6 research outputs found

    Lumbar V3 interneurons provide direct excitatory synaptic input onto thoracic sympathetic preganglionic neurons, linking locomotor, and autonomic spinal systems

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    Although sympathetic autonomic systems are activated in parallel with locomotion, the neural mechanisms mediating this coordination are incompletely understood. Sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs), primarily located in the intermediate laminae of thoracic and upper lumbar segments (T1-L2), increase activation of tissues and organs that provide homeostatic and metabolic support during movement and exercise. Recent evidence suggests integration between locomotor and autonomic nuclei occurs within the brainstem, initiating both descending locomotor and sympathetic activation commands. However, both locomotor and sympathetic autonomic spinal systems can be activated independent of supraspinal input, in part due to a distributed network involving propriospinal neurons. Whether an intraspinal mechanism exists to coordinate activation of these systems is unknown. We hypothesized that ascending spinal neurons located in the lumbar region provide synaptic input to thoracic SPNs. Here, we demonstrate that synaptic contacts from locomotor-related V3 interneurons (INs) are present in all thoracic laminae. Injection of an anterograde tracer into lumbar segments demonstrated that 8–20% of glutamatergic input onto SPNs originated from lumbar V3 INs and displayed a somatotopographical organization of synaptic input. Whole cell patch clamp recording in SPNs demonstrated prolonged depolarizations or action potentials in response to optical activation of either lumbar V3 INs in spinal cord preparations or in response to optical activation of V3 terminals in thoracic slice preparations. This work demonstrates a direct intraspinal connection between lumbar locomotor and thoracic sympathetic networks and suggests communication between motor and autonomic systems may be a general function of the spinal cord

    Reticulospinal Systems for Tuning Motor Commands

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    The pontomedullary reticular formation (RF) is a key site responsible for integrating descending instructions to execute particular movements. The indiscrete nature of this region has led not only to some inconsistencies in nomenclature, but also to difficulties in understanding its role in the control of movement. In this review article, we first discuss nomenclature of the RF, and then examine the reticulospinal motor command system through evolution. These command neurons have direct monosynaptic connections with spinal interneurons and motoneurons. We next review their roles in postural adjustments, walking and sleep atonia, discussing their roles in movement activation or inhibition. We propose that knowledge of the internal organization of the RF is necessary to understand how the nervous system tunes motor commands, and that this knowledge will underlie strategies for motor functional recovery following neurological injuries or diseases

    Multistable properties of human subthalamic nucleus neurons in Parkinson's disease

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    To understand the function and dysfunction of neural circuits, it is necessary to understand the properties of the neurons participating in the behavior, the connectivity between these neurons, and the neuromodulatory status of the circuits at the time they are producing the behavior. Such knowledge of human neural circuits is difficult, at best, to obtain. Here, we study firing properties of human subthalamic neurons, using microelectrode recordings and microstimulation during awake surgery for Parkinson's disease. We demonstrate that low-amplitude, brief trains of microstimulation can lead to persistent changes in neuronal firing behavior including switching between firing rates, entering silent periods, or firing several bursts then entering a silent period. We suggest that these multistable states reflect properties of finite state machines and could have implications for the function of circuits involving the subthalamic nucleus. Furthermore, understanding these states could lead to therapeutic strategies aimed at regulating the transitions between states