6 research outputs found

    Life style and risk of development of dental caries in a population of adolescents

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    Introduction. Oxygen is an essential element for sustaining the life of aerobes; however, in certain conditions it may be toxic for these organisms. This is due to so-called reactive oxygen species – ROS. Factors which cause the production of free radicals include ionizing radiation, UV radiation, high temperature, and hazardous substances, such as phenols, carbon monoxide, e.g. in smokers, also air pollution and drugs. Objective. The objective of the study was analysis of the total antioxidant status (TAS) in stimulated and unstimulated saliva, according to the number of active carious lesions in generally healthy non-smokers aged 15–17. Materials and method. The study covered 113 adolescents aged 15–17 in whom the state of dentition was evaluated using the DMFT (Decayed-Missing-Filled) index, and oral hygiene assessed based on the OHI-S (Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified) index. TAS in saliva was determined by means of a Randox Labolatories Ltd. test kit, by the spectrophotometric method. Results. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in the population examined an increase in the number of carious lesions was accompanied by a significant decrease in the TAS, both in stimulated and unstimulated saliva. Conclusions. A health-promoting life style, maintenance of basic principles of oral hygiene and care of general health through the elimination of harmful habits decrease the risk of dental caries

    Ocena stanu zdrowia i potrzeb rehabilitacji narządu żucia u pensjonariuszy z Domów Pomocy Społecznej

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    Background. The demographic data indicate that the number of elderly people will be more and more aroundthe world. Dentists will increasingly become the necessity of a comprehensive medical practice in a group of elderlypatients. The aim of this study was to assess the state of the natural dentition and prosthetic needs in residentsof nursing homes in Lublin.Material and methods. The study was carried out among 139 residents. The average number of natural teethand presence of missing teeth was determined. The natural teeth caries intensity was assessed by the average ofDMFT which describe mean number of decayed (D), missing (M) or filled (F) teeth (T). Identified treatment needsof patients in the prosthetic rehabilitation.Results. Mean age was 71.9 years. There were 83 women and 56 men. The average number of natural teethpresent in the oral cavity was 8.4±9.2. There were 41% of the teeth, while 59% had partial dentition own. Analysisof the number of components DMFT showed that the greatest impact on the value of the average numberof DMFT in all age groups had the greatest impact the average number of teeth removed.Conclusions. The high value of the number DMFT and needs of prosthetic show large gaps in the natural dentitionresidents of nursing homes. Most often they have required complete dentures in maxilla and the partialdentures in the mandible. Residents of nursing homes should be surrounded by a multidisciplinary dental care inthe prevention and treatment especially in the field of restoration of oral structures by restorations.Wstęp: Dane demograficzne wskazują, że liczba osób w podeszłym wieku będzie coraz większa na całym świecie. Lekarze dentyści coraz częściej będą stawać przed koniecznością kompleksowego postępowania lekarskiego w grupie pacjentów w podeszłym wieku. Celem pracy była stomatologiczna ocena stanu zdrowia i potrzeb protetycznych narządu żucia u pensjonariuszy z Domów Pomocy Społecznej. Materiał i metody: Badaniem klinicznym oceniono stan narządu żucia u 139 pensjonariuszy Domów Pomocy Społecznej (DPS) z terenu miasta Lublina. Średni wiek badanych wyniósł 71,9 lat. Oceniano stan uzębienia określając intensywność choroby próchnicowej zębów za pomocą średniej liczby PUWZ, występowanie średniej liczby zębów własnych oraz występowanie braków zębowych. Określono potrzeby lecznicze pacjentów w zakresie rehabilitacji protetycznej. Wyniki badań: W badanej grupie było 83 kobiety i 56 mężczyzn. Średnia liczba zębów obecnych w jamie ustnej wyniosła 8,38±9,18. W badanej grupie było 41,01% osób bezzębnych, natomiast 58,99% osób posiadało częściowe uzębienie własne. Średnia wartość liczby P wyniosła – 4,65±3,96, liczby U – 17,48±8,15, liczby W – 1,88±2,55. Analiza składowych liczby PUWZ wykazała, że największy wpływ na wartość średniej liczby PUWZ we wszystkich grupach wiekowych miała średnia liczba zębów usuniętych. W badanej grupie osób zaobserwowano, że największe zapotrzebowanie na częściowe uzupełnienia protetyczne było w żuchwie natomiast w szczęce największe zapotrzebowanie było na protezy całkowite. Wnioski: Pensjonariusze domów pomocy społecznej powinni być otoczeni wielospecjalistyczną opieką stomatologiczną w zakresie profilaktyki i leczenia a szczególnie rehabilitacji narządu żucia.

    Entamoeba gingivalis – prevalence and correlation with dental caries in children from rural and urban regions of Lublin Province, Eastern Poland

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    Introduction Entamoeba gingivalis , as the name implies. typically lives around the gumline of the teeth in the tartar and gingival pockets of the oral cavity. Pathogenicity of protozoa in the oral cavity is not completely understood. The occurrence in patients with a good state of the immune system usually does not cause any pathological changes. In the presentede survey, an increased incidence of Entamoeba gingivalis in conjunction with pathological changes in the oral cavity was found. Objectives The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis in children treated in Department of Paediatric Dentistry of the Medical University in Lublin and its correlation with dental caries. Material and methods Diagnostic materials in the form of swabs were obtained from 154 children in the age 2–18 years old, treated in the Department of Paediatric Dentistry of the Medical University in Lublin. The main index for epidemiological surveys in oral health – DMFT (decayed, missed, and filled teeth) for permanent teeth and DMFT for deciduous teeth was calculated. Results The average number of Entamoeba gingivalis in urban children was 12.84. The DMFT number in the deciduous teeth was lower in urban patients (5.0) than from rural patients (5.4). The DMFT number in the permanent teeth was lower in urban patients (3.155) than rural patients (3.98). There was no statistically significant correlation between the DMFT value and the number of Entamoeba gingivalis . Conclusions 1) Entamoeba gingivalis occurs in the oral cavity of children. 2) In the presented survey, both DMFT and dmft indexes were high which proves high activity of dental carious. 3) There was no significant statistical correlation observed between dental caries and the presence of Entamoeba gingivalis

    Entamoeba gingivalis – prevalence and correlation with dental caries in children from rural and urban regions of Lublin Province, Eastern Poland

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    Introduction Entamoeba gingivalis , as the name implies. typically lives around the gumline of the teeth in the tartar and gingival pockets of the oral cavity. Pathogenicity of protozoa in the oral cavity is not completely understood. The occurrence in patients with a good state of the immune system usually does not cause any pathological changes. In the presentede survey, an increased incidence of Entamoeba gingivalis in conjunction with pathological changes in the oral cavity was found. Objectives The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis in children treated in Department of Paediatric Dentistry of the Medical University in Lublin and its correlation with dental caries. Material and methods Diagnostic materials in the form of swabs were obtained from 154 children in the age 2–18 years old, treated in the Department of Paediatric Dentistry of the Medical University in Lublin. The main index for epidemiological surveys in oral health – DMFT (decayed, missed, and filled teeth) for permanent teeth and DMFT for deciduous teeth was calculated. Results The average number of Entamoeba gingivalis in urban children was 12.84. The DMFT number in the deciduous teeth was lower in urban patients (5.0) than from rural patients (5.4). The DMFT number in the permanent teeth was lower in urban patients (3.155) than rural patients (3.98). There was no statistically significant correlation between the DMFT value and the number of Entamoeba gingivalis . Conclusions 1) Entamoeba gingivalis occurs in the oral cavity of children. 2) In the presented survey, both DMFT and dmft indexes were high which proves high activity of dental carious. 3) There was no significant statistical correlation observed between dental caries and the presence of Entamoeba gingivalis