12 research outputs found

    Associations between Housing Factors and Respiratory Symptoms in Two Saskatchewan First Nations Communities

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    Inadequate housing is commonplace in First Nations in Canada, often leading to environmental impacts on housing such as dampness and mold. First Nations communities suffer from a higher prevalence of respiratory-related health conditions than the general Canadian population. There is limited Canadian literature evaluating the relationship between housing factors and the respiratory health of adults within First Nations communities. This study was undertaken with two Saskatchewan First Nations communities. The study population consisted of 293 individuals within 131 households. The individuals completed questionnaires on their general and respiratory health, and one member of each household completed a household questionnaire. The collection of environmental samples from within the house was undertaken. The respiratory outcomes of interest focused on the individuals with ever wheeze, reported by 77.8% of the individuals, and shortness of breath, reported by 52.6% of the individuals. Body mass index, the nontraditional use of tobacco (i.e., current and ex-smoking), the nontraditional use of tobacco in the house (i.e., smoking in the house), dampness in the house in the last 12 months, and always having a smell of mold in the house were significantly associated with respiratory symptoms. The results reveal that respiratory symptom rates were high in the population and housing factors were significantly associated with respiratory symptoms. Addressing and redressing housing inadequacies in First Nations communities are important in preventing additional burdens to health

    Incidence of Daytime Sleepiness and Associated Factors in Two First Nations Communities in Saskatchewan, Canada

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    Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is the tendency to sleep at inappropriate times during the day. It can interfere with day-to-day activities and lead to several health issues. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between income, housing conditions, and incidence of EDS in adults living in two Cree First Nations communities. The data for this study involved 317 individuals aged 18 years and older who participated in baseline and follow-up evaluations (after four years) of the First Nations Lung Health Project, which was conducted in Saskatchewan in 2012–2013 and 2016. Both at baseline and follow-up survey after four years, an Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score >10 was considered to be abnormal. Logistic regression models were used to assess relationships between abnormal ESS and covariates at baseline. In 2016, 7.6% (24/317) of the participants reported an ESS >10 with the mean being 12.8 ± 2.0. For the same group, the mean ESS at baseline was 6.9 ± 2.2. The incidence of subjective EDS based on the ESS >10 was estimated at 7.6% over four years. This study showed an association between incidence of subjective EDS and less money left over at end of the month, having a house in need of repairs, having water or dampness in the past 12 months, and damage caused by dampness

    Obesity, Sex, Snoring and Severity of OSA in a First Nation Community in Saskatchewan, Canada

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    Sleep disorders have been related to body weight, social conditions, and a number of comorbidities. These include high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, both of which are prevalent in the First Nations communities. We explored relationships between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and risk factors including social, environmental, and individual circumstances. An interviewer-administered survey was conducted with adult participants in 2018–2019 in a First Nations community in Saskatchewan, Canada. The survey collected information on demographic variables, individual and contextual determinants of sleep health, and objective clinical measurements. The presence of OSA was defined as an apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) ≥5. Multiple ordinal logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine relationships between the severity of OSA and potential risk factors. In addition to the survey, 233 men and women participated in a Level 3 one-night home sleep test. Of those, 105 (45.1%) participants were reported to have obstructive sleep apnea (AHI ≥ 5). Mild and moderately severe OSA (AHI ≥ 5 to <30) was present in 39.9% and severe OSA (AHI ≥ 30) was identified in 5.2% of participants. Being male, being obese, and snoring loudly were significantly associated with severity of OSA. The severity of OSA in one First Nation appears relatively common and may be related to mainly individual factors such as loud snoring, obesity, and sex

    Bronchitis and Its Associated Risk Factors in First Nations Children

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    Respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and pneumonia, are common in First Nations children in Canada. The objectives are to determine prevalence and associated risk factors of bronchitis in children 6–17 years old residing in two reserve communities. The cross-sectional study was conducted in 2013 and children from two First Nations reserve communities participated. The outcome was ever presence/absence of bronchitis. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between bronchitis and the individual and environmental factors. A total of 351 First Nations children participated in the study. The prevalence of bronchitis was 17.9%. While 86.6% had at least one parent who smoked, smoking inside home was 43.9%. Signs of mold and mildew in homes were high. Prevalence of houses with any damage caused by dampness was 42.2%, with 44.2% of homes showing signs of mold or mildew. Significant predictors of increased risk of bronchitis were: being obese; having respiratory allergies; exposed to parental cigarette smoking; and signs of mold and mildew in the home. There are several modifiable risk factors that should be considered when examining preventive interventions for bronchitis including obesity, smoking exposure, and home mold or dampness

    Prevalence of Insomnia in Two Saskatchewan First Nation Communities

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    Insomnia is a common problem in Canada and has been associated with increased use of health care services and economic burden. This paper examines the prevalence and risk factors for insomnia in two Cree First Nation communities in Saskatchewan, Canada. Five hundred and eighty-eight adults participated in a baseline survey conducted as part of the First Nations Sleep Health Collaborative Project. The prevalence of insomnia was 19.2% among participants with an Insomnia Severity Index score of ≥15. Following the definition of nighttime insomnia symptoms, however, the prevalence of insomnia was much higher, at 32.6%. Multivariate logistic regression modeling revealed that age, physical health, depression diagnosis, chronic pain, prescription medication use for any health condition, and waking up during the night due to terrifying dreams, nightmares, or flashbacks related to traumatic events were risk factors for insomnia among participants from two Saskatchewan Cree First Nation communities

    Seasonal Changes in Sleep Patterns in Two Saskatchewan First Nation Communities

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    Sleep is crucial for maintaining the recovery and restoration of the body and brain. Less sleep is associated with poor mental and physical performance. Seasonal changes in sleep patterns can be observed. This paper examines seasonal effects on sleep timing, duration, and problems in two Cree First Nation communities in Saskatchewan, Canada. Data were available from a community survey of 588 adults aged 18 years and older (range: 18–78 years) with 44.2% males and 55.8% females. Results are presented using descriptive statistics and a binary logistic-regression model to identify the association between seasonal changes in sleep patterns, and demographic, social, and environmental factors. The participants reported sleeping the least during the spring and summer months and sleeping the most during the fall and winter months. This was further confirmed by sleep hours and the lower proportion of recommended hours of sleep during the spring and summer, and a higher proportion of longer sleep duration during the fall and winter months. There was no significant variation in sleeping onset and wake-up times by season. Overall, there were no significant differences in the prevalence of sleep deprivation, insomnia, and excessive daytime sleepiness by season. When stratified by age group and sex, some differences existed in the prevalence of sleep problems by season. More than two-thirds (68.6%) of the participants reported that there was a change in sleep patterns across seasons, and about 26.0% reported a very or extremely marked change in sleep patterns across seasons. Changes in sleep patterns by season were related to money left at the end of the month and damage caused by dampness in the house

    Prevalence of Insomnia in Two Saskatchewan First Nation Communities

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    Insomnia is a common problem in Canada and has been associated with increased use of health care services and economic burden. This paper examines the prevalence and risk factors for insomnia in two Cree First Nation communities in Saskatchewan, Canada. Five hundred and eighty-eight adults participated in a baseline survey conducted as part of the First Nations Sleep Health Collaborative Project. The prevalence of insomnia was 19.2% among participants with an Insomnia Severity Index score of ≥15. Following the definition of nighttime insomnia symptoms, however, the prevalence of insomnia was much higher, at 32.6%. Multivariate logistic regression modeling revealed that age, physical health, depression diagnosis, chronic pain, prescription medication use for any health condition, and waking up during the night due to terrifying dreams, nightmares, or flashbacks related to traumatic events were risk factors for insomnia among participants from two Saskatchewan Cree First Nation communities

    STOP-Bang Score and Prediction of Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in a First Nation Community in Saskatchewan, Canada

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    The STOP-Bang questionnaire is an easy-to-administer scoring model to screen and identify patients at high risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, its diagnostic utility has never been tested with First Nation peoples. The objective was to determine the predictive parameters and the utility of the STOP-Bang questionnaire as an OSA screening tool in a First Nation community in Saskatchewan. The baseline survey of the First Nations Sleep Health Project (FNSHP) was completed between 2018 and 2019. Of the available 233 sleep apnea tests, 215 participants completed the STOP-Bang score questionnaire. A proportional odds ordinal logistic regression analysis was conducted using the total score of the STOP-Bang as the independent variable with equal weight given to each response. Predicted probabilities for each score at cut-off points of the Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) were calculated and plotted. To assess the performance of the STOP-Bang questionnaire, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPVs), negative predictive values (NPVs), and area under the curve (AUC) were calculated. These data suggest that a STOP-Bang score ≥ 5 will allow healthcare professionals to identify individuals with an increased probability of moderate-to-severe OSA, with high specificity (93.7%) and NPV (91.8%). For the STOP-Bang score cut-off ≥ 3, the sensitivity was 53.1% for all OSA and 72.0% for moderate-to-severe OSA. For the STOP-Bang score cut-off ≥ 3, the specificity was 68.4% for all OSA and 62.6% for moderate-to-severe OSA. The STOP-Bang score was modestly superior to the symptom of loud snoring, or loud snoring plus obesity in this population. Analysis by sex suggested that a STOP-Bang score ≥ 5 was able to identify individuals with increased probability of moderate-to-severe OSA, for males with acceptable diagnostic test accuracy for detecting participants with OSA, but there was no diagnostic test accuracy for females

    Risk Factors for Snoring in Two Canadian First Nations Communities

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    Snoring may be an important predictor of sleep-disordered breathing. Factors related to snoring among First Nations people are not well understood in a population with high rates of smoking and excess body weight. An interviewer-administered survey was conducted among 874 individual participants from 406 households in 2012 and 2013 in two Canadian First Nations communities. The survey collected information on demographic variables, individual and contextual determinants of respiratory health and snoring (classified as present versus absent) and self-reported height and weight. Multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine relationships between snoring and potential risk factors adjusting for age and sex. Snoring was present in 46.2% men and 47.0% women. Considering body mass index, 259 people (30.3%) were overweight and 311 (36.4%) were considered obese. The combined current/former smoking rate was 90.2%. Being overweight, obesity, sinus trouble, current smoking status and former smoking were significantly associated with snoring. Exposure to home dampness and mold were suggestive of an association with snoring. To the degree that snoring may be a predictor of possible sleep-disordered breathing, these results indicate that environmental conditions such as smoking and home exposures may be important factors in the pathogenesis of these conditions

    Ear Infection and Its Associated Risk Factors in First Nations and Rural School-Aged Canadian Children

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    Background. Ear infections in children are a major health problem and may be associated with hearing impairment and delayed language development. Objective. To determine the prevalence and the associated risk factors of ear infections in children 6–17 years old residing on two reserves and rural areas in the province of Saskatchewan. Methodology. Data were provided from two rural cross-sectional children studies. Outcome variable of interest was presence/absence of an ear infection. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between ear infection and the other covariates. Results. The prevalence of ear infection was 57.8% for rural Caucasian children and 43.6% for First Nations children living on-reserve. First Nations children had a lower risk of ear infection. Ear infection prevalence was positively associated with younger age; first born in the family; self-reported physician-diagnosed tonsillitis; self-reported physician-diagnosed asthma; and any respiratory related allergy. Protective effect of breastfeeding longer than three months was observed on the prevalence of ear infection. Conclusions. While ear infection is a prevalent condition of childhood, First Nations children were less likely to have a history of ear infections when compared to their rural Caucasian counterparts