8 research outputs found

    Djelovanje različitih razrjeđivača na svojstva spermija i plodnost križanih svinja u sjevernoistočnoj Indiji.

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    The study was conducted to deduce the efficacy and suitability of three extenders: Beltsville thawing solution (BTS), Kiev and Modena extenders, on the preservation and fertility of boar semen. Semen ejaculates with more than 70% sperm motility from six Hampshire boars were used and preserved at 17 °C. The extended semen was evaluated for motility, viability, acrosomal and plasma membrane integrity from day 0 to 5 of preservation. There was a significant (P<0.01) reduction in sperm motility and viability between days 0 to 4, but no significant difference between day 0 and 2. BTS and Modena maintained significantly (P<0.05) higher sperm motility and viability as compared to Kiev. Plasma membrane integrity did not differ significantly up to day 2, but was significantly reduced on days 3 (P<0.05) and 4 (P<0.01). BTS and Modena extenders had significantly (P<0.05) higher plasma membrane integrity. By day 5, the percentage of mean sperm with intact acrosome was 80.4 ± 2.5, 81.2 ± 2.3 and 75.7 ± 2.7, in BTS, Modena and Kiev, respectively, with significant (P<0.05) increases in acrosomal damage after two days of storage, irrespective of all extenders. Farrowing rate and litter size did not differ significantly during the initial period of storage, but there was a significant difference after day 3 (P<0.05) in all extenders used. BTS and Modena maintained a farrowing rate of more than 60% on day 5, in contrast to 50% with the Kiev extender. The study concluded that both BTS and Modena are better extenders for short term storage of boar liquid semen as compared to the Kiev extender, and could be used efficiently in crossbreeding of pigs of north-eastern India.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se utvrdila učinkovitost i prikladnost beltsvilskog (BTS), kijevskog i modenskog razrjeđivača za očuvanje i plodnost nerastova sjemena. Upotrijebljeni su ejakulati sjemena od 6 hempširskih nerastova s pokretljivošću spermija većom od 70%, koji su sačuvani na 17 °C. Razrijeđeno sjeme procjenjivano je od 0. do 5. dana s obzirom na pokretljivost, živost te cjelovitost akrosomalne i plazmine membrane. Tijekom razdoblja od 0. do 4. dana došlo je do signifikantnog (P<0,01) sniženja pokretljivosti i živosti spermija, no signifikantne razlike između nultog i drugog dana nisu utvrđene. U usporedbi s kijevskim razrjeđivačem, BTS i modenski razrjeđivači su održavali signifikantno (P<0,05) višu pokretljivost i životnost spermija. Cjelovitost plazmine membrane nije se signifikantno razlikovala do 2. dana, ali je signifikantno snižena tijekom 3. dana (P<0,05) i 4. dana (P<0,01). Cjelovitost plazmine membrane bila je signifikantno veća (P<0,05) pri uporabi BTS i modenskog razrjeđivača. Do 5. dana, prosječni postotak spermija s nepromijenjenim akrosomom iznosio je kod BTS razrjeđivača 80,4 ± 2,5, kod modenskog razrjeđivača 81,2 ± 2,3, a kod kijevskog razrjeđivača 75,7 ± 2,7. Pri tome je, bez obzira na razrjeđivač, od 2. dana utvrđen signifikantni porast (P<0,05) spermija s oštećenim akrosomima. U početnom razdoblju stopa prasenja i veličina legla nisu se signifikantno razlikovale, no nakon 3. dana kod svih upotrijebljenih razrjeđivača razlike su bile signifikantne (P<0,05). Peti dan stopa prasenja kod BTS i modenskog razrjeđivača održala se preko 60% za razliku od kijevskog razrjeđivača kod kojeg je stopa prasivosti iznosila 50%. Istraživanjem se zaključuje da BTS i modenski razrjeđivači mogu, u odnosu na kijevski razrjeđivač, bolje poslužiti za kratkotrajno pohranjivanje nerastovog tekućeg sjemena, te kao takvi biti i učinkovitiji u križanjima svinja sjevernoistočne Indije

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    Not AvailableThe study was undertaken to decipher the microRNA (miRNA) related markers associated with corpus luteum (CL) tropism in buffalo. The data obtained from deep sequencing of CL tissue from different physiological stages was mined in silico for the identification of miRNA-related markers (SSR & SNP). From the present study, 5 annotated and 176 unannotated miRNA were deduced while comparing with Bos taurus genome. In addition, 4 SSRs and 9 SNPs were deduced from the miRNA sequences. These SSRs were on the genes viz. Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1-like, myocyte enhancer factor 2A, beta casein, T cell receptor gamma cluster 1. The SNP positions on genes viz. PYGO1 (Pygopus family PHD finger 1), LOC100337244 (Multidrug resistance-associated protein 4), FTH1 (Ferritin heavy chain 1), LOC788634 (BOLA class I histocompatibility antigen), PLXND1 (Plexin D1) and UBC (Ubiquitin C) show that these genes play critical role in CL tropism during estrous cycle in buffalo.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableMachine learning algorithms were employed for predicting the feed conversion efficiency (FCE), using the blood parameters and average daily gain (ADG) as predictor variables in buffalo heifers. It was observed that isotonic regression outperformed other machine learning algorithms used in study. Further, we also achieved the best performance evaluation metrics model with additive regression as the meta learner and isotonic regression as the base learner on 10-fold cross-validation and leaving-one-out cross-validation tests. Further, we created three separate partial least square regression (PLSR) models using all 14 parameters of blood and ADG as independent (explanatory) variables and FCE as the dependent variable, to understand the interactions of blood parameters, ADG with FCE each by inclusion of all FCE values (i), only higher FCE values (negative RFI) (ii), and inclusion of only lower FCE (positive RFI) values (iii). The PLSR model including only the higher FCE values was concluded the best, based on performance evaluation metrics as compared to PLSR models developed by inclusion of the lower FCE values and all types of FCE values. IGF1 and its interactions with the other blood parameters were found highly influential for higher FCE measures. The strength of the estimated interaction effects of the blood parameter in relation to FCE may facilitate understanding of intricate dynamics of blood parameters for growth.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableMachine learning algorithms were employed for predicting the feed conversion efficiency (FCE), using the blood parameters and average daily gain (ADG) as predictor variables in buffalo heifers. It was observed that isotonic regression outperformed other machine learning algorithms used in study. Further, we also achieved the best performance evaluation metrics model with additive regression as the meta learner and isotonic regression as the base learner on 10-fold cross-validation and leaving-one-out cross-validation tests. Further, we created three separate partial least square regression (PLSR) models using all 14 parameters of blood and ADG as independent (explanatory) variables and FCE as the dependent variable, to understand the interactions of blood parameters, ADG with FCE each by inclusion of all FCE values (i), only higher FCE values (negative RFI) (ii), and inclusion of only lower FCE (positive RFI) values (iii). The PLSR model including only the higher FCE values was concluded the best, based on performance evaluation metrics as compared to PLSR models developed by inclusion of the lower FCE values and all types of FCE values. IGF1 and its interactions with the other blood parameters were found highly influential for higher FCE measures. The strength of the estimated interaction effects of the blood parameter in relation to FCE may facilitate understanding of intricate dynamics of blood parameters for growth.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSingle Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) is one of the important molecular markers widely used in animal breeding program for improvement of any desirable genetic traits. Considering this, the present study was carried out to identify, annotate and analyze the SNPs related to four important traits of buffalo viz. milk volume, age at first calving, post-partum cyclicity and feed conversion efficiency. We identified 246,495, 168,202, 74,136 and 194,747 genome-wide SNPs related to mentioned traits, respectively using ddRAD sequencing technique based on 85 samples of Murrah Buffaloes. Distribution of these SNPs were highest (61.69%) and lowest (1.78%) in intron and exon regions, respectively. Under coding regions, the SNPs for the four traits were further classified as synonymous (4697) and non-synonymous (3827). Moreover, Gene Ontology (GO) terms of identified genes assigned to various traits. These characterized SNPs will enhance the knowledge of cellular mechanism for enhancing productivity of water buffalo through molecular breeding.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe pattern of interactions between foot and mouth disease (FMD) viral protein 1 (VP1) with susceptible and resistant host integrins were deciphered. The putative effect of site-directed mutation on alteration of interaction is illustrated using predicted and validated 3D structures of VP1, mutated VP1 and integrins of Bos taurus, Gallus and Canis. Strong interactions were observed between FMDV-VP1 protein motifs at conserved tripeptide, Arg-Gly-Asp 143RGD145 and at domain 676SIPLQ680 in alpha-integrin of B. taurus. Notably, in-silico site-directed mutation in FMDV-VP1 protein led to complete loss of interaction between FMD-VP1 protein and B. taurus integrin, which confirmed the active role of arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) domain. Interestingly, in-vitro analysis demonstrates the persistence of the putative tropism site ‘SIPLQ’ in different cattle breeds undertaken. Thus, the attempt to decipher the tropism of FMDV at host receptor level interaction might be useful for future FMD control strategies through development of mimetic marker vaccines and/or host receptor manipulations.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe pattern of interactions between foot and mouth disease (FMD) viral protein 1 (VP1) with susceptible and resistant host integrins were deciphered. The putative effect of site-directed mutation on alteration of interaction is illustrated using predicted and validated 3D structures of VP1, mutated VP1 and integrins of Bos taurus, Gallus and Canis. Strong interactions were observed between FMDV-VP1 protein motifs at conserved tripeptide, Arg-Gly-Asp 143RGD145 and at domain 676SIPLQ680 in alphaintegrin of B. taurus. Notably, in-silico site-directed mutation in FMDV-VP1 protein led to complete loss of interaction between FMD-VP1 protein and B. taurus integrin, which confirmed the active role of arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) domain. Interestingly, in-vitro analysis demonstrates the persistence of the putative tropism site ‘SIPLQ’ in different cattle breeds undertaken. Thus, the attempt to decipher the tropism of FMDV at host receptor level interaction might be useful for future FMD control strategies through development of mimetic marker vaccines and/or host receptor manipulations.Not Availabl