehinga mengajak masyarakat untuk berpatisipasi aktif dalam melestarikan lingkungan sehingga sifat akan kepedulian lingkungan dapat tertanam pada setiap pribadi


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    Cholesterol disease can attack humans, both young and adult, in this case it is necessary to do a quick diagnosis to provide basic knowledge about cholesterol disease to sufferers. Advances in expert systems can overcome this problem, namely by designing a web-based computer system that is integrated with databases and programming languages ​​such as PHP-MySQL so that it can help cholesterol patients to diagnose the disease. The expert system application in its decision making uses a forward chaining inference engine where the goal driven data will start a search on the initial node to the goal node until it gets results. The results of the implementation of the system, namely the system provides questions in the form of symptoms that must be answered by the patient based on the symptoms experienced by the patient and the results of the process the system will provide information on what type of cholesterol disease he is experiencing in order to get a solution with treatment and handling. System that works with a knowledge base search that is able to provide decisions by utilizing an expert knowledge base

    As Is

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    Sheath blight (ShB), caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, is an economically important soil-borne disease of rice (Oryza sativa) that can cause up to 50 % yield losses. Application of fungicides is the most effective and commonly used method for managing sheath blight. However, the pathogen can develop new resistant strains upon continuous exposure to a fungicide. Moreover, the use of inorganic fungicides is not eco-friendly. The utilization biological control agents (BCAs) can be a more sustainable and safe means of managing ShB. To develop alternate strategies for ShB management, I am exploring the effect of the silicon (Si) fertilization in reducing sheath blight disease in combination with BCAs. Bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of healthy rice plants and screened by dual-culture for their antifungal activity against R. solani. Among 534 isolates 24 antagonists were identified to Bacillus spp based on their 16S rDNA sequence. Two isolates were of were evaluated for their synergistic activity with silicon against ShB in a greenhouse setting. The combined application of silica and BCAs reduced the development of ShB in rice plants compared to non-treated control and plants that received a single treatment suggesting that simultaneous use of the two materials could effectively manage ShB. I also evaluated the effects of R. solani inoculation and BCAs application on the bacterial communities of rice rhizosphere in the field at the LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station. The genomic DNAs of the microbial communities of the rice rhizosphere of Si-treated and non-Si-treated plants were extracted. The 16S rDNA regions of the extracted DNA were amplified and sequenced. The beta diversity analysis performed with Qiime2 revealed that the microbiome profile of rhizosphere of the inoculated plants was significantly different from non-inoculated ones. Although silica application reduced development, it did not affect much the microbial profile on the rice rhizosphere

    A Cold Walk After Class

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    Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aures: Implications for Cardiac Surgery

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    Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a pathogen first emerging in Great Britian in 1961. Since that time, it has spread worldwide and caused epidemic infection rates in several countries. It is most commonly spread in the healthcare setting where it is labeled a nosocomial infection, frequently infecting patients undergoing invasive medical procedures and immune-compromised patients. Depending on the severity and location of infection in conjunction with the patient\u27s health status, MRSA infection can be mild to fatal. The surgical setting is a key area of concern. Cardiac surgery complicated by MRSA is relatively rare, but when it does occur, the associated mortality rate is alarmingly high. It is also possible to contract MRSA in the public setting where it is labeled community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA). CA-MRSA infections can range from simple skin infections to devastating infections such as bacteremia leading to death. The incidence of CA-MRSA has risen to approximately 14% of all MRSA infections. The purpose of this project was to explore the incidence of MRSA and its ramifications focusing on the cardiac surgery patient. Pasteur\u27s germ theory provided a theoretical framework to uncover the causative organism and how it spreads to susceptible hosts. Appropriate measures for prevention and treatment were explored. This paper informs nurse anesthetists how to prevent the spread of MRSA in the cardiac surgery patient. Preventing MRSA in the cardiac surgery patient include strict contact isolation precautions in the surgical setting in the presence of MRSA, appropriate and timely preoperative prophylactic antibiotic administration, and vigilant intraoperative glycemic and the1moregulatory control of patients. This project was presented to two audiences: The first was a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation given at the spring meeting of the North Dakota Association of Nurse Anesthetists. The second was a 50-minute inservice presented to CRNAs and nursing staff at a Midwestern facility. Providing awareness of the growing problem of MRSA infections is the first step in reversing the trend of increasing infections. Active participation by healthcare providers in applying prevention methods provided in this project will help to prevent the spread of MRSA in the patients for whom they provide car