8 research outputs found

    Immunoexpression of TTF-1 and Ki-67 in a coexistent anaplastic and follicular thyroid cancer with rare long-life surviving.

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    We report the immunohistochemical diagnosis, including TTF-1 (thyroid transcription factor 1) and Ki-67, of a rare mixed thyroid neoplasm composed of minimally invasive well differentiated follicular areas and highly aggressive undifferentiated anaplastic areas. A 75 old female presented to our clinic with a rapidly growing neck mass. Considering the dynamics of the disease and the multiple challenges presented by the patient: advanced age, tumor size, history of a longstanding goiter we decided to transfer her to the department of surgery. The intraoperative findings were an enlarged right lobe with tracheal and surrounding tissues infiltration. Total thyroidectomy, radical neck lymph nodes dissection and tracheostomy were performed. The histopathological and immunohistochemical examination revealed a coexistent anaplastic and follicular thyroid carcinoma. The proliferation index Ki-67, a cell proliferation marker, was found to be significantly higher in the anaplastic areas (30 +/- 5%) in the comparison with the follicular areas (2 +/- 1%). The evaluation of the thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1) expression revealed a correlation with the tumor cells aggressiveness accordingly to the cancer areas. After a radical surgery an external adjuvant radiation was applied. The patient is alive and more than five years after diagnosis she presented an increase of the serum thyroglobulin level suggesting, probably, a recurrence of the follicular form of the cancer. According to our survey we suggest that in thyroid cancers TTF-1 and Ki-67 could provides useful information on the differentiation activities of thyroid tumor cells and may be helpful to distinguish well differentiated and undifferentiated areas in a mixed thyroid cancer

    Dawkowanie i koszt lanreotydu Autogel 120 mg stosowanego w leczeniu akromegalii w Polsce — wyniki 2-letniego badania Lanro-Study

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    Introduction: To evaluate, over 24 months of prospective follow-up, the dosage and costs of lanreotide AUTOGEL 120 mg (ATG120) administered as part of routine acromegaly care in Poland.Material and methods: A multicentre, non-interventional, observational prospective study on resource utilisation in Polish acromegalic patients treated with ATG120 at 4-week or extended (> 4 weeks) dosing interval. The study population consisted of adult acromegalic patients treated for at least 3 injections of ATG120. The endpoints were: percentage of patients treated with ATG120 at an extended dosing interval (> 4 weeks), mean time between injections, and the cost of ATG120 during a 24-month prospective observation. Costs were calculated in PLN from the public health-care payer and patient perspective for the year 2014.Results: 143 patients were enrolled in, and 132 completed (70% women, 81% macroadenoma, 75% previous surgery) the analysis. During two years, changes in the treatment pattern were reported in 41 patients: 17% of them had increased injection interval and 10% switched to octreotide LAR and then returned to ATG120. Sixty-three patients (48%) received ATG120 at an extended dosing interval. ATG120 was predominantly administered in an out-patient setting (84%) by a health care professional (97%).Conclusions: The results demonstrated that extended dosing interval of ATG120 is used in a substantial proportion of patients in routine clinical practice in Poland. Such findings support the potential for ATG120 in reducing treatment burden in the real-world clinical environment. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (2): 142–148)Wstęp: Ocena schematu dawkowania i kosztu lanreotydu Autogel 120 mg (ATG120) stosowanego w leczeniu akromegalii w Polsce.Materiał i metody: Wieloośrodkowe, nieinterwencyjne, obserwacyjne badanie prospektywne oceniające zużycie zasobów ochrony zdrowia w populacji polskich pacjentów z akromegalią leczonych ATG120 z zastosowaniem 4-tygodniowego lub wydłużonego (> 4 tygodni) odstępu między dawkami leku. Do badania włączani byli dorośli pacjenci, którzy otrzymali co najmniej 3 dawki ATG120. Horyzont czasowy badania wynosił 24 miesięcy. Koszt leku obliczono z perspektywy płatnika publicznego i pacjenta w 2014 roku.Wyniki: Do badania włączono 143 pacjentów, 132 z nich ukończyło badanie (70% kobiet, u 81% makrogruczolak, 75% było wcześniej leczonych chirurgicznie). W czasie 2 lat zmiany schematu leczenia dokonano u 41 chorych, u 17% z nich wydłużono odstęp między dawkami, u 10% — zmieniono lek na oktreotyd LAR a potem ponownie zastosowano ATG120. U 63 pacjentów (48%) odstęp pomiędzy dawkami ATG120 wynosił > 4 tygodnie. ATG120 był przeważnie podawany ambulatoryjnie (84%) przez fachowy personel medyczny (97%). Wnioski: Badanie wykazało, że w codziennej praktyce klinicznej u znaczącego odsetka pacjentów odstęp czasowy pomiędzy kolejnymi dawkami ATG120 jest dłuższy niż 4 tygodnie. Wynik ten potwierdza tezę, że dzięki stosowaniu ATG120 można obniżyć koszty leczenia akromegalii. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (2): 142–148

    Primary hyperthyroidism — diagnosis and treatment. Indications and contraindications for radioiodine therapy

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    Isotope therapy is one of the methods used in primary hyperthyroidism. The therapy is based on short-range beta radiation emitted from radioactive iodine. Radioiodine administration must always be preceded by pharmacological normalization of thyroid function. Otherwise, post-radiation thyrocyte destruction and thyroid hormones release may lead to hyperthyroidism exacerbation. Indications for radioiodine therapy in Graves-Basedow disease include recurrent hyperthyroidism after thyrostatic treatment or thyroidectomy and side-effects observed during thyrostatic treatment. In toxic nodule, isotope therapy is the first choice therapy. Radioiodine is absorbed only in autonomous nodule. Therefore, it destroys only this area and does not damage the remaining thyroid tissue. In toxic goitre, radioiodine is used mostly in recurrent nodules. Absolute contraindications for radioiodine treatment are pregnancy and lactation. Relative contraindications are thyroid nodules suspected of malignancy and age under 15 years. In patients with thyroid nodules suspected of malignancy, radioiodine treatment may be applied as a preparation for surgery, if thyrostatic drugs are ineffective or contraindicated. In children, radioiodine therapy should be considered in recurrent toxic goitre and when thyrostatic drugs are ineffective. In patients with Graves-Basedow disease and thyroid-associated orbitopathy, radioiodine treatment may increase the inflammatory process and exacerbate the ophthalmological symptoms. However, thyroid-associated orbitopathy cannot be considered as a contraindication for isotope therapy. The potential carcinogenic properties of radioiodine, especially associated with tissues with high iodine uptake (thyroid, salivary glands, stomach, intestine, urinary tract, breast), have not been confirmed. Nuclear Med Rev 2011; 14, 1: 29–3

    Finite Element Analysis of Subperiosteal Implants in Edentulism—On the Basis of the MaI Implant<sup>®</sup> by Integra Implants<sup>®</sup>

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    The MaI Implants® method offers a modern treatment option for specific patients who lack sufficient bone for traditional screw-based implants. The aim of the article is to use Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to examine the behavior of a subperiosteal implant under actual conditions within the oral cavity and to assess the impact of various mechanical factors on the durability of the MaI Implants®. A strength analysis was conducted using Finite Element Analysis for two models. The first was a single subperiosteal implant, while the second was a model of an arch consisting of two single subperiosteal implants connected by a bar. Based on the obtained results, it can be observed that the increase in load from 100 N to 800 N leads to an increase in displacements throughout the implant. Changing the angle from 90 to 30 degrees resulted in a 576% increase in the average displacement value across all multi-units. Stresses in the multi-units range from 23.7 MPa to 268.5 MPa. The lack of proper stabilization of the implant has the greatest impact on the results of displacements. Such displacements are significant for the later positioning of the implant compared to the initial conditions

    Absence of the RET+3:T allele in the MTC patients

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    Abstract The mutations of the RET proto-oncogene contributes to the development of MTC by increasing the activity of the receptor encoded by this gene. Variant T of polymorphism rs2435357 located in the enhancer of the RET gene reduces the enhancer’s activity. The opposite effects of rs2435357 and the mutations causing medullary thyroid carcinoma resulted in the investigation of the status of this polymorphism in patients with MTC. In our study, we compared the frequency of polymorphism rs2435357 in the group of 48 MTC patients with its frequency in Polish population. The frequency of heterozygotes C/T at rs2435357 reached almost 12% (18/152) for the Polish population, in contrast to the group of MTC patients where not even a single T allele was found. The frequency difference is statistically significant. This observation might indicate that the presence of the heterozygous T allele at rs2435357 may be associated with the inhibition of medullary thyroid carcinoma development.</p

    The immunohistochemical demonstration of parafollicular cells and evaluation of calcium-phosphate balance in patients with thyroid hemiagenesis

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    Thyroid hemiagenesis (TH) is characterized by the congenital absence of one thyroid lobe. The aim of this study was to evaluate the calcium-phosphate balance in TH. Twenty patients with TH and 20 controls with a bilobed thyroid were studied. Serum concentrations of total calcium, parathormon and calcitonin were measured. Additionally, the immunohistochemical expression of calcitonin, chromogranin A (chA), neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was evaluated in surgical specimens from patients with TH and controls. There were no significant differences in biochemical parameters between TH and controls. Positive staining for calcitonin was demonstrated in 3/8 thyroid sections from three patients with TH, but only in 2/33 sections from four controls (p &lt; 0.005). All sections from patients with TH positive for calcitonin also expressed chA, NSE and CGRP. Two sections from controls positive for calcitonin presented an additionally positive reaction for chA, and one of them also for NSE. None presented positive staining for CGRP. Of three TH sections, in one, hyperplasia of C cells of medium grade, and in another hyperplasia of C cells of high grade, could be detected. In the controls, hyperplasia of C cells of low and medium grade was observed. TH was associated with slightly enhanced C cells hyperplasia compared to controls, which might indicate compensatory proliferation. However, the calcium-phosphate balance does not seem to be significantly affected. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 299&amp;#8211;305

    Immunoexpression of TTF-1 and Ki-67 in a coexistent anaplastic and follicular thyroid cancer with rare long-life surviving.

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    We report the immunohistochemical diagnosis, including TTF-1 (thyroid transcription factor 1) and Ki-67, of a rare mixed thyroid neoplasm composed of minimally invasive well differentiated follicular areas and highly aggressive undifferentiated anaplastic areas. A 75 old female presented to our clinic with a rapidly growing neck mass. Considering the dynamics of the disease and the multiple challenges presented by the patient: advanced age, tumor size, history of a longstanding goiter we decided to transfer her to the department of surgery. The intraoperative findings were an enlarged right lobe with tracheal and surrounding tissues infiltration. Total thyroidectomy, radical neck lymph nodes dissection and tracheostomy were performed. The histopathological and immunohistochemical examination revealed a coexistent anaplastic and follicular thyroid carcinoma. The proliferation index Ki-67, a cell proliferation marker, was found to be significantly higher in the anaplastic areas (30 +/- 5%) in the comparison with the follicular areas (2 +/- 1%). The evaluation of the thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1) expression revealed a correlation with the tumor cells aggressiveness accordingly to the cancer areas. After a radical surgery an external adjuvant radiation was applied. The patient is alive and more than five years after diagnosis she presented an increase of the serum thyroglobulin level suggesting, probably, a recurrence of the follicular form of the cancer. According to our survey we suggest that in thyroid cancers TTF-1 and Ki-67 could provides useful information on the differentiation activities of thyroid tumor cells and may be helpful to distinguish well differentiated and undifferentiated areas in a mixed thyroid cancer