9 research outputs found

    Adaptive Control for Narrow Bandwidth Input and Output Disturbance Rejection for a Non-Isothermal CSTR System

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    This paper presents an adaptive control scheme to face the challenge of rejecting input and output disturbances. The research is put on a layer of the design and start-up of chemical plants. The emphasis is on handling disturbances appearing in a narrow band of frequencies, which illustrates standard forms of disturbances in the alluded kind of systems. The controller is made up of a central RS structure that stabilizes the closed-loop plant. A second layer boosts the control law performance by adding the Youla–Kucera (YK) filter or Q parametrization and taking advantage of the internal model principle (IMP). This practice aids in modeling unknown disturbances with online control adjustment. We probe the resultant compensator for three non-isothermal continuous stirred tank reactors connected in series. The plant should conduct a first-order exothermic reaction consuming reactant A, while an isothermal operation stays and the outlet concentration is close to its nominal value. The primary concerns are open-loop instability and steady-state multiplicity in the plant’s first unit. The control objective is to reject input and output disturbances in a band of frequencies of 0.0002Hz to 0.007Hz, whether there are variants or not in time. We test the controller with input signals depicting both variations in the auxiliary services and abrupt changes. We then compare the executions of the resultant control law with a model-based predictive control (MPC). We find comparable responses to multiple disturbances. However, the adaptive control offers an effortless control input. We also conclude that the adaptive controller responds well to reference changes, while the MPC fails due to input constraints

    Control Structures Evaluation for a Salt Extractive Distillation Pilot Plant: Application to Bio-Ethanol Dehydration

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    This paper addresses the challenge of evaluating control structures for a salt extractive distillation column producing absolute ethanol for use as biofuel. A sensitivity analysis aided with designing a pseudo-binary distillation pilot plant and examining the conceived process and the influence of the reflux ratio on both product purity and energy consumption. We compare three control structures for inferential tracking of the distillate composition: a dual-temperature control with an RV (reflux/boilup) structure and two single-end temperature control configurations, and their performance is measured using deterministic indicators. The result is the proposal of a pilot plant design for treating 15 kg/h of a diluted mixture with mole fraction of ethanol equal to 0.2 and assuming a column efficiency of 50%. The R/F (reflux to feed ratio) configuration is the best control structure, given that its corresponding performance indicators conduct lowest steady-state errors, less oscillating responses, and reduced settling times. For this configuration, the reflux flow rate is rationed to the feed flow rate, and the temperature is controlled manipulating the distillate flow rate. Even subject to perturbations, the energy consumption of the plant remains close to the nominal value. The three evaluated control structures consistently met international quality standards for fuel ethanol and enhanced the use of salts in ethanol dehydration

    Adsorption and Separation of the H2O/H2SO4 and H2O/C2H5OH Mixtures: A Simulated and Experimental Study

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    Adsorption processes are characterized by their kinetics and equilibrium isotherms described by mathematical models. Nowadays, adsorption with molecular sieves is a method used to separate certain elements or molecules from a mixture and produce hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, ethanol, or water treatment. This study had two main objectives. The first one was focused on the use of different natural (Clinoptilolite-S.L. Potosi, Clinoptilolite-Puebla, and Heulandite-Sonora) and synthetic (Zeolite Type 3A) adsorbents to separate the mixtures H 2 O / H 2 S O 4 and H 2 O / C 2 H 5 O H . It was determined that both Zeolite Type-3A and Heulandite-Sonora have greater adsorption capacity in a shorter time compared with the Clinoptilolites at different temperatures. The second objective was the simulation of a pressure swing adsorption process to dehydrate ethanol using the parameters obtained from Zeolite Type 3A (with maximum adsorption capacity). Several configurations were considered to calculate the appropriate nominal values for the optimal process. The results illustrate that the purity of ethanol is increased when the following parameters are considered in the adsorption process: a high pressure, a constant temperature between 100 and 120 ° C, a feed composition near the azeotropic point with lower water content, and a purge pressure near the vacuum. Finally, the results show that it is possible to take advantage of the length of the absorber bed in order to reduce the energy costs by increasing the ethanol production as well as complying with the international purity standards

    Experimental Validation of Fractional PID Controllers Applied to a Two-Tank System

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    An experimental validation of fractional-order PID (FOPID) controllers, which were applied to a two coupled tanks system, is presented in this article. Two FOPID controllers, a continuous FOPID (cFOPID) and a discrete FOPID (dFOPID), were implemented in real-time. The gains tuning process was accomplished by applying genetic algorithms while considering the cost function with respect to the tracking error and control effort. The gains optimization process was performed directly to the two-tanks non-linear model. The real-time implementation used a National Instruments PCIe-6321 card as a data acquisition system; for the interface, we used a Simulink Matlab and Simulink Desktop Real-Time Toolbox. The performance of the fractional controllers was compared with the performance of classical PID controllers

    Simulation and State Feedback Control of a Pressure Swing Adsorption Process to Produce Hydrogen

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    One of the separation processes used for the production and purification of hydrogen is molecular sieve adsorption using the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) method. The process uses two beds containing activated carbon and a sequence of four steps (adsorption, depressurization, purge, and repressurization) for hydrogen production and purification. The initial composition is 0.11 CO, 0.61 H2, and 0.28 CH4 in molar fractions. The aim of this work is to bring the purity of hydrogen to 0.99 in molar fraction and implement controllers that can maintain the desired purity even in the presence of the disturbances that occur in the PSA process. The controller design (discrete PID and state feedback control) was based on the Hammerstein–Wiener model, which had an 80% fit over the rigorous PSA model. Both controllers were validated on a virtual plant of the PSA process, showing great performance and robustness against disturbances. The results obtained show that it is possible to follow the desired trajectory and attenuate double disturbances, while managing to maintain the purity of hydrogen at a value of 0.99 in molar fraction, which meets the international standards to be used as a biofuel

    Simulation and State Feedback Control of a Pressure Swing Adsorption Process to Produce Hydrogen

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    One of the separation processes used for the production and purification of hydrogen is molecular sieve adsorption using the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) method. The process uses two beds containing activated carbon and a sequence of four steps (adsorption, depressurization, purge, and repressurization) for hydrogen production and purification. The initial composition is 0.11 CO, 0.61 H2, and 0.28 CH4 in molar fractions. The aim of this work is to bring the purity of hydrogen to 0.99 in molar fraction and implement controllers that can maintain the desired purity even in the presence of the disturbances that occur in the PSA process. The controller design (discrete PID and state feedback control) was based on the Hammerstein–Wiener model, which had an 80% fit over the rigorous PSA model. Both controllers were validated on a virtual plant of the PSA process, showing great performance and robustness against disturbances. The results obtained show that it is possible to follow the desired trajectory and attenuate double disturbances, while managing to maintain the purity of hydrogen at a value of 0.99 in molar fraction, which meets the international standards to be used as a biofuel

    Review of the Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for the Production of Biofuels and Medical Oxygen: Separation and Purification Technology

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    The production of biofuels has had a great impact on climate change and the reduction of the use of fossil fuels. There are different technologies used for the separation and production of biofuels, which allow having compounds such as ethanol, methane, oxygen, and hydrogen, one of these promising technologies is the Pressure Swing Adsorption process (PSA). The objectives of this article focus on the production and purification of compounds that achieve purities of 99.5% bioethanol, 94.85% biohydrogen, 95.00% medical oxygen, and 99.99% biomethane through the PSA process; also, a significant review is contemplated to identify the different natural and synthetic adsorbents that have greater adsorption capacity, the different configurations in which a PSA operates are studied and identified, and the different mathematical models that describe the dynamic behavior of all the variables are established that interact in this PSA process, parametric studies are carried out in order to identify the variables that have the greatest effect on the purity obtained. The results obtained in this review allow facilitating the calculation of parameters, the optimization of the process, the automatic control to manipulate certain variables and to achieve the rejection of disturbances to have a recovery and production of biofuels with a high degree of purity

    Optimization and Recovery of a Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for the Purification and Production of Bioethanol

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    Today, there are new technologies to produce bioethanol: one of them is the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process. This process has displaced other separation technologies due to the use of natural adsorbents and its methodology to obtain high purities with a lower energy cost. The aim of this work focuses on the optimization of the PSA process (experimental case) to obtain a higher recovery and production of bioethanol using lower energy consumption. The results are favorable since the energy cost is reduced to a range of 60% and 62%, obtaining purities above 99% wt of ethanol and recovery between 75% and 77.41%. The bioethanol produced and purified in the different scenarios meets international standards to be used as a fuel or oxygenating additive

    On the State-Feedback Controller Design for Polynomial Linear Parameter-Varying Systems with Pole Placement within Linear Matrix Inequality Regions

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    The present paper addresses linear parameter-varying systems with high-order time-varying parameter dependency known as polynomial LPV systems and their controller design. Throughout this work, a procedure ensuring a state-feedback controller from a parameterized linear matrix inequality (PLMI) solution is presented. As the main contribution of this paper, the controller is designed by considering the time-varying parameter rate as a tuning parameter with a continuous control gain in such a way that the closed-loop eigenvalues lie in a complex plane subset, with high-order time-varying parameters defining the system dynamics. Simulation results are presented, aiming to show the effectiveness of the proposed controller design