63 research outputs found

    Pulmonary tuberculosis, a latent risk for health workers as a public health problem

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    The pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, whose reservoir is man and its transmission mechanism is through the "flugge" emitted by infected people when coughing or sneezing, affects the respiratory tract and if not detected and treated in a timely manner can lead the patient to death. At the international, national and state levels, strategies have been created for the eradication of this disease, without success in breaking the chain of transmission, preventing at least its elimination. Tuberculosis demands attention from the health team, representing a latent risk for personnel in direct contact with the patient without the use of protective measures. Currently, it represents a reemergent problem of Public Health in Mexico, given that the incidence of this condition is on the rise. Each year around 15,000 new cases are detected and more than 2,000 deaths due to this cause, mainly affects men, representing 60% of cases by gender. The latent risk for health personnel in Mexico is not sufficiently documented despite representing an important area of opportunity in its dissemination and control, which implies lamentably negative results

    Obesity, a real persistent public health problem in Mexico

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    Abstract: Obesity is a real persistent public health problem in our country that increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological evidences make clear the substantial increase that it has had over time, resulting in an economic impact on health expenditures. The fundamental cause of the presence of this epidemic is due to the modification of lifestyles, which involve bad dietary habits, as well as little or no physical activity; so to focus attention on these styles can be the key not only to solve the problem, but to prevent it. The present review focuses on exposing the most relevant aspects of obesity as a public health problem in our country and the world, based on its conceptualization and classification, the epidemiological figures over the years, the economic implications, as well as the as the causes and strategies for its prevention and control

    Empowerment of the diabetic patient, a health strategy for the control of the disease

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    The modification in the health conditions of populations is a multifactorial and dynamic process influenced by economic, political, cultural, demographic, technological, biological, social and educational aspects, as well as institutional programs focused on the containment and control of the risk factors of the different morbidities. It can be understood that adequate training and the empowerment of self-care actions can have an impact on the improvement of the quality of life of people living with diabetes mellitus, of which self-care is linked to daily health practices and to the decisions made regarding it, these practices are intended to reinforce, restore or impose health or prevent disease. Diabetes can cause a variety of complications and increase the risk of premature death. Genetics, age and family history increase the risk of developing it and can´t be changed, unlike other external factors, due to the multifactor nature, and the controversial that assesses the relationship of food and physical activity and little knowledge about the disease in people who suffer from it, it is difficult to establish an adequate control of it. This is to continue with a negative state in its control

    Efecto del etiquetado frontal de advertencia de alimentos y bebidas. La experiencia de otros países de América Latina

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    Introducción. En México se ha propuesto una serie de estrategias para la prevención y control de la obesidad, como el etiquetado frontal de advertencia, aprobado con la modificación a la NOM 051. Algunos países de América Latina como Chile y Ecuador ya han implementado etiquetados resumidos y simplificados sobre nutrientes relevantes para la salud. Objetivo. Describir la información disponible acerca de los efectos en la elección, compra y consumo de alimentos y bebidas procesadas, posterior a la implementación de un etiquetado nutrimental de advertencia en Chile y Ecuador. Material y métodos. Revisión sistémica en las bases de datos Medline, Pubmed, NCBI, Crossref, Scielo, Redalyc, buscador web y Google Académico. Las palabras claves fueron: etiquetado nutrimental, etiquetado de advertencia y semaforización de alimentos. La búsqueda se realizó en español e inglés. Resultados. Se encontró que existe buena comprensión y aceptabilidad de los sistemas de etiquetado de advertencia, sin embargo, los individuos con mayor nivel socioeconómico y educativo tienen una mayor predisposición a elegir productos más saludables, de igual manera en la elección de un alimento interfieren otros factores como la edad, las preferencias y el precio del producto. Por otro lado, el etiquetado de advertencia octogonal de Chile brinda resultados más favorables en comparación con el etiquetado de semáforo de Ecuador. Conclusiones. Este estudio permite describir un ligero panorama de las expectativas para México, posterior a la entrada en vigor de la modificación de la NOM 051 y muestra que, a pesar de brindar resultados favorables, requerirá estrategias adicionales para reforzar su efecto, esto evitaría resultados negativos

    Obesity and its association with other non-transmitted chronic diseases

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that around 312 million people in the world suffer from obesity, which is defined as "an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be harmful to health". Aim. Evidence association between obesity and Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases ECNT in adults. Method. A systematic review was carried out based on information published in databases such as Medline, ScienceDirect, INEGI and OMS. Results. The information detected in the network indicates that there is sufficient evidence of the association between obesity and chronic noncommunicable diseases, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cancer, and it was found that work between government and society is necessary. , that is, with co-responsibility. Conclusions. There is sufficient evidence of association between obesity and NCD, sedentary lifestyle, the socioeconomic conditions in which the vast majority of the Mexican population lives, the level of schooling and measures to mitigate incomplete obesity, such as labeling of food products without standard to compare and make the decision to consume them or not, among others. Disjointed programs of social reality, designed in the desktop or inherited, do not provide positive results

    Impact of an educational intervention on pregnant women with respect to their selfcare

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    Normal pregnancy is the physiological state of the woman that begins with fertilization and ends with the process of birth and birth with physiological changes present, however, there may be complications that seriously affect the binomial; Self-care refers to the human capacity of individuals to perform actions, whose purpose is to take care of themselves and others. Objective. The objective was to establish the state of the art to detect the effectiveness of an educational intervention to modify the level of knowledge and self-care capacity in pregnant women. Methodology. A review was made of 19 articles with data search in the network such as: Google academic, SciELO, nursing journals, Dialnet, Medigraphic, repositories, master catalog, scientific medical journal among others; using keywords, such as self-care, level of knowledge, pregnancy and educational intervention. Conclusion. The knowledge of self-care in pregnancy is a priority for the mother and the product since it positively impacts the morbidity and mortality rates of both, this allows to reduce complications in the state of health. Otherwise, the result would be definitely negative

    Community participation by health committees and mutual aid groups of Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico

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    Aim. to describe the characteristics and operation of the different groups of community participation that exist in the 16 health centers located in the city of Pachuca, during January-December 2015. Material and Methods. 61 surveys were applied to member of different health committees and 125 surveys were applied to member of self-help groups. Results: over 90% committee´s members are women; schooling was 41% high school. 88% of the committee´s members reported that health personnel decide when and how to meet them.47% members of self-help groups reported that operation depend on health personnel. Conclusions: only if the community is involved in decision making, there is community participation. This is a way to increase the power of communities (empowerment) where democratic decision making is strengthened; this inspires pride and facilitates a genuine participation in the development process. Otherwise the results in community participation will not be entirely positive

    Expired medications, use and knowledge in the students of the Institute of Health Sciences of the Public University

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    Medicines are dangerous for health and the environment, so it is important to know the proper way to dispose of them. Objective. Identify the knowledge of the students of the different educational programs of the ICSa on the management of the expired medications. Materials and methods. An observational, cross-sectional and prospective epidemiological study was carried out by applying a survey to the students of the ICSA's degrees. Results. A total of 50 articles were applied in which it was demonstrated that the total of the population knows that it is an outdated medicine, however, 38% use conventional common waste as their final destination, only 24% special container and 54% consider that there is a lack of information about their correct disposal. Conclusion. It is appreciated that the surveyed population knows that it is an outdated drug but the great majority is not able to identify the importance of the appropriate waste, this despite the fact that they are aware that they can appear anywhere. So working from the educational field, under the constructivist model of education will prevent the results in environment and health are not positive

    Lifestyle dependent Parasitic diseases

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    Objective. Determine the presence of parasites in vulnerable groups and venture into the exploration regarding lifestyles and their correlation with contracting parasitic diseases. Material and methods. An exploratory study was conducted by project with medical students, for this investigation a survey was applied to 90 vulnerable people, as well as coproparasitoscopic analysis and fresh amiba to 20 more people from different social groups; students, housewives, workers and infants. Results. 1% of the sample presented Entamoeba histolytica, among others blastocysts was detected Giardia lamblia and as Endolimax nana 6 (6/20). Discussion. Governments invest a lot of resources in the construction of hospitals or health units and invest much less in working on the lifestyles of the population, which has a negative impact on the health of the community. the importance of building knowledge about improving lifestyles and the population understands the direct relationship that these lifestyles have on the health and disease process, spending on health institutions will continue to increase and vulnerable populations that do not have access to health services will continue to be isolated. Conclusions. There is a correlation between lifestyles and present amebiasis, with hand washing and the presence of Entamoeba histolytica with key symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea

    The ingestion of aflatoxigenic foods and their possible implications with cervical cancer

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    Cancer has been one of the most deadly diseases in the world; In the female population Cervical Cancer [CaCu], is one of the most frequent and deadly, which could be caused by different infectious, food, socioeconomic and cultural factors, to mention a few. Consuming aflatoxigenic foods such as [corn tortilla, almonds, rice, oats, peanuts, pistachios, among others] contaminated with Aspergillus parasiticus, A. nonius and A. flavus could pose a risk for CaCu. Objective. Determine the pattern of ingestion of aflatoxigenic foods in women diagnosed with [CaCu]. Material and methods. The study was observational cross-sectional. For this investigation, a study was carried out on 120 women; Persons who were previously selected according to a database provided by a health institution. Results. The results of the surveys show the high consumption of foods containing aflatoxins in patients diagnosed with Cervical-uterine Cancer. Conclusions. Women report high intakes of aflatoxigenic foods that may be involved in the development of [CaCu] and most likely with other epidemiological events. Failure to pay attention to patterns of food and poverty allows anticipating non-positive results in human health