20 research outputs found

    Quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) analysis of aromatic effector specificity in NtrC-like transcriptional activators from aromatic oxidizing bacteria

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    A quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) approach was taken to provide mechanistic insights into the interaction between the chemical structure of inducing compounds and the transcriptional activation of aromatic monooxygenase operons among the XylR/DmpR subclass of bacterial NtrC-like transcriptional regulators. Compared to XylR and DmpR, a broader spectrum of effector compounds was observed for the TbuT system from Ralstonia pickettii PKO1. The results of QSAR analysis for TbuT suggested that a steric effect, rather than hydrophobic or electronic effects, may be the predominant factor in determining aromatic effector specificity, and the active site of the regulator may positively interact not only with the methyl moiety but also with the most electron-rich aryl side of an aromatic effector.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/74885/1/S0378-1097_03_00400-2.pd

    Metabolic diversity of aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from a petroleum-contaminated aquifer

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    We characterized bacteria from contaminated aquifers for their ability to utilize aromatic hydrocarbons under hypoxic (oxygen-limiting) conditions (initial dissolved oxygen concentration about 2 mg/l) with nitrate as an alternate electron acceptor. This is relevant to current intense efforts to establish favorable conditions for in situ bioremediation. Using samples of granular activated carbon slurries from an operating groundwater treatment system, we isolated bacteria that are able to use benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, or p -xylene as their sole source of carbon under aerobic or hypoxic-denitrifying conditions. Direct isolation on solid medium incubated aerobically or hypoxically with the substrate supplied as vapor yielded 10 3 to 10 5 bacteria ml −1 of slurry supernatant, with numbers varying little with respect to isolation substrate or conditions. More than sixty bacterial isolates that varied in colony morphology were purified and characterized according to substrate utilization profiles and growth condition (i.e., aerobic vs. hypoxic) specificity. Strains with distinct characteristics were obtained using benzene compared with those isolated on toluene or ethylbenzene. In general, isolates obtained from direct selection on benzene minimal medium grew well under aerobic conditions but poorly under hypoxic conditions, whereas many ethylbenzene isolates grew well under both incubation conditions. We conclude that the conditions of isolation, rather than the substrate used, will influence the apparent characteristic substrate utilization range of the isolates obtained. Also, using an enrichment culture technique, we isolated a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens , designated CFS215, which exhibited nitrate dependent degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons under hypoxic conditions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42470/1/10532_2004_Article_BF00695973.pd

    Evidence for the evolution of a single component phenol/cresol hydroxylase from a multicomponent toluene monooxygenase

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    We have previously reported on the organization of a unique toluene-3-monooxygenase pathway for the degradation of alkyl-substituted petroleum hydrocarbons including characteristics of the second step in the pathway transforming phenols to catechols. In the present work we have focused on the regulation and unusual genetic organization of this metabolic step. In particular, we have sequenced the 3-kb DNA interval between the region encoding the tbuD gene product (phenol/cresol hydroxylase) and part of the toluene-3-monooxygenase operon of strain PKO1. Then, various regions of this DNA were fused to a LacZ expression system to ascertain the location of the tbuD gene promoter and the binding site for its regulator, TbuT. The 5′ end for transcripts for the putative promoter of the tbuD gene was also analyzed using primer extension analysis. Collectively, these results revealed that the promoter was located 2.5-kb upstream of the region encoding the tbuD gene product whose N-terminal region had been previously determined by peptide sequencing. Remarkably, the intervening 2.5-kb region showed sequence identity to results we reported previously for a multi-subunit toluene-2-monooxygenase cloned from a different bacterium, strain JS150, for which phenols are also substrates and effectors. When the DNA sequence for the tbuD gene and its contiguous 2.5-kb upstream region were compared to the entire toluene-2-monooxygenase sequence cloned from strain JS150, a promoter proximal region encoding three reading frames showed 99% identity to subunits for the toluene-2-monooxygenase operon. Within the contiguous tbuD gene region, however, DNA sequence homology was reduced to 64% overall identity and deduced amino acid sequence homology was only 21% similar. Although regions internal to the tbuD gene showed homology to corresponding toluene-2-monooxygenase subunits, domains associated with the putative functions proposed for such subunits were deleted. We believe that these results suggest that through evolution either tbuD was derived from the 2-monooxygenase pathway by deletions and molecular rearrangements, or alternatively the tbuD gene recruited part of the 2-monooxygenase pathway and its regulatory system which is activated by benzene, alkyl-substituted benzenes and phenols.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42353/1/70190360.pd

    The nutritional ecology of larvae of Alsophila pometaria and Anisota senatoria feeding on early- and late-season oak foliage

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    The larvae of Alsophila pometaria (Harr.), feeding on the young foliage of oak, has a higher relative growth rate (RGR) and relative nitrogen accumulation rate (RNAR) than the larvae of Anisota senatoria (J. E. Smith), feeding on the mature foliage of oak. Although the young oak foliage is more efficiently digested by A. pometaria (higher AD's), it is not more efficiently assimilated and used for growth (no difference in ECI's). Thus, the higher growth rate of A. pometaria is due entirely to a higher consumption rate (RCR and RNCR). Young foliage is significantly higher in nitrogen and water than mature foliage, but phenol and tannin levels are comparable in young and old foliage. A. pometaria consumes the foliage of different oak species at the same rate, independent of nitrogen content, while A. senatoria increases its consumption rate in response to decreased nitrogen levels. As a result, the growth rate of A. pometaria is directly related to leaf nitrogen content, while the growth rate of A. senatoria is independent of leaf nitrogen. The two species of insects have digestive systems that are very similar biochemically, and that are well-designed for effective protein digestion. Tannins and phenols do not influence the nutrional indices of either species. We suggest that the major benefit of spring feeding is the availability of succulent, high-nitrogen foliage, and not the avoidance of high-tannin foliage. The spring feeder appears to have a feeding strategy that favors rapid growth at the expense of efficiency, while the late summer feeder has a strategy that favors efficiency over rate. Alimentées sur feuillage jeune de chêne, les chenilles d' Alsophila pometaria avaient un taux relatif de croissance (RGR) et un taux relatif d'accumulation d'azote (RNAR) plus élevés que les chenilles d' Anisota senatoria alimentées sur feuillage mûr de chêne. Bien que le jeune feuillage soit plus efficacement digéré par A. pometaria (AD plus élevé), il n'est pas assimilé et utilisé pour la croissance avec de meilleurs rendements (les ECI ne sont pas différents). Ainsi le taux de croissance plus élevé d' A. pometaria est dû entièrement à un taux de consommation plus important (RCR et RNCR). Le feuillage jeune est significativement plus riche en azote et en eau que le feuillage mûr, mais les niveaux de phénol et de tanins sont les mêmes. A pometaria consomme les feuilles de différentes espèces de chênes au même taux, indépendamment de la teneur en azote, tandis que A. senatoria accroît sa consommation en réponse à une diminution de la teneur en azote. Il en résulte que le taux de croissance d' A. pometaria dépend directement de la teneur en azote des feuilles, tandis que celui d' A. senatoria en est indépendant. Les systèmes digestifs des deux insectes sont biochimiquement semblables et sont efficaces pour la digestion des protéines. Les tanins et les phénols n'influent pas sur les indices nutritionnels de ces deux espèces. Nous estimons que le principal intérêt de l'alimentation printanière est la disponibilité en feuillage succulent, riche en azote, et non l'absence de feuilles à haute teneur en tanin. L'alimentation printanière semble correspondre à une strategie alimentaire qui favorise la croissance aux dépens de l'efficacité tandis que l'alimentation en fin d'été est une stratégie qui favorise l'efficacité sur la rapidité.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42708/1/10667_2004_Article_BF00217527.pd

    The effect of acquired microbial enzymes on assimilation efficiency in the common woodlouse, Tracheoniscus rathkei

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    The digestive tract of the common woodlouse, Tracheoniscus rathkei Brandt (Isopoda: Oniscoidea), contains digestive enzymes active against α-1,4-glucans, which are the chief storage polysaccharides of vascular plants, algae, fungi, and animals, and β-1,3-glucans, which are present in algae and fungi. Digestive tract extracts also exhibit significant activity toward xylan and carboxymethyl-cellulose but negligible activity toward microcrystalline cellulose, substrates representative of the major structural polysaccharides of vascular plants. Low activity was detected toward pectin, and no activity was detected toward chitin. Activity toward xylan is due in part to microbial enzymes acquired from the leaf litter which was the isopod's normal food. Although ingested microbial xylanases are stable and active in the gut fluid, they do not make a quantitatively significant contribution to the isopod's ability to assimilate the hemicellulosic component of its diet. However, the assimilation of carbon from labeled plant fiber is enhanced in isopods which have acquired a cellulase by ingestion of leaf litter amended with a commercial preparation of the cellulase complex from the fungus, Penicillium funiculosum . This result demonstrates the potential contribution of acquired enzymes to the digestion of plant fiber in terrestrial detritivores. We urge caution, however, in assigning an important digestive function to ingested enzymes on the basis of evidence that only indicates that such enzymes are present in the gut fluid without additional evidence that their presence results in an enhancement of digestive efficiency.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47763/1/442_2004_Article_BF00377057.pd

    Effect of carbon starvation on toluene degradation activity by toluene monooxygenase-expressing bacteria

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    Subsurface bacteria commonly exist in a starvation state with only periodic exposure to utilizable sources of carbon and energy. In this study, the effect of carbon starvation on aerobic toluene degradation was quantitatively evaluated with a selection of bacteria representing all the known toluene oxygenase enzyme pathways. For all the investigated strains, the rate of toluene biodegradation decreased exponentially with starvation time. First-order deactivation rate constants for TMO-expressing bacteria were approximately an order of magnitude greater than those for other oxygenase-expressing bacteria. When growth conditions (the type of growth substrate and the type and concentration of toluene oxygenase inducer) were varied in the cultures prior to the deactivation experiments, the rate of deactivation was not significantly affected, suggesting that the rate of deactivation is independent of previous substrate/inducer conditions. Because TMO-expressing bacteria are known to efficiently detoxify TCE in subsurface environments, these findings have significant implications for in situ TCE bioremediation, specifically for environments experiencing variable growth-substrate exposure conditions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45353/1/10532_2005_Article_9014.pd

    Combined ozonation and biodegradation for remediation of mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil

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    A study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of a combined treatment (i.e., ozonation and biodegradation) to overcome the inherent bacterial bioavailability limitation, and hence bioremediation limitation, of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. Ozonation was very efficient in the removal of naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, and anthracene, but not for pyrene, chrysene, and benzo(a)pyrene from soil freshly spiked with the hydrocarbons. A similar result was obtained from coal tar-contaminated soil. Elimination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons increased appreciably in sand containing 0.03% organic carbon, indicating the adverse effect of organic carbon on the efficiency of ozone treatment. In spiked and coal tar-contaminated soils, ozonation followed by biodegradation significantly increased the degradation of various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene which were not degraded by the test bacterial consortium alone. In particular, the effect of the combined treatment was more pronounced in coal tar-contaminated soil than in sterile soil spiked with hydrocarbons, probably due to the augmented biological activity of the introduced consortium. The results suggest that a combined treatment including ozonation and biodegradation may be a promising bioremediation technology in soil contaminated with mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as former manufactured gas plant sites.We would like to thank Wayne Wittman for helpful discussions. This research was supported by a grant (Project BICM-51) from the New Jersey Hazardous Substance Management Research Center. The technical assistance of Andrew Berger and Maria Savillo is gratefully acknowledged.We thankMr. Ed Deger of the Snyder Experimental Farm for assistance in gathering soil samples, and Mr. Steve Szulecki for use of the ozone generator

    Enhanced degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by biodegradation combined with a modified Fenton reaction

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    A study has been conducted to enhance degradation of a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by combining biodegradation with hydrogen peroxide oxidation in a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) soil. An active bacterial consortium enriched from the MGP surface soil (0-2 m) biodegraded more than 90% of PAHs including 2-, 3-, and 4-ring hydrocarbons in a model soil. The consortium was also able to transform about 50% of 4- and 5-ring hydrocarbons in the MGP soil. As a chemical oxidant, Fenton's reagent (H2O2 + Fe2+) was very efficient in the destruction of a mixture of PAHs (i.e., naphthalene (NAP), fluorene (FLU), phenanthrene (PHE), anthracene (ANT), pyrene (PYR), chrysene (CHR), and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)) in the model soil; noticeably, 84.5% and 96.7% of initial PYR and BaP were degraded, respectively. In the MGP soil, the same treatment destroyed more than 80% of 2- and 3-ring hydrocarbons and 20-40% of 4- and 5-ring compounds. However, the low pH requirement (pH 2-3) for optimum Fenton reaction made the process incompatible with biological treatment and posed potential hazards to the soil ecosystem where the reagent was used. In order to overcome such limitation, a modified Fenton-type reaction was performed at near neutral pH by using ferric ions and chelating agents such as catechol and gallic acid. By the combined treatment of the modified Fenton reaction and biodegradation, more than 98% of 2- or 3-ring hydrocarbons and between 70% and 85% of 4- or 5-ring compounds were degraded in the MGP soil, while maintaining its pH about 6-6.5.This research was supported by a grant (Project SITE-57) from the New Jersey Hazardous Substance Management Research Center. Additional partial support was provided by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences through Superfund Basic Research Program grant P42-ES-04911 to JJK

    Characterization of the Adaptive Response to Trichloroethylene-Mediated Stresses in Ralstonia pickettii PKO1

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    In Ralstonia pickettii PKO1, a denitrifying toluene oxidizer that carries a toluene-3-monooxygenase (T3MO) pathway, the biodegradation of toluene and trichloroethylene (TCE) by the organism is induced by TCE at high concentrations. In this study, the effect of TCE preexposure was studied in the context of bacterial protective response to TCE-mediated toxicity in this organism. The results of TCE degradation experiments showed that cells induced by TCE at 110 mg/liter were more tolerant to TCE-mediated stress than were those induced by TCE at lower concentrations, indicating an ability of PKO1 to adapt to TCE-mediated stress. To characterize the bacterial protective response to TCE-mediated stress, the effect of TCE itself (solvent stress) was isolated from TCE degradation-dependent stress (toxic intermediate stress) in the subsequent chlorinated ethylene toxicity assays with both nondegradable tetrachloroethylene and degradable TCE. The results of the toxicity assays showed that TCE preexposure led to an increase in tolerance to TCE degradation-dependent stress rather than to solvent stress. The possibility that such tolerance was selected by TCE degradation-dependent stress during TCE preexposure was ruled out because a similar extent of tolerance was observed in cells that were induced by toluene, whose metabolism does not produce any toxic products. These findings suggest that the adaptation of TCE-induced cells to TCE degradation-dependent stress was caused by the combined effects of solvent stress response and T3MO pathway expression