2 research outputs found

    Uticaj metoda oplodnje genotipa, pola i tipa rođenja na porast jagnjadi

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    Estrus synchronization methods was use to control the reproductive traits of sheep, as well as bringing more females at the same stage of estrus and ovulation. According to the points mentioned above, the aim of the present study was to investigate and compare mating method and influence of fixed factors on birth and weaning weight of lambs. Statistical analysis showed that exist difference in the body weights between genotypes of lambs. In the first group, the difference in weight of lambs at birth, regardless of mating method was not significant (P> 0.05), while in the second group, the difference was slightly significant (P (lt) 0.05). As for the birth type, sex and within the same genotype, there was a statistical significance (P (lt) 0.05) between singles obtained naturally, between the triplets obtained naturally and between triplets received hormonal method. All the differences between body weight at 30 days (mating method, sex and birth type under the same genotype) were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.05).The determined differences in the body weights at 60 days (sex, mating method and type of birth under the same genotype) were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.05). The results showed that the differences (mating method, sex and type of birth under the same genotype) were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.05), except in between body weight at 90 days in twins among two genotypes obtained by natural method, which were not statistically significant (P> 0.05).Metod sinhronizacije estrusa se koristi da kontroliÅ”e reproduktivne osobine ovaca. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita i uporedi način parenja i uticaj osnovnih fiksnih faktora na masu jagnjadi. Statistička analiza je pokazala da je razlika telesne mase između grupa jagnjadi na rođenju bila statistički značajna. U prvoj grupi, razlika u masi jagnjadi na rođenju, zavisno od načina oplodnje nije bila značajna (P> 0,05), dok je u drugoj grupi, razlika statistički značajna (P (lt) 0,05). Å to se tiče tipa rođenja, a u okviru istog genotipa, postoji statistička značajnost (P (lt) 0,05) između jedinaca dobijenih prirodno, između prirodno dobijenih trojki i između trojke dobijenih hormonskim metodom. Sve razlike između masa tela muÅ”kih grla sa 30 dana (načinu oplodnje, tipa rođenja i u okviru istog genotipa) su statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,05). Utvrđene razlike u telesnoj masi sa 60 dana su takođe statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,05). Rezultati su pokazali da su razlike između genotipova pod uticajem fiksnih faktora statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,05), osim između telesne mase sa 90 dana kod blizanaca (P> 0,05)

    Uticaj genotipa i perioda laktacije na količinu, fizičke i hemijske osobine ovčijeg mleka

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    Two genotype of sheep have been utilized in the conduct of the experiment composed of 60 ewes from Pirot x Virtemberg as genotype 1 and 60 ewes of Improved Pirot as genotype 2. All the ewes were reared under identical conditions and without any differences in nutrition and management during the whole period under study. The collection of Milk sampling was done in morning and evening during periods (1, 2, 3) of lactation duration. The average lactation duration and average total milk of the two genotypes were very close and has a minimal difference of 0.467 day and 1.562 kg, in favor of genotype 2. The differences between genotypes were not significant (P>0,05). Regarding physical and chemical properties of milk for both genotypes, the difference were very minimal such as follows; viscosity Pa x s - 0.006, electrical conductivity Ī© - 0.018, density kg/m3 -0,001, freezing, t 0C - 0.013, LD number - 0.028 total solids, % - 0.014, fat,% - 0,026, protein,% - 0.085, lactose,% - 0.038, ash,% - 0,021, acidity, 0SH - 0.209. The results indicated that the properties of milk for both genotypes were very near to each other. It can be interpreted that the breeds utilized in the experiment were comparable due to similar characteristics perhaps. The effect of genotype was very significant only for the % protein of the milk. The lactation periods were highly significant in all physical and chemical properties of milk.Istraživanja su obavljena kod dve rase ovaca i to 60 grla Pirotska x Virtemberg kao genotip 1 i 60 ovaca pirotske oplemenjene populacije, kao genotip 2. Sve životinje su držane u istim proizvodnim uslovima na farmi u Vrnjačkoj Banji. Prosečne vrednosti trajanja laktacije i mleka dobijenog u periodu laktacije su bile vrlo ujednačene, tako da nije utvrđen uticaj genotipa na ova svojstva. Takođe, razlike između fizičko hemijskih osobina mleka, u većini slučajeva su bile nesignifikantne. Uticaj genotipa kao fiksnog faktora je bio vrlo signifikantan samo kod sadržaja proteina u mleku ovaca (P (lt) 0.01). Međutim utvrđeno je da period laktacije ima vrlo signifikantan uticaj na sva posmatrana fizička i hemijska svojstva mleka