17 research outputs found

    Neural circuits controlling behavior and autonomic functions in medicinal leeches

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    In the study of the neural circuits underlying behavior and autonomic functions, the stereotyped and accessible nervous system of medicinal leeches, Hirudo sp., has been particularly informative. These leeches express well-defined behaviors and autonomic movements which are amenable to investigation at the circuit and neuronal levels. In this review, we discuss some of the best understood of these movements and the circuits which underlie them, focusing on swimming, crawling and heartbeat. We also discuss the rudiments of decision-making: the selection between generally mutually exclusive behaviors at the neuronal level

    Longitudinal neuronal organization and coordination in a simple vertebrate: a continuous, semi-quantitative computer model of the central pattern generator for swimming in young frog tadpoles

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    When frog tadpoles hatch their swimming requires co-ordinated contractions of trunk muscles, driven by motoneurons and controlled by a Central Pattern Generator (CPG). To study this co-ordination we used a 3.5 mm long population model of the young tadpole CPG with continuous distributions of neurons and axon lengths as estimated anatomically. We found that: (1) alternating swimming-type activity fails to self-sustain unless some excitatory interneurons have ascending axons, (2) a rostro-caudal (R-C) gradient in the distribution of excitatory premotor interneurons with short axons is required to obtain the R-C gradient in excitation and resulting progression of motoneuron firing necessary for forward swimming, (3) R-C delays in motoneuron firing decrease if excitatory motoneuron to premotor interneuron synapses are present, (4) these feedback connections and the electrical synapses between motoneurons synchronise motoneuron discharges locally, (5) the above findings are independent of the detailed membrane properties of neurons

    Microprobe array with low impedance electrodes and highly flexible polyimide cables for acute neural recording

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    This paper reports on a novel type of silicon-based microprobes with linear, two and three dimensional (3D) distribution of their recording sites. The microprobes comprise either single shafts, combs with multiple shafts or 3D arrays combining two combs with 9, 36 or 72 recording sites, respectively. The electrical interconnection of the probes is achieved through highly flexible polyimide ribbon cables attached using the MicroFlex Technology which allows a connection part of small lateral dimensions. For an improved handling, probes can be secured by a protecting canula. Low-impedance electrodes are achieved by the deposition of platinum black. First in vivo experiments proved the capability to record single action potentials in the motor cortex from electrodes close to the tip as well as body electrodes along the shaft