112 research outputs found

    Data Statement for the Public DGS Corpus

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    Project note for work package 06 "Korpusveröffentlichung / Corpus Publishing" produced in the DGS-Korpus project. This data statement of the Public DGS Corpus provides information relevant to judging the nature of the language content of the corpus. It covers how the corpus was curated, specifies the language varieties it covers, and provides demographic information for participants and annotators. It also describes the technical and sociological conditions under which the language data was recorded as well as its topical characteristics. The data statement provides a general overview, supported by references to a variety of publications that cover individual topics in more detail

    DGS-Korpus – Sprachressourcen für Deutsche Gebärdensprache

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    In der ersten Phase des Langzeitvorhabens DGS-Korpus wurde ein Korpus der Deutschen Gebärdensprache mit 330 Informanten aus ganz Deutschland im Umfang von 850 Stunden Mehrkamera-Video erstellt. Es handelt sich dabei überwiegend um Dialoge, die von freien Gesprächen bis zu Staged Communicative Events reichen. Dabei verwenden wir neben neu entwickelten Formaten auch solche, die bereits für andere Gebärdensprachen und auch Lautsprachen Verwendung gefunden haben, um crossmodale und crosslinguistische Vergleichsmöglichkeiten zu schaffen. Aktuell arbeiten wir daran, dieses Korpus für verschiedenste Nutzungen zugänglich zu machen, nicht zuletzt für die Erstellung eines korpusbasierten Wörterbuches der DGS. Die andere Sprachmodalität sowie das Fehlen einer etablierten Schriftform der DGS (mit entsprechender Orthographie) führen erst einmal dazu, dass Standardwerkzeuge der Sprachtechnologie hier nicht zum Einsatz kommen können und spezielle Ansätze erforderlich sind. Für schriftsprachlich fassbare Sprachen häufig einfache Schritte wie Tokenisierung und Lemmatisierung sind bislang nicht automatisierbar und erfordern hohen personellen Aufwand. Die Übersetzung des sprachlichen Materials ins Deutsche und Englische macht aus dem Korpus nicht nur eine mehrsprachige Ressource mit vielfältigen Anwendungsbereichen im Rahmen der Sprachlehre, sondern ermöglicht in einigen Bereichen auch den Einsatz von CLARIN-Sprachtechnologien, etwa Named Entity Recognition, zur weiteren Annotation des Korpus. Gleichzeitig ist das Korpus ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Cultural Heritage einer sprachlichen Minderheit. Entsprechend machen wir das Material in ausgewählten Teilen über ein Webportal auch für ein Publikum zugänglich, das sich mehr für den Inhalt als für sprachliche Strukturen interessiert

    Handbuch für Kontaktpersonen Teil II: Erhebung, Einverständniserklärung

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    Project note for work package 02 “Datenerhebung / Data Collection” produced in the DGS-Korpus project. This manual contains information on the data collection process of the DGS-Korpus project for contact persons / moderators. It provides background information about the data collection and studio setting as well as code of conduct guidelines for moderators. It describes the tasks that the informants will perform, outlining their purpose, the stimulus material and specific requirements during the elicitation procedure. It also introduces the intended workflow of the entire data collection session, including instructions on how to control the sequence of events. The manual also includes the second personal background questionnaire for informants and the questionnaire on the relationships between informants and between informant and moderator. This manual was created for the training of contact persons/moderators. It was the basis of their second training weekend and given to them as material to prepare for the data collection session. It also contains hints for task-specific additional questions which can be used if conversations stall and advice on how to handle problems which may occur during the data collection session

    Handbuch fĂĽr Kontaktpersonen Teil I: Projekt, Werbung, Informantensuche, Raumsuche

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    Project note for work package 02 “Datenerhebung / Data Collection” produced in the DGS-Korpus project. This manual was compiled for the training of the contact persons. It was the basis of their first training weekend and given to them in support of their task of promoting the project and recruiting informants. It contains general information on the DGS-Korpus project, its aims and the planned data collection procedure. It includes a description of the role and the various duties of the contact persons, the procedure starting with the recruitment and the selection of suitable informants up to staying in contact with them, as well as the preparatory steps necessary at the location of the data collection. Criteria for the search and selection of informants are listed. Legal and organizational aspects, such as advance information talk, license agreement, search for a suitable room, time schedule and time management and communication with the project are mentioned. Also, the first questionnaire on personal data used for informants recruitment is included

    The DGS Corpus Project: Development of a Corpus Based Electronic Dictionary German Sign Language – German

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    With a target size of 400 hours video from 300 informants, the DGS (German Sign Language) Corpus Project (2009-2023) is the first project that will create a DGS corpus comparable in size to spoken language corpora. In addition to making a large language resource available for research, the project will develop a comprehensive DGS dictionary based on corpus data, significantly advancing state of the art in corpus-based sign language lexicography. Data collection is done with a mobile studio that over the course of three years will be moved to twelve different locations all over Germany. To obtain language data coming as close to natural language use of DGS as possible, two informants coming from the same region interact with each other in a large variety of tasks lasting six hours altogether. The mix of tasks (including warm-ups etc.) is the result of a pilot phase with extensive testing of various elicitation formats and materials. The studio setup was chosen to make the informants feel as comfortable as possible without compromising recording quality. The 7-cameras setup (HD and stereoscopic cameras) promises to deliver videos suitable for manual transcription and image processing that over the course of the project is expected to deliver semi-automatic annotation to increase the effectiveness of the transcription process. As a first step to make the corpus data accessible, translations into German will be produced. The next step is a basic transcription, providing a sign-by-sign segmentation and type-token matching. More detailed transcription (including grammatical information, use of space, eye gaze) will be carried out in a third phase. As limited resources do not allow the whole corpus to be transcribed in detail, it will mainly be the lexicographical workflow determining which parts of the corpus need to be transcribed in detail. Both the transcription and lexicographic work will be carried out within the iLex environment which will steadily be extended over the course of the project in order to make use of synergies with other projects running in parallel (such as Dicta-Sign on semi-automated annotation) or to match new challenges from new linguistic research questions. With more than 20 people working concurrently with corpus data, it is evident that quality assurance has a central role in the project. Intensive transcriber trainings and coding manuals as well as experiments on formalizing inter- and intra-transcriber agreements for coding conventions used (such as HamNoSys) are only the first steps taken. In addition, researchers as well as student coworkers are invited to carry out pilot data experiments on annotation data and metadata to see if data analyses are possible within the existing data model and annotation conventions long before enough data become available to make these studies really feasible. Feedback from these experiments allow us to continually evolve the transcription process and adapt the transcription environment. It is essential for the success of the project that the language community is involved in the project beyond those people participating as informants. The task of contact persons in each region is therefore not limited to finding informants for the data recordings, but also to raise public awareness within the Deaf community. A web portal focusing on the community’s interests in the project (including viewing the corpus video material as a resource for cultural heritage) will also encourage people to provide feedback. In the dictionary context, this might include feedback on individual signs’ regional distribution. Ideas to make this portal not only attractive to contact persons and informants, but to the community at large, include offering consultation hours for questions about the language


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    This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2011-10-23, the informants are from our data collection region Cologne (North Rhine, partially Rhineland-Palatinate). This movie contains the following tracks:10:19:12:25-11:35:22:00 DGS-Korpus-A1_20111023T1000.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)11:56:38:15-13:16:26:29 DGS-Korpus-A1_20111023T1200.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)14:06:16:27-15:11:59:13 DGS-Korpus-A1_20111023T1400_01-05_xdc.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)15:25:07:45-15:51:04:43 DGS-Korpus-A1_20111023T1400_07-08_xdc.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)16:08:35:14-16:53:38:36 DGS-Korpus-A1_20111023T1600.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)10:18:57:30-11:35:32:06 DGS-Korpus-A2_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:56:25:32-13:16:36:24 DGS-Korpus-A2_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)14:07:22:08-15:50:08:18 DGS-Korpus-A2_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)16:07:37:07-16:53:47:05 DGS-Korpus-A2_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)10:19:25:24-11:35:50:00 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:56:47:46-13:16:49:00 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))14:07:45:32-15:50:20:44 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))16:08:49:42-16:53:59:28 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))10:19:25:24-11:35:50:00 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:56:47:46-13:16:49:00 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))14:07:45:32-15:50:20:44 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))16:08:49:42-16:53:59:28 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))10:19:19:28-11:35:14:46 DGS-Korpus-B1_20111023T1000.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)11:56:44:12-13:16:21:36 DGS-Korpus-B1_20111023T1200.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)14:05:49:39-15:51:27:05 DGS-Korpus-B1_20111023T1400_xdc.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)16:07:56:35-16:53:34:22 DGS-Korpus-B1_20111023T1600.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)10:19:07:04-11:35:27:06 DGS-Korpus-B2_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:56:32:22-13:16:31:28 DGS-Korpus-B2_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)14:07:28:25-15:50:03:25 DGS-Korpus-B2_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)16:07:44:12-16:53:42:40 DGS-Korpus-B2_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)10:19:19:38-11:35:38:30 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:56:42:27-13:16:42:19 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))14:07:40:27-15:50:13:45 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:08:42:45-16:53:53:09 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))10:19:19:38-11:35:38:30 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:56:42:27-13:16:42:19 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))14:07:40:27-15:50:13:45 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:08:42:45-16:53:53:09 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))10:19:14:00-11:35:10:06 DGS-Korpus-C_20111023T1000.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)11:56:50:00-13:16:17:13 DGS-Korpus-C_20111023T1200.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)14:07:48:00-15:49:47:34 DGS-Korpus-C_20111023T1400.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)16:08:04:00-16:53:28:13 DGS-Korpus-C_20111023T1600.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)10:19:31:19-11:35:57:35 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))11:56:53:35-13:16:56:19 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))14:07:52:44-15:50:27:32 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))16:08:57:28-16:54:06:16 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))10:19:31:19-11:35:57:35 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20111023T1000.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))11:56:53:35-13:16:56:19 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20111023T1200.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))14:07:52:44-15:50:27:32 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20111023T1400.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))16:08:57:28-16:54:06:16 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20111023T1600.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera)


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    This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2012-02-26, the informants are from our data collection region Leipzig (Saxony, Thuringia, partially Saxony-Anhalt). This movie contains the following tracks:09:40:15:23-11:11:41:10 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120226T1000.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)11:29:52:32-12:47:31:36 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120226T1200.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)13:48:45:15-15:24:57:20 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120226T1400.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)15:40:18:32-16:44:38:26 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120226T1600.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)09:40:07:17-11:11:46:15 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:29:45:16-12:47:38:12 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)13:48:39:07-15:25:02:41 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)15:40:10:40-16:44:45:48 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)09:41:00:04-11:12:09:20 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:30:45:46-12:48:05:08 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))13:49:33:31-15:25:27:45 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))15:41:07:05-16:45:14:21 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))09:41:00:04-11:12:09:20 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:30:45:46-12:48:05:08 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))13:49:33:31-15:25:27:45 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))15:41:07:05-16:45:14:21 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))09:40:23:32-11:11:35:33 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120226T1000.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)11:30:00:12-12:47:24:00 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120226T1200.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)13:48:53:36-15:24:51:34 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120226T1400.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)15:40:25:15-16:44:33:03 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120226T1600.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)09:40:25:18-11:11:53:08 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:30:03:36-12:47:44:32 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)13:48:44:49-15:25:08:15 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)15:40:03:45-16:44:52:29 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)09:40:52:28-11:12:04:00 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:30:37:08-12:29:21:14 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))12:29:32:15-12:47:55:21 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120226T1223.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))13:49:25:40-15:25:21:18 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))15:40:57:23-16:45:06:13 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))09:40:52:28-11:12:04:00 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:30:37:08-12:29:21:14 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))12:29:32:15-12:47:55:21 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120226T1223.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))13:49:25:40-15:25:21:18 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))15:40:57:23-16:45:06:13 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))09:40:33:00-11:11:30:48 DGS-Korpus-C_20120226T1000.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)11:30:18:00-12:47:17:46 DGS-Korpus-C_20120226T1200.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)13:49:02:00-15:24:46:42 DGS-Korpus-C_20120226T1400.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)15:40:33:00-16:43:00:20 DGS-Korpus-C_20120226T1600.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)09:40:44:34-11:11:58:30 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))11:30:30:17-12:47:49:47 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))13:49:17:27-15:25:13:49 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))15:40:49:00-16:44:58:14 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))09:40:44:34-11:11:58:30 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120226T1000.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))11:30:30:17-12:47:49:47 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120226T1200.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))13:49:17:27-15:25:13:49 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120226T1400.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))15:40:49:00-16:44:58:14 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120226T1600.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera)


    No full text
    This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2011-06-09, the informants are from our data collection region Münster (Westphalia, Osnabrück, County of Bentheim). This movie contains the following tracks:10:03:05:35-11:24:56:39 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110609T1000.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)11:42:12:00-13:09:33:01 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110609T1200.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)14:07:16:05-15:38:58:25 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110609T1400_xdc.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)16:00:46:48-17:09:35:00 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110609T1600.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)10:02:52:13-11:25:06:39 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:41:58:43-13:09:43:07 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)14:08:10:39-15:37:38:03 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)16:00:32:41-17:09:44:35 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)10:03:12:05-11:25:12:43 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:42:20:03-13:09:48:31 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))14:08:52:27-15:37:43:37 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))16:00:56:32-17:09:51:16 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))10:03:12:05-11:25:12:43 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:42:20:03-13:09:48:31 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))14:08:52:27-15:37:43:37 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))16:00:56:32-17:09:51:16 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))10:03:11:45-11:24:52:13 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110609T1000.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)11:42:19:15-13:09:24:39 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110609T1200.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)14:07:37:41-15:38:27:15 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110609T1400_xdc.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)16:00:53:41-17:09:30:22 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110609T1600.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)10:02:59:32-11:25:01:06 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:42:18:41-13:09:38:01 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)14:08:34:19-15:37:32:33 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)16:00:39:40-17:09:39:30 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)10:03:18:26-11:25:20:16 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:42:27:04-13:09:59:24 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))14:08:59:21-15:37:50:35 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:01:03:37-17:09:58:23 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))10:03:18:26-11:25:20:16 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:42:27:04-13:09:59:24 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))14:08:59:21-15:37:50:35 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:01:03:37-17:09:58:23 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))10:03:19:00-11:24:46:41 DGS-Korpus-C_20110609T1000.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)11:42:14:00-13:09:19:16 DGS-Korpus-C_20110609T1200.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)14:08:57:00-15:37:16:09 DGS-Korpus-C_20110609T1400.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)16:01:02:00-17:09:25:28 DGS-Korpus-C_20110609T1600.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)10:03:39:19-11:25:31:33 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))11:42:34:23-13:10:06:03 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))14:09:07:06-15:37:57:38 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))16:01:10:17-17:10:06:25 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))10:03:39:19-11:25:31:33 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110609T1000.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))11:42:34:23-13:10:06:03 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110609T1200.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))14:09:07:06-15:37:57:38 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110609T1400.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))16:01:10:17-17:10:06:25 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110609T1600.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera)


    No full text
    This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2011-02-06, the informants are from our data collection region Frankfurt (Southern Hesse, Saarland, partially Rhineland-Palatinate). This movie contains the following tracks:11:05:39:20-13:05:47:46 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110206T1000.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)13:24:37:20-14:24:27:19 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110206T1200.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)15:41:18:35-17:16:57:07 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110206T1400.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)17:34:29:29-18:53:37:33 DGS-Korpus-A1_20110206T1600.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)11:06:00:32-13:05:52:40 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)13:24:44:16-14:24:31:36 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)15:41:25:30-17:17:01:34 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)17:35:04:07-18:53:42:25 DGS-Korpus-A2_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:04:50:41-13:06:06:49 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))13:23:26:14-14:24:47:38 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))15:40:28:00-17:17:13:44 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))17:33:55:04-18:53:09:18 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:04:50:41-13:06:06:49 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))13:23:26:14-14:24:47:38 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))15:40:28:00-17:17:13:44 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))17:33:55:04-18:53:09:18 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))11:05:32:10-13:05:43:09 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110206T1000.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)13:24:27:09-14:24:22:42 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110206T1200.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)15:41:12:04-17:16:52:32 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110206T1400.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)17:34:22:08-18:53:33:13 DGS-Korpus-B1_20110206T1600.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)11:06:09:27-13:05:58:31 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)13:24:53:26-14:24:37:36 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)15:41:35:09-17:17:07:01 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)17:35:04:26-18:53:48:10 DGS-Korpus-B2_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)11:04:58:32-13:06:15:06 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))13:23:58:13-14:24:54:23 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))15:40:37:42-17:17:20:22 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))17:34:03:14-18:53:16:34 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:04:58:32-13:06:15:06 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))13:23:58:13-14:24:54:23 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))15:40:37:42-17:17:20:22 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))17:34:03:14-18:53:16:34 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))11:06:05:00-13:05:37:16 DGS-Korpus-C_20110206T1000.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)13:24:15:00-14:24:17:38 DGS-Korpus-C_20110206T1200.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)15:41:04:21-17:16:48:00 DGS-Korpus-C_20110206T1400.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)17:34:15:39-18:53:28:21 DGS-Korpus-C_20110206T1600.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)11:05:10:48-13:06:23:18 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))13:24:07:35-14:25:04:21 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))15:40:43:49-17:17:28:29 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))17:34:09:00-18:53:23:30 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))11:05:10:48-13:06:23:18 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110206T1000.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))13:24:07:35-14:25:04:21 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110206T1200.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))15:40:43:49-17:17:28:29 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110206T1400.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))17:34:09:00-18:53:23:30 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20110206T1600.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera)


    No full text
    This is one out of 165 recordings done in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) from 2010 to 2012 to collect a corpus of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2012-03-01, the informants are from our data collection region Leipzig (Saxony, Thuringia, partially Saxony-Anhalt). This movie contains the following tracks:09:57:05:11-11:42:27:09 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120301T1000.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)12:07:58:40-13:20:32:47 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120301T1200.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)14:25:49:17-16:00:17:16 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120301T1400.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)16:20:39:33-17:13:16:29 DGS-Korpus-A1_20120301T1600.mov 720p50 A1 (frontal view of informant A)09:56:16:41-11:42:31:31 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)12:07:51:32-13:20:37:12 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)14:25:42:28-16:00:21:48 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)16:19:56:11-17:13:21:11 DGS-Korpus-A2_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 A2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)09:56:48:21-11:42:55:33 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))12:08:33:34-13:21:07:16 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))14:26:18:16-16:00:46:24 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))16:21:00:04-17:13:44:40 DGS-Korpus-A4L_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 A4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))09:56:48:21-11:42:55:33 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))12:08:33:34-13:21:07:16 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))14:26:18:16-16:00:46:24 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))16:21:00:04-17:13:44:40 DGS-Korpus-A4R_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 A4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant A (Panasonic camera))09:56:30:19-11:42:22:01 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120301T1000.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)12:06:53:16-13:21:33:44 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120301T1200_xdc.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)14:25:56:46-16:00:11:22 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120301T1400.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)16:20:29:09-17:13:12:03 DGS-Korpus-B1_20120301T1600.mov 720p50 B1 (frontal view of informant A)09:56:22:21-11:42:36:39 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)12:07:57:46-13:20:42:36 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)14:25:48:12-16:00:27:12 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)16:19:55:35-17:13:26:09 DGS-Korpus-B2_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 B2 (bird’s eye view of informant A)09:56:41:34-11:42:49:00 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))12:08:25:19-13:20:58:13 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))14:26:10:28-16:00:40:12 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:19:02:45-17:14:23:03 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120301T1600_fcp.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:20:53:47-17:00:38:11 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))17:00:47:43-17:13:38:07 DGS-Korpus-B4L_20120301T1657.mov 1080i25 B4L (left channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))09:56:41:34-11:42:49:00 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))12:08:25:19-13:20:58:13 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))14:26:10:28-16:00:40:12 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:19:02:45-17:14:23:03 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120301T1600_fcp.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))16:20:53:47-17:00:38:11 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))17:00:47:43-17:13:38:07 DGS-Korpus-B4R_20120301T1657.mov 1080i25 B4R (right channel of a stereoscopic frontal view of informant B (Panasonic camera))09:56:55:00-11:42:16:18 DGS-Korpus-C_20120301T1000.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)12:08:41:00-13:20:23:15 DGS-Korpus-C_20120301T1200.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)14:26:38:00-16:00:06:02 DGS-Korpus-C_20120301T1400.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)16:21:07:00-17:13:07:11 DGS-Korpus-C_20120301T1600.mov 720p50 C (total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A)09:56:35:43-11:42:42:49 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))12:08:16:00-13:20:48:28 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))14:26:04:35-16:00:33:13 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))16:20:47:23-17:13:30:41 DGS-Korpus-C4L_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 C4L (left channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))09:56:35:43-11:42:42:49 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120301T1000.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))12:08:16:00-13:20:48:28 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120301T1200.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))14:26:04:35-16:00:33:13 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120301T1400.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera))16:20:47:23-17:13:30:41 DGS-Korpus-C4R_20120301T1600.mov 1080i25 C4R (right channel of a stereoscopic total view with (from left to right) informant B, moderator, informant A (Panasonic camera)
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