6 research outputs found

    Contribution to the Development of the Urban Management Model

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    The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of management in lo¬cal self government units within the existing circumstances in the Republic of Croa¬tia. In addition, the purpose of the paper is to establish how the local self government officials understand and accept the role of professional management in today's con¬dition of business environment and the ever-growing citizens' needs. The aim of the paper is to raise the awareness of responsible individuals in the local self-government, first and foremost those with the highest responsibility, namely the elected local self-government power holders, of the need to understand and accept the ever-growing importance of management nowadays. Furthermore, to prompt them to use the available budget resources of a self government unit as ad¬equately as possible through proper management in order to achieve as many goals set for a certain period of time as possible. Following the analysis and assessment of management in the local self-govern¬ment of the town of Vinkovci, proposals have been offered for the improvement of local-self government management in the town of Vinkovci and local/regional self-government units in general. The paper indicates that, in addition to continuous in¬vestment into information and communication technology, which is substantial every year, there is a need for continuous investment in the training and education of town administration employees. Without employees equipped with adequate knowledge and competence, the tax payers' investment into information and communication technology would become a failed investment both in the short and the long term.model, urban management, local self-government, town of Vink¬ovci, town of Vukovar

    Potentials of Osijek as a Centre of Cultural Tourism

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    Cultural tourism is becoming the leading trend in the world tourism. Ever growing number of travellers put all of their free time and available resources in visiting and exploring of cultural sights. Sites of rich history and preserved tradition take precedence over usual summer arrangements. Active vacation is popular as well as travels that include visits to sights and adoption of cultural patterns of local culture. This ever increasing tourist area and the overall global trend can be also observed in Croatia. The Strategy for development of cultural tourism, which has been in use for several years, recognizes the present issues and shortcomings, and it gives recommendations for their solution. Being a town of rich historical and cultural tradition, Osijek also needs to find its model for development of cultural and tourism potentials.cultural tourism, Osijek, heritage, model for development of cultural tourism

    Financijska inkluzija i regionalni razvitak

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    Knjiga obraduje utjecaj financijske inkluzije stanovništva na regionalni razvitak.j.financijska inkluzija, regionalni razvoj, financiranje

    Globalization and ICT – Impact on the Commerce Development

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    People have to master the skill of rapid acquisition of new knowledge and forgetting the obsolete information. The increasingly dominant knowledge is not only a product, nor only a new business opportunity, but also a critical framework for developing specialized scientific information. Economic development should be accompanied with an appropriate level of ICT based on horizontally and vertically connected systems for gathering, processing, storag e and dissemination of scientific information. The process of knowledge management is a planned and guided process. It consists of a number of interrelated segments situated within an intelligent information system. It allows discovering, following and creating implicit knowledge, and is thus a driving force for the spiral of knowledge.globalization, commerce, development, knowledge, ICT

    Electronic Business and Application of Electronic Business in Tax Administration

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    Accelerated economic development and development of new technologies along with globalization have created conditions of dynamic environment in which a company must quickly adjust to market conditions in order to maintain competitive advantage or to be at the very top of the ladder of competitive economic operators. Networking of companies and public administration and development of the Internet have resulted in great changes in the way and efficiency of business system operation. Fast and simple communication has been made possible as well as immediate large distance data transfer, digital delivery of goods and services, creation of virtual organizations, etc. The goal of every business entity is identical at its core, and it refers to increased earnings of a company, that is, profit. The ways of accomplishing the goal are different for different business entities. It can be done through improved quality of products and services, cost reduction, increased productivity, innovation in business processes. Modern information and communication technology and electronic business are opportunities that should be seized to achieve the desired goals more easily. “IT, as well as electronic business, should not be used merely for automation of existing processes. ‘Glueing’ IT to the existing inefficient organization structure is a wrong approach, because the level of investment in IT is not followed by an appropriate increase in efficiency and effectiveness of the overall organisation structure.” Electronic business (e-Business) is a term that is very often used and widespread in nowadays society. It can be defined as a modern organisation form of business operations involving intensive application of information and communication technology in carrying out core business activities. The use of electronic business in relation to traditional business requires lower costs and reduces the time needed to carry out a business activity, and it also provides to a company an access to new markets that still have not been won. Application of electronic business ensures more competitive business and increases the chances for survival on the market.e-business, tax administration, e-logistics, e-tax