11 research outputs found

    Challenge problem and milestones for : Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) waste Integrated Performance and Safety Codes (IPSC).

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    This report describes the specification of a challenge problem and associated challenge milestones for the Waste Integrated Performance and Safety Codes (IPSC) supporting the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Campaign. The NEAMS challenge problems are designed to demonstrate proof of concept and progress towards IPSC goals. The goal of the Waste IPSC is to develop an integrated suite of modeling and simulation capabilities to quantitatively assess the long-term performance of waste forms in the engineered and geologic environments of a radioactive waste storage or disposal system. The Waste IPSC will provide this simulation capability (1) for a range of disposal concepts, waste form types, engineered repository designs, and geologic settings, (2) for a range of time scales and distances, (3) with appropriate consideration of the inherent uncertainties, and (4) in accordance with robust verification, validation, and software quality requirements. To demonstrate proof of concept and progress towards these goals and requirements, a Waste IPSC challenge problem is specified that includes coupled thermal-hydrologic-chemical-mechanical (THCM) processes that describe (1) the degradation of a borosilicate glass waste form and the corresponding mobilization of radionuclides (i.e., the processes that produce the radionuclide source term), (2) the associated near-field physical and chemical environment for waste emplacement within a salt formation, and (3) radionuclide transport in the near field (i.e., through the engineered components - waste form, waste package, and backfill - and the immediately adjacent salt). The initial details of a set of challenge milestones that collectively comprise the full challenge problem are also specified


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    ABSTRACT The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is considering the possible recommendation of a site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, for the potential development of a geologic repository for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. To facilitate public review and comment, in May 2001 the DOE released the Yucca Mountain Science and Engineering Report (S&ER) (1), which presents technical information supporting the consideration of the possible site recommendation. The report summarizes the results of more than 20 years of scientific and engineering studies. Based on internal reviews of the S&ER and its key supporting references, the Total System Performance Assessment for the Site Recommendation (TSPA-SR) (2) and the Analysis Model Reports and Process Model Reports cited therein, the DOE has recently identified and performed several types of analyses to supplement the treatment of uncertainty in support of the consideration of a possible site recommendation. The results of these new analyses are summarized in the two-volume report entitled FY01 Supplemental Science and Performance Analysis (SSPA) (3,4). The information in this report is intended to supplement, not supplant, the information contained in the S&ER. The DOE recognizes that important uncertainties will always remain in any assessment of the performance of a potential repository over thousands of years (1). One part of the DOE approach to recognizing and managing these uncertainties is a commitment to continued testing and analysis and to the continued evaluation of the technical basis supporting the possible recommendation of the site, such as the analysis contained in the SSPA. The goals of the work described here are to provide insights into the implications of newly quantified uncertainties, updated science, and evaluations of lower operating temperatures on the performance of a potential Yucca Mountain repository and to increase confidence in the results of the TSPA described in the S&ER (1). The primary tool used to evaluate the implications of the three types of supplemental information described in the SSPA (3,4) is the Yucca Mountain integrated TSPA model. WM '02 Conference, February 24-28, 2002, Tucson, AZ-pg. 2 In the SSPA two types of analyses of the performance of the potential repository were conducted using the TSPA model. First, a set of "one-off" sensitivity analyses was conducted to evaluate the effects of incorporating the updated models and representations one at a time. Then, the updated models and representations were abstracted and aggregated to produce a modified TSPA model, referred to as the supplemental TSPA model, which captures the combined effects of those alternative representations. This supplemental TSPA model was used to evaluate system performance over a range of thermal operating modes. The supplemental TSPA model results were compared with results of the TSPA-SR to provide insights into the cumulative effects of all model changes on the system results and to demonstrate that the TSPA-SR analyses were conservative in nature, i.e., that a safety margin had been built into the suite of TSPA-SR models


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    ABSTRACT The total-system performance assessment (TSPA) model for the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for the potential high-level nuclear-waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada was developed from a series of analyses and model studies of the Yucca Mountain site. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has recommended the Yucca Mountain, Nevada site for the potential development of a geologic repository for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. In May 2001, the DOE released the Yucca Mountain Science and Engineering Report (S&ER) for public review and comment. The S&ER summarizes more than 20 years of scientific and engineering studies supporting the site recommendation (SR). Following internal reviews of the S&ER and other documents, the DOE performed supplemental analyses of uncertainty in support of the SR as summarized in the Supplemental Science and Performance Analysis (SSPA) reports The results of calculations using the FEIS TSPA model under a non-disruptive scenario, show that the potential disposal of commercial and DOE waste at a Yucca Mountain repository would not produce releases to the environment that would exceed the regulatory standards promulgated in the EPA Final Rule 10 CFR 197 and the NRC Final Rule 10 CFR 63 for both individual protection and groundwater protection. The analyses also show that both the high and low-temperature operating modes result in similar mean annual dose to the reasonably maximally exposed individual (RMEI). Further, the analyses show that consideration of intrusive and extrusive igneous events, human intrusion, or inclusion of the potential inventory of all radioactive material in the commercial and DOE inventory would not exceed those published standards