29 research outputs found

    Chemical evolution of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies in the self-consistently calculated IGIMF theory

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    The galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function (gwIMF) of a galaxy in dependence of its metallicity and star formation rate (SFR) can be calculated by the integrated galactic IMF (IGIMF) theory. Lacchin et al. (2019) apply the IGIMF theory for the first time to study the chemical evolution of the ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) satellite galaxies and failed to reproduce the data. Here, we find that the IGIMF theory is naturally consistent with the data. We apply the time-evolving gwIMF calculated at each timestep. The number of type Ia supernova explosions per unit stellar mass formed is renormalised according to the gwIMF. The chemical evolution of Bo\"otes I, one of the best observed UFD, is calculated. Our calculation suggests a mildly bottom-light and top-light gwIMF for Bo\"otes I, and that this UFD has the same gas-consumption timescale as other dwarfs but was quenched about 0.1 Gyr after formation, being consistent with independent estimations and similar to Dragonfly 44. The recovered best fitting input parameters in this work are not covered in the work of Lacchin et al. (2019), creating the discrepancy between our conclusions. In addition, a detailed discussion of uncertainties is presented addressing how the results of chemical evolution models depend on applied assumptions. This study demonstrates the power of the IGIMF theory in understanding the star-formation in extreme environments and shows that UDFs are a promising pathway to constrain the variation of the low-mass stellar IMF.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The most massive stars in very young star clusters with a limited mass: Evidence favours significant self-regulation in the star formation processes

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    The stellar initial mass function (IMF) is commonly interpreted to be a scale-invariant probability density distribution function (PDF) such that many small clusters yield the same IMF as one massive cluster of the same combined number of stars. Observations of the galaxy-wide IMF challenge this as dwarf galaxies do not form as many massive stars as expected. This indicates a highly self-regulated star formation process in which stellar masses are not stochastically sampled from the IMF and are instead related to the environment of star formation. Here, the nature of star formation is studied using the relation between the most massive star born in a star cluster and its parental stellar cluster mass (the mmaxm_{\rm max}--MeclM_{\rm ecl} relation). This relation has been argued to be a statistical effect if stars are sampled randomly from the IMF. By comparing the tightness of the observed mmaxm_{\rm max}--MeclM_{\rm ecl} distribution with synthetic star clusters with stochastically sampled stellar masses, we find that the expected dispersion of the mock observations is much larger than the observed dispersion. Assuming that mmaxm_{\rm max} and MeclM_{\rm ecl} uncertainties from the literature are correct, our test rejects the hypothesis that the IMF is a PDF at a more than 4.5Οƒ4.5\sigma confidence level. Alternatively, we provide a deterministic stellar mass sampling tool which reproduces the observed mmaxm_{\rm max}--MeclM_{\rm ecl} distribution and compares well with the luminosities of star-forming molecular clumps. In addition, we find that there is a significant flattening of the mmaxm_{\rm max}--MeclM_{\rm ecl} relation near mmax=13Β MβŠ™m_{\rm max}=13~M_\odot. This may suggest strong feedback of stars more massive than about 13Β MβŠ™13~M_\odot and/or the ejections of the most massive stars from young clusters in the mass range 63 to 400Β MβŠ™400~M_\odot to be likely important physical processes in forming clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The formation of UCDs and massive GCs: Quasar-like objects for testing for a variable stellar initial mass function (IMF)

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    The stellar initial mas function (IMF) has been described as being invariant, bottom heavy or top-heavy in extremely dense star burst conditions. To provide usable observable diagnostic we calculate redshift dependent spectral energy distributions of stellar populations in extreme star burst clusters which are likely to have been the precursors of present day massive globular clusters (GCs) and of ultra compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs). The retention fraction of stellar remnants is taken into account to asses the mass to light ratios of the ageing star-burst. Their redshift dependent photometric properties are calculated as predictions for James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations. While the present day GCs and UCDs are largely degenerate concerning bottom-heavy or top-heavy IMFs, a metallicity- and density-dependent top-heavy IMF implies the most massive UCDs, at ages <100 Myr, to appear as objects with quasar-like luminosities with a 0.1-10% variability on a monthly time scale due to core collapse supernovae.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 12 pages, 10 figures + appendix, version 2: language corrections adde

    The cosmological star formation history from the Local Volume of galaxies and constraints on the matter homogeneity

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    The Lilly-Madau plot is commonly interpreted as the history of the cosmic star formation of the Universe by showing the co-moving star formation rate density (SFRD) over cosmic time. Therefore, the Lilly-Madau plot is not only sensitive to the star formation history (SFH) but also to the number density of galaxies. Assessing the Catalogue of Neighbouring Galaxies, we reconstruct the SFHs of galaxies located in the Local Volume (LV) based on delayed-Ο„\tau and power-law SFH models. Galaxies with stellar masses of Mβˆ—β‰³1010 MβŠ™M_{*} \gtrsim 10^{10}\,\rm{M_{\odot}} typically evolve according to the delayed-Ο„\tau model by having first increasing followed by exponentially declining SFRs, while the majority of less massive star-forming galaxies has an almost constant or increasing SFH. Deducing the cosmic SFRD evolution of the LV reveals that the SFHs of local galaxies are inconsistent with the Lilly-Madau plot. The SFRDs of the LV are significantly lower at redshifts of z≲3z \lesssim 3 underestimating the Lilly-Madau peak at z=1.86z = 1.86 by a factor of 2.16Β±0.322.16\pm0.32 (delayed-Ο„\tau) and 5.90Β±0.885.90\pm0.88 (power-law model). Assuming the delayed-Ο„\tau model for galaxies with Mβˆ—β‰₯1010 MβŠ™M_{*} \geq 10^{10}\,\rm{M_{\odot}} and a power-law model for less massive galaxies, the SFRD is 2.22Β±0.332.22\pm0.33 lower than measured at z=1.86z = 1.86. This inconsistency between the evolution of the local and global SFRD has cosmological implications. Since the Lilly-Madau plot also constrains the cosmological matter field, the near-constancy of SFHs of LV galaxies could imply that the peak of the Lilly-Madau plot at z=1.86z = 1.86 is the imprint of a β‰ˆΒ 5\approx~5 Gpc-scale inhomogeneity.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 12 pages, 5 figure