3 research outputs found

    Compression of the optic chiasm is associated with reduced photoentrainment of the central biological clock

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    Objective: Pituitary tumours that compress the optic chiasm are associated with long-term alterations in sleep-wake rhythm. This may result from damage to intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) projecting from the retina to the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus via the optic chiasm to ensure photoentrainment (i.e. synchronisation to the 24-h solar cycle through light). To test this hypothesis, we compared the post-illumination pupil response (PIPR), a direct indicator of ipRGC function, between hypopituitarism patients with and without a history of optic chiasm compression. Design: Observational study, comparing two predefined groups. Methods: We studied 49 patients with adequately substituted hypopituitarism: 25 patients with previous optic chiasm compression causing visual disturbances (CC+ group) and 24 patients without (CC- group). The PIPR was assessed by chromatic pupillometry and expressed as the relative change between baseline and post-blue-light stimulus pupil diameter. Objective and subjective sleep parameters were obtained using polysomnography, actigraphy, and questionnaires. Results: Post-blue-light stimulus pupillary constriction was less sustained in CC+ patients compared with CC- patients, resulting in a significantly smaller extended PIPR (mean difference: 8.1%, 95% CI: 2.2-13.9%, P = 0.008, Cohen's d = 0.78). Sleep-wake timing was consistently later in CC+ patients, without differences in sleep duration, efficiency, or other rest-activity rhythm features. Subjective sleep did not differ between groups. Conclusion: Previous optic chiasm compression due to a pituitary tumour in patients with hypopituitarism is associated with an attenuated PIPR and delayed sleep timing. Together, these data suggest that ipRGC function and consequently photoentrainment of the central biological clock is impaired in patients with a history of optic chiasm compression

    NADP+ -dependent IDH1 R132 mutation and its relevance for glioma patient survival

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    The isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) mutation occurs in high frequency in glioma and secondary glioblastoma (GBM). Mutated IDH1 produces the oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate rather than α-ketoglutarate or isocitrate. The oncometabolite is considered to be the major cause of the association between the IDH1 mutation and gliomagenesis. On the other hand, the IDH1 mutation in GBM is associated with prolonged patient survival. This association is not well understood yet but IDH1 involvement in epigenetic silencing of O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), a DNA repair enzyme is considered to be an important mechanism. However, it was shown recently that the IDH1 mutation and MGMT silencing are independent prognostic factors. Here, we hypothesize that the IDH1 mutation reduces the capacity to produce NADPH and thus reduces the capacity to scavenge reactive oxygen species that are generated during irradiation and chemotherapy. IDH1 activity is responsible for two-thirds of the NADPH production capacity in normal brain, whereas the IDH1 mutation reduces this capacity by almost 40%. Therefore, we hypothesize that the reduced NADPH production capacity due to the IDH1 mutation renders GBM cells more vulnerable to irradiation and chemotherapy thus prolonging survival of the patient

    Optimising the care for older persons with complex chronic conditions in home care and nursing homes: design and protocol of I-CARE4OLD, an observational study using real-world data

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    Introduction In ageing societies, the number of older adults with complex chronic conditions (CCCs) is rapidly increasing. Care for older persons with CCCs is challenging, due to interactions between multiple conditions and their treatments. In home care and nursing homes, where most older persons with CCCs receive care, professionals often lack appropriate decision support suitable and sufficient to address the medical and functional complexity of persons with CCCs. This EU-funded project aims to develop decision support systems using high-quality, internationally standardised, routine care data to support better prognostication of health trajectories and treatment impact among older persons with CCCs.Methods and analysis Real-world data from older persons aged ≥60 years in home care and nursing homes, based on routinely performed comprehensive geriatric assessments using interRAI systems collected in the past 20 years, will be linked with administrative repositories on mortality and care use. These include potentially up to 51 million care recipients from eight countries: Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Canada, USA, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Prognostic algorithms will be developed and validated to better predict various health outcomes. In addition, the modifying impact of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions will be examined. A variety of analytical methods will be used, including techniques from the field of artificial intelligence such as machine learning. Based on the results, decision support tools will be developed and pilot tested among health professionals working in home care and nursing homes.Ethics and dissemination The study was approved by authorised medical ethical committees in each of the participating countries, and will comply with both local and EU legislation. Study findings will be shared with relevant stakeholders, including publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national and international meetings