6 research outputs found

    An effective genetic algorithm for the minimum-label spanning tree problem

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    Given a connected, undirected graph G with labeled edges, the minimum-label spanning tree problem seeks a spanning tree on G to whose edges are attached the smallest possible number of labels. A greedy heuristic for this NP-hard prob-lem greedily chooses labels so as to reduce the number of components in the subgraphs they induce as quickly as possi-ble. A genetic algorithm for the problem encodes candidate solutions as permutations of the labels; an initial segment of such a chromosome lists the labels that appear on the edges in the chromosome's tree. Three versions of the GA apply generic or heuristic crossover and mutation operators and a local search step. In tests on 27 randomly-generated instances of the minimum-label spanning tree problem, ver-sions of the GA that apply generic operators, with and with-out the local search step, perform less well than the greedy heuristic, but a version that applies the local search step and operators tailored to the problem returns solutions that require on average 10 % fewer labels than the heuristic's

    Exact Low-Force Kinetics from High-Force Single-Molecule Unfolding Events

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    Mechanical forces play a key role in crucial cellular processes involving force-bearing biomolecules, as well as in novel single-molecule pulling experiments. We present an exact method that enables one to extrapolate, to low (or zero) forces, entire time-correlation functions and kinetic rate constants from the conformational dynamics either simulated numerically or measured experimentally at a single, relatively higher, external force. The method has twofold relevance: 1), to extrapolate the kinetics at physiological force conditions from molecular dynamics trajectories generated at higher forces that accelerate conformational transitions; and 2), to extrapolate unfolding rates from experimental force-extension single-molecule curves. The theoretical formalism, based on stochastic path integral weights of Langevin trajectories, is presented for the constant-force, constant loading rate, and constant-velocity modes of the pulling experiments. For the first relevance, applications are described for simulating the conformational isomerization of alanine dipeptide; and for the second relevance, the single-molecule pulling of RNA is considered. The ability to assign a weight to each trace in the single-molecule data also suggests a means to quantitatively compare unfolding pathways under different conditions

    Energy Landscape for DNA Rotation and Sliding through a Phage Portal

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    Molecular motors involved in the packaging of DNA in tailed viruses are among the strongest known. The mechanism by which the motors operate has long been speculated to involve a coupling between rotation of the portal pore (the gate through which DNA passes upon its packaging or ejection), and translation of DNA. Recent experimental evidence rules out portal rotation with a substantial degree of certainty. We have created an atomistic model for the interaction between DNA and the portal of the bacteriophage SPP1, on the basis of cryo-electron microscopy images and of a recently solved crystal structure. A free energy surface describing the interaction is calculated using molecular dynamics simulations, and found to be inconsistent with a mechanism in which portal rotation drives DNA import. The low-energy pathways on the surface are used to advance a hypothesis on DNA import compatible with all available experiments. Additionally, temperature-dependent kinetic data are used to validate computed barriers to DNA ejection