69 research outputs found

    Right to Confrontation in Codefendant Confession Cases: Richardson v. Marsh and Cruz v. New York

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    On Modifying the Variational Quantum Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm

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    In this work, we discuss two modifications that can be made to a known variational quantum singular value decomposition algorithm popular in the literature. The first is a change to the objective function which hints at improved performance of the algorithm and decreases the depth of the circuits. The second modification introduces a new way of computing expectation values of general matrices, which is a key step in the algorithm. We then benchmark this modified algorithm and compare the performance of our new objective function with the existing one.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, 2 table


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    René Descartes estrutura seu sistema filosófico e sedimenta suas bases metafisicamente a partir de sua obra Meditationes de Prima Philosophia (Meditações sobre a filosofia primeira) publicada em Paris no ano de 1641. Nela o filosofo apresenta duas substâncias distintas, res cogitans e res extensa, reconhece o atributo e as faculdades de cada uma delas, e percebe que duas faculdades particulares do pensamento (cogito), a sensação e a imaginação, não são imputáveis somente a substância pensante mas que surgem da relação com a substância extensa. Partindo desse problema, o comentador inglês Jonh Cottingham argumenta que para uma melhor compreensão da filosofia cartesiana devemos admitir a possibilidade de uma terceira substância. O objetivo desta pesquisa é expor a argumentação de Cottingham e demonstrar a viabilidade da proposta deste comentador, além de demostrar se há outras possibilidades de se esclarecer tal questão

    La circunstancia de especial dificultad en la prolongación de la prisión preventiva en el delito de organización criminal, Lima 2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general; Determinar de qué manera se analiza el presupuesto de circunstancia de especial dificultad en la prolongación de la prisión preventiva en el delito de organización criminal en la ciudad de Lima 2021. La metodología que se utilizó en el presente trabajo es tipo aplicada, con enfoque cualitativo y un diseño causal explicativo, bajo las teorías de hipótesis de teoría fundamentada, mediante las cuales se utilizó como instrumento la entrevista a una población de 17 fiscales de la Tercera Fiscalía Supraprovincial Corporativa Especializada contra la Criminalidad Organizada, de las cuales hemos podido obtener resultados que han respondido a nuestra hipótesis. Finalmente se llegó a la conclusión que el presupuesto de circunstancia de especial dificultad en la prolongación de la prisión preventiva en la fiscalía especializada de Crimen Organizado, distrito judicial, Lima 2021, se analiza en base al criterio del fiscal, y se ha determinado que la figura de la prolongación de la prisión preventiva en el proceso penal corresponde a las series de actos y hechos que se presentar fortuitamente dentro del proceso

    Where Does the Time Go: Smartphone Use Among Immigrant Mothers Born in the English-Speaking Caribbean

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    This ethnographic study investigates the ways in which smartphone use shape the daily routines of seven mothers who immigrated to Montreal from the English-speaking Caribbean. Using a combination of empirical data collection through a use-tracking app installed on participants’ smartphones and open-ended interviews, the paper argues that the pervasive use of smartphones in these mothers’ routines creates conflict with children while simultaneously providing mothers with a valuable outlet for socialization, identity creation and the maintenance of community ties. Evidence found in this study also suggests that media literacy is a relevant concern for women belonging to this population. One of the roles of a “good” mother is media gatekeeper, and while most of the participants in this study subscribe to this belief, most of them also have very little working knowledge about the media landscape in which they inhabit, and in some cases very little ability to decode the meaning and function of basic media products. For these reasons, media literacy among this population emerged as both an area of inquiry and a possible area of further study or outreach

    Affective Strategies For The Containment and Commodification of Motherhood Or, Towards a Theory of Affective Expertise

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    This thesis proposes a theory of “affective expertise,” for understanding the affective maneuvers and strategies employed by influencers, and momfluencers specifically, as they work to earn income through their online personas. The basis of this form of expertise is located in the contradictions that momfluencers (and other influencers) must negotiate as they seek to commodify their private lives through the production of content for sharing platforms. To be forthright in the commodification of family life would represent a breach of social norms. One of the fundamental challenges that momfluencers (and other influencers) face, this thesis argues, is to make the selling of their images appear like spontaneous acts of self-expression rather than considered strategies meant to generate income. Affective expertise is the set of skills that content creators develop and rely upon to thread the needle between commerce and “authenticity.” The subjects of this study belong to the broader creator economy, a precarious workforce that has emerged from the affordances of algorithmic sharing platforms including Instagram and TikTok. This study demonstrates how the working conditions experienced by creators operating under algorithmic managers are the backdrop for both the accumulation and deployment of affective expertise. The work of Deleuze, Hart and Negri, Duffy, and McRobbie lay the theoretical groundwork for the analysis of these labour conditions. Further, this study situates affective expertise within the broader context of biopolitical societies of control as defined by Foucault, Hardt and Negri, and Rabinow and Rose. Affective expertise can be understood as both an outcome of biopolitical subjectivity, and, ultimately, an attempt to recuperate agency within a matrix of constraints oriented around the reproduction of certain forms of life. This study situates affective expertise as a form of lay expertise that functions outside any formal structures of credential or training. Although this expertise is deployed in the service of an audience, and can be measured in part by an audience’s engagement with those who deploy it, I argue for its theorization as expertise rather than as entertainment or spectacle. Rather, affective expertise is an intricate negotiation between the competing and overlapping exigencies of biopolitical control, algorithmic managers, corporate or brand interests, and the imagined preferences of audiences

    Relación del estrés laboral y el desempeño laboral en la cadena molinera Induamerica Trade S.A – San Martín

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la relación entre el estrés laboral y el desempeño de los colaboradores de la empresa Induamerica Trade S.A del distrito de Bellavista, departamento de San Martín, Se realizó un análisis de los constructos y se partió las dimensiones propuestas para estrés laboral Benaiges (2010) que determina que las dimensiones del estrés laboral son: falta de apoyo organizacional, sobrecarga laboral, dificultades interpersonales, fuentes intrínsecas de insatisfacción y falta de justicia organizacional; y para el desempeño Urriola (2011) determina que son productividad y conductas laborales. La investigación es de carácter transaccional o transversal de tipo correlacional. En base a esta metodología, se pasó a estudiar a la empresa Induamerica Trade S.A del distrito de Bellavista, departamento de San Martín a 64 colaboradores, basándose en un instrumento que consta de con 39 ítems sobre las 7 dimensiones, el instrumento fue validado mediante juicio de expertos comprobándose su fiabilidad a través del alpha de crombach con un 0.910 de la variable estrés laboral y la variable desempeño laboral tuvo un valor de 0.594, Además se realizó un análisis de correlación de Rho Spearman para las variables se obtuvo el coeficiente de -0,199 (correlación negativa baja) y un p valor igual a 0,115 (p-valor > 0.05), por lo tanto, no existe relación significativa entre el estrés laboral y el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa Induamerica Trade S.A del distrito de Bellavista, departamento de San Martín, año 2017.TesisTARAPOTOEscuela Profesional de AdministraciónRelación del estrés laboral y el desempeño labora

    Combined effects of ultra-high pressure homogenization and short-wave ultraviolet radiation on the properties of cloudy apple juice

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    This work addresses the physicochemical, enzymatic and sensory changes in cloudy apple juice treated by ultra- high pressure homogenization (UHPH) and short-wave ultraviolet radiation (UV–C) applied at 20 ¿C. Those technologies were applied in single and combined treatments at different UHPH pressures (200–300 MPa) and UV-C doses (14.3–27.8 J/mL). UV-C treatments could not effectively inactivate enzymes, but treatments at 300- MPa UHPH reduced pectin methylesterase activity to a 24.6%, and polyphenol oxidase activity was not detected. Those samples presented a higher antioxidant capacity (283% measured by FRAP, and 286.4% by DPPH) than in non-treated juice, and after a combination with 28.7 J/mL of UV-C the polyphenols content augmented to 277.6%. Sensory evaluation revealed that UHPH at 300 MPa and UV-C at 21.5 J/mL significantly changed perceptible odour and overall flavour of cloudy apple juice, while treatments at 200 MPa didn’t produce any significant changes in the different parameters.Postprint (published version