7 research outputs found
Protecting Intellectual Property Within Horizontal Exchange Relationships
- Author
- Publication venue
- Digital Commons @ University of Georgia School of Law
- Publication date
- 29/03/2016
- Field of study
Dilution, An Idea Whose Time Has Gone; Brand Equity As Protectable Property, the New/Old Paradigm
- Publication venue
- Digital Commons @ University of Georgia School of Law
- Publication date
- 29/03/2016
- Field of study
Private Label Imitation of a National Brand: Implications for Consumer Choice and Law
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Marketing Association (AMA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Measuring Sponsorship Materiality
- Author
- &
- &
- . . . Parody
- . . . Sports Merchandise
- Chad J Doellinger
- E G See
- E G See
- J
- J Nw
- Jacob Jacoby
- Jacoby See
- Jerre Swann
- John T Jost
- Lunney See Generally
- Mark Lemley
- Matthew B. Kugler
- Mccarthy See
- Scott See
- See Id
- See Lemley
- See Lunney
- See Mcgeveran
- See Mcgeveran
- Supra Jacoby
- Swann
- Swann
- T John
- Universities . . Colleges
- William See
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Brand Dilution: When Do New Brands Hurt Existing Brands?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Marketing Association (AMA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Quantifying Brand Image: Empirical Evidence of Trademark Dilution
- Author
- Ajzen Icek
- Becker Mark R.
- Beebe Barton
- Bhat Subodh
- Bible Patrick M.
- Brady Robert
- Breitzman Anthony
- Brown Ralph
- Cahoy Daniel R.
- Choi Won W.
- Cook William
- Derenberg Walter J.
- Erdem Tulin
- Foxman Ellen R.
- Gilson Jerome
- Goldman Lee
- Guber Selina S.
- Klieger Robert N.
- Landes William M.
- Landes William M.
- Lee Thomas R.
- Lemley Mark
- Lemley Mark A.
- Levy Karen
- Lunney Glynn S.
- Magliocca Gerard N.
- McCarthy J. Thomas
- Moskin Jonathan E.
- Nelson Robert S.
- Nelson Sara Stadler
- Nguyen Xuan-Thao N.
- Oswald Lynda J.
- Pollack Malla
- Port Kenneth L.
- Reichheld Frederick F.
- Schechter Frank I.
- Shanti Adam Omar
- Sikora Martin
- Smith Daniel
- Strasser Mathias
- Swann Sr Jerre B.
- Welkowitz David S.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Economic Analysis of Property Law
- Author
- A Bovenberg
- A C Pigou
- A Polinsky
- Adam B Jaffe
- Alan J Jacobs
- Alfred E Kahn
- Allan B Jacobs
- Allan M Feldman
- Andrea M Settanni
- Andrei Shleifer
- Andrew B Abel
- Anne M Payne
- Anthony B Atkinson
- Anthony Scott
- Arthur R Miller
- B Ayres
- B Bernheim
- B Bernheim
- Barkley Clark
- Barry Nicholas
- Barry W Tyerman
- Benjamin E Hermalin
- Bernard Rudden
- Blume
- Boudewijn Bouckaert
- Brian D Wright
- C White
- Carla Hesse
- Carol M Rose
- Charles Biblowit
- Charles D Kolstad
- Charles Singer
- Chisum
- Christine Jolls
- Colin Cahoon
- Dan B Dobbs
- Daniel A Farber
- Daniel M Mcclure
- David A Thomas
- David D Friedman
- David Hume
- David J Henry
- De Meza
- De Vany
- Dean Lueck
- Dennis W Carlton
- Donald Cox
- Donald S Chisum
- Donald S Chisum
- Donald Wittman
- Douglas Baird
- Douglas Lichtman
- Edmund L Andrews
- Edmund W Kitch
- Elinor Ostrom
- Elizabeth Hoffman
- Ernst R Berndt
- F M Scherer
- F M Scherer
- Frank Eyre
- Frank I Schechter
- Frank Michelman
- Fred Kosmo
- Fred P Bosselman
- Fred S Mcchesney
- Fritz Machlup
- Fritz Machlup
- G Jones
- Gary D Libecap
- George F Gabel
- George Metaxas-Maranghidis
- Gershon Feder
- Gordon Tullock
- Graeme B Dinwoodie
- Guido Calabresi
- Guido Calabresi
- Guy Tritton
- H E Frech
- H L Pinner
- Harold Demsetz
- Harold R Weinberg
- Henry G Grabowski
- Henry Hansmann
- Henry Sidgwick
- Henry W Ballantine
- Howard F Chang
- Howard R Williams
- Ian Ayres
- J F Garner
- J H Dales
- J Mccarthy
- Jack Hirshleifer
- Jack L Knetsch
- James Andreoni
- James B Davies
- James E Hawes
- James M Buchanan
- James Pooley
- Jason S Johnston
- Jean O Lanjouw
- Jean Tirole
- Jean-Jacques Laffont
- Jeanne Philbin
- Jeffrey Stake
- Jeffry M Netter
- Jennifer Arlen
- Jennifer F Reinganum
- Jeremy Bentham
- Jerre B Swann
- Jerry A Hausman
- Jerry Cohen
- Jerry R Green
- Jesse Dukeminier
- John E Nowak
- John H Langbein
- John H Niedercorn
- John Kennan
- John L Mccormack
- John Locke
- John Mcmillan
- John Mill
- John P Sinnot
- John Quinn
- John R Umbeck
- John V Krutilla
- John W Schlicher
- Jonathan H Hamilton
- Joseph Bassano
- Joseph E Stiglitz
- Joseph G Altonji
- Joseph L Sax
- Julius L Sackman
- Juris Corpus
- Kahneman
- Keith G Meyer
- Kenneth J Arrow
- Kenneth W Dam
- Laura H Dietz
- Laurence J Kotlikoff
- Laurence J Kotlikoff
- Lawrence Berger
- Lawrence Blume
- Lawrence D Roberts
- Lawrence W Waggoner
- Lee
- Lee B Burgunder
- Lee J Alston
- Leeanna Izuel
- Lewis M Simes
- Lewis M Simes
- Lisa A Zakolski
- Louis Kaplow
- Louis Kaplow
- Lyman Patterson
- Lyndel V Prott
- M M Postan
- Mark A Lemley
- Mark Pendergrast
- Mark Rose
- Martin J Bailey
- Martin L Weitzman
- Mary Glendon
- Maureen L Cropper
- Melville B Nimmer
- Menahem E Yaari
- Michael A Heller
- Michael A Heller
- Michael D Hurd
- Michael J Bean
- Michael J Graetz
- Michael Kremer
- Michael Polanvyi
- N Mankiw
- Nancy Gallini
- Neil Davenport
- Nicholas S Economides
- Northcutt Ely
- Otto A Davis
- Patricia Munch
- Patrick J Flinn
- Patrick S Mccarthy
- Paul A Samuelson
- Paul Goldstein
- Paul Klemperer
- Paul R Milgrom
- Peter A Alces
- Peter E Mims
- Peter S Menell
- Peter S Menell
- R Mcafee
- Rachel Croson
- Ray August
- Ray Brown
- Richard A Epstein
- Richard A Musgrave
- Richard A Posner
- Richard Gilbert
- Richard Schlatter
- Richard Sweeney
- Robert B Wiygul
- Robert C Ellickson
- Robert C Mitchell
- Robert Cooter
- Robert Evans
- Robert L Heilbroner
- Robert M Hurt
- Robert P Merges
- Robert W Hahn
- Robert W Hahn
- Roger M Milgrim
- Ronald H Coase
- Ronald N Johnson
- Ross D Eckert
- Russell Korobkin
- R�gnvaldur Hannesson
- S Stepanov
- Saul Levmore
- Seena Foster
- Siegrun D Kane
- St
- Stanley M Besen
- Stanley M Besen
- Stefan A Riesenfeld
- Stephen Breyer
- Stephen P Ladas
- Steve P Calandrillo
- Steven N S Cheung
- Steven Shavell
- Steven Shavell
- Steven Shavell
- Suzanne Scotchmer
- Tadeusz Kowalik
- Terry L Anderson
- Thomas A Lund
- Thomas H Tietenberg
- Thomas Hobbes
- Thomas J Miceli
- Thomas J Miceli
- Thomas J Miceli
- Thomas W Merrill
- Thomas W Merrill
- Timothy Besley
- Timothy D Hau
- Timothy T Stevens
- U N
- Vincent N Palladino
- W Viscusi
- Ward Farnsworth
- Wendy J Gordon
- Wendy J Gordon
- William A Fischel
- William B Stoebuck
- William Blackstone
- William D Nordhaus
- William F Baxter
- William F Patry
- William G Gale
- William H Oakland
- William K Jones
- William M Landes
- William W Fisher
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study