441 research outputs found

    Striking the balance: exploring the impact of work-life balance on workplace well-being with the mediating influence of job embeddedness

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    The reconciliation of professional and family life has been growing in importance in recent years, and although progress has been made, there is still much to be done. It is crucial to understand the extent to which the individual's attachment to the organization contributes to identifying the mechanisms related to work-life balance (WLB) and workplace well-being. This study aims to analyze the mediating role of job embeddedness in the relationship between WLB and well-being in the workplace. A quantitative methodology based on a hypothetical-deductive perspective was used. Data was collected using the Flourishing Scale, the Job Embeddedness Questionnaire, and the Work-Life Balance Questionnaire. The sample included 243 participants employed in the public and private sectors. The results show that well-being in the workplace is positively influenced by WLB and job embeddedness. It was also found that with the inclusion of the mediating variable in the model, the influence of WLB tends to decrease. The indirect effect of job embeddedness on the relationship between WLB and well-being in the workplace is significant, indicating the existence of partial mediation.A conciliação da vida profissional e familiar tem vindo a ganhar importância nos últimos anos e, embora tenham sido feitos progressos, ainda há muito a ser feito. É crucial compreender até que ponto o vínculo do indivíduo à organização contribui para identificar os mecanismos relacionados com o equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional (WLB) e o bem-estar no local de trabalho. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o papel mediador do job embeddedness na relação entre o WLB e o bem-estar no local de trabalho. Foi utlizada uma metodologia quantitativa baseada numa perspetiva hipotético-dedutiva. Os dados foram recolhidos através da utilização da Flourishing Scale, do Job Embeddedness Questionnaire e do Work-Life Balance Questionnaire. A amostra é composta por 243 trabalhadores dos setores público e privado. Os resultados demonstram que o bem-estar no local de trabalho é positivamente influenciado pelo WLB e pelo job embeddedness. Também se verificou que com a inclusão da variável mediadora no modelo, a influência do WLB tende a diminuir. O efeito indireto do job embeddedness na relação entre o WLB e o bem-estar no local de trabalho é significativo, o que indica a existência de uma mediação parcial

    Diseño y construcción un banco de supercapacitores

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    Objetivos: Introducirse en los Sistemas Híbridos de Generación de Energía Eléctrica (SHGE) renovable. Estudiar en profundidad el funcionamiento de los se para construir un banco e implementar un método de balanceo de tensiones, de forma que resulte funcional y apto para ser implementado en un SHGE, que incluye emuladores de pilas de combustible y turbinas eólicas vinculados mediante convertidores de potencia dedicados.Área: Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Tecnología

    Elections and fact-checking in Portugal: the case of the 2019 and 2022 legislative elections

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    Fact-checking is a relatively recent journalistic genre in Portugal that has been growing in recent years, alternately viewed as a journalism reform movement or criticized as inefficient and idealistic. Our study is a comparative analysis of the output of the Portuguese fact-checkers Observador and Polígrafo in the 2019–2022 elections to determine whether their coverage is politically biased. Performing a quantitative content analysis of all fact-checking articles on national politics (n = 265) published during the campaign for the parliamentary elections, our results show that fact-checking activity has increased in the last elections. These data may indicate that fact-checking agencies have increased their capacity and resources, but may also suggest a greater presence of subjectivity and deception in Portuguese political discourse. The focus of Portuguese fact-checkers is statements produced during political debates (70%), while social media verification is disregarded. Our most significant finding is the lack of evidence of partisan or political bias in the selection of the assessed statements. Both fact-checkers do not show a tendency to check statements that are more or less anti- or pro-government and/or statements that are ideologically favorable to the left wing or the right wing. Therefore, our findings confirm the high level of professionalism and impartiality of Portuguese fact-checkers evidenced in other studies, and demonstrate that the Portuguese citizen’s skepticism toward the practice has no foundation

    Elecciones y fact-checking en Portugal: el caso de las legislativas de 2019 y 2022

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    [ES] El fact-checking es un género periodístico relativamente reciente en Portugal, que ha estado creciendo en los últimos años, alternativamente visto como un movimiento de reforma del periodismo, o criticado como ineficiente e idealista. Nuestro estudio es un análisis comparativo de la producción de los fact-checkers portugueses Observador y Polígrafo en las elecciones de 2019-2022 en Portugal, para determinar si su cobertura tiene sesgos políticos. Realizando un análisis de contenido cuantitativo de todos los artículos de verificación de hechos sobre política nacional (n = 265) publicados durante la campaña para las elecciones parlamentarias, nuestros resultados muestran que la actividad de verificación de hechos ha aumentado en las últimas elecciones. Estos datos pueden indicar que las agencias de verificación de hechos han aumentado su capacidad y recursos, pero también pueden sugerir una mayor presencia de subjetividad y engaño en el discurso político portugués. El enfoque de los verificadores de hechos portugueses son las declaraciones producidas durante los debates políticos (70%), mientras que la verificación de las redes sociales no se tiene en cuenta. Nuestro hallazgo más significativo es la falta de evidencia de sesgo partidista o político en la selección de las declaraciones evaluadas. Ambos verificadores de hechos no muestran una tendencia a verificar declaraciones más o menos anti o pro-gubernamentales y/o declaraciones ideologicamente favorables a la izquierda o la derecha. Por lo tanto, nuestros hallazgos confirman el alto nivel de profesionalismo e imparcialidad de los verificadores de hechos portugueses que otros estudios han evidenciado, lo que demuestra que el escepticismo de los ciudadanos portugueses hacia la práctica no tiene fundamento.[EN] Fact-checking is a relatively recent journalistic genre in Portugal that has been growing in recent years, alternately viewed as a journalism reform movement or criticized as inefficient and idealistic. Our study is a comparative analysis of the output of the Portuguese fact-checkers Observador and Polígrafo in the 2019–2022 elections to determine whether their coverage is politically biased. Performing a quantitative content analysis of all fact-checking articles on national politics (n = 265) published during the campaign for the parliamentary elections, our results show that fact-checking activity has increased in the last elections. These data may indicate that fact-checking agencies have increased their capacity and resources, but may also suggest a greater presence of subjectivity and deception in Portuguese political discourse. The focus of Portuguese fact-checkers is statements produced during political debates (70%), while social media verification is disregarded. Our most significant finding is the lack of evidence of partisan or political bias in the selection of the assessed statements. Both fact-checkers do not show a tendency to check statements that are more or less anti- or pro-government and/or statements that are ideologically favorable to the left wing or the right wing. Therefore, our findings confirm the high level of professionalism and impartiality of Portuguese fact-checkers evidenced in other studies, and demonstrate that the Portuguese citizen’s skepticism toward the practice has no foundation

    Jornalistas da mídia local e o desafio digital

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    The newsmaking process is increasingly occurring through online platforms. That is a challenge for both the media and journalists, who try to make this transition by seeking new ways of interacting with people who they used to look as quiet and far-to-reach audiences. Such is the specific case of local media journalists who work and live-in territories with populations linked by strong ties of closeness and neighborhood. That becomes particularly relevant in Portugal because the country has most of the population concentrated around the major cities along the coast at the expense of peripherical towns from the hinterland. A democratic sense of community of small and medium-sized cities in the Portugal hinterland implies symbolic production mechanisms that strength in e sense of belonging to those communities. The present study aims to identify the tools and content used and produced by the local media of the central region of Portugal, to understand the role played by digital technologies in this transition to the needs of the new digital ecosystem. To understand the phenomena, a survey was carried away next to a sample of journalists (n=107) from 41 newsrooms belonging to local media outlets from the Centre of Portugal the region with the more significant presence of local and regional media in the country. Even though social media and mobile phones are becoming part of the daily life of local journalists, empirical research often shows that real interactivity with the community seems to be exercised by only a few. This contradicts the defended idea that the long-term viability of a regional press implies using practices and routines for gathering information and reporting that reflect citizen engagement and public participation.El proceso de producción de noticias se realiza cada vez más a través de plataformas online. Este es un desafío tanto para los medios como para los periodistas, que intentan hacer esta transición buscando nuevas formas de interactuar con personas que antes parecían ser audiencias silenciosas y de gran alcance. Este es el caso específico de los periodistas de los medios locales que trabajan y viven en territorios con poblaciones unidas por fuertes lazos de proximidad y vecindad. Esto adquiere relevancia en Portugal porque el país concentra la mayor parte de la población alrededor de las grandes ciudades costeras en detrimento de las ciudades periféricas del interior. Un sentido democrático de comunidad en las pequeñas y medianas ciudades del interior de Portugal implica mecanismos de producción simbólica que refuerzan el sentimiento de pertenencia a estas comunidades. Este estudio identifica las herramientas y los contenidos utilizados y producidos por los medios locales en la región central de Portugal, para comprender el papel que juegan en esta transición a las necesidades del nuevo ecosistema digital. Para ello, se realizó una encuesta con una muestra de periodistas (n = 107) de 41 redacciones de medios locales en el Centro de Portugal, es decir, la región con mayor presencia local y medios regionales del país. A pesar de que las redes sociales y los teléfonos móviles se están convirtiendo en parte de la vida diaria de los periodistas locales, la investigación empírica a menudo muestra que la interactividad real con la comunidad parece ser ejercida solo por unos pocos. Esto contradice la idea defendida de que la viabilidad a largo plazo de una prensa regional implica el uso de prácticas y rutinas de recopilación de información y reportajes que reflejen el compromiso ciudadano y la participación pública.O processo de produção de notícias ocorre cada vez mais por meio de plataformas online. Esse é um desafio tanto para a mídia quanto para os jornalistas, que tentam fazer essa transição buscando novas maneiras de interagir com pessoas que antes pareciam ser audiências silenciosas e de longínquo alcance. É o caso específico de jornalistas da mídia local que trabalham e vivem em territórios com populações ligadas por fortes laços de proximidade e vizinhança. Isso adquire relevância em Portugal porque o país concentra a maior parte da população em torno das grandes cidades do litoral em detrimento das cidades periféricas do interior. Um sentido democrático de comunidade das pequenas e médias cidades do interior de Portugal implica mecanismos de produção simbólica que reforcem o sentimento de pertença a essas comunidades. O presente estudo identifica as ferramentas e os conteúdos utilizados e produzidos pelos meios de comunicação locais da região centro de Portugal, para compreender o papel por elas desempenha nesta transição para as necessidades do novo ecossistema digital. Para esse efeito, foi realizado um inquérito junto a uma amostra de jornalistas (n = 107) de 41 redações de meios de comunicação locais do Centro de Portugal, ou seja, a região com maior presença local e mídia regional do país. Apesar de que a mídia social e o telemóvel estão se tornando parte da vida diária dos jornalistas locais, a pesquisa empírica mostra muitas vezes que a real interatividade com a comunidade parece ser exercida apenas por alguns. Isso contraria a ideia defendida de que a viabilidade a longo prazo de uma imprensa regional implica usar práticas e rotinas de coleta de informações e reportagens que refletem o engajamento dos cidadãos e a participação pública

    Cardiac Evaluation of Exercise Testing in a Contemporary Population of Preschool Children: A New Approach Providing Reference Values

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate cardiac autonomic function at rest, during maximal exercise, and in post-exercise recovery, to determine sex-specific and age-specific differences in resting heart rate (RHR), linear and spectral parameters of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), HRpeak, and heart rate recovery (HRR) after one and five minutes, in preschool children. This study involved a cohort of 167 healthy children (79 girls) aged 3 to 6 years that were selected from several schools in southern Spain. A 10 x 20 m test was conducted, and the cardiovascular response was recorded. No significant differences were found in all variables between the sexes. However, a significant reduction in RHR and an increase in HRR were found from age 4 to age 6. HRV parameters at rest were higher in older children. No associations between 10 x 20 m performance, weight status, and cardiac parameters were found. Simple linear regression analysis revealed that heart rate reserve (HRr), HRR5min, RMSSD, and HF were the variables that showed association with all HR parameters. There was also a significant correlation between HRr and HRR5min. In conclusion, cardiovascular autonomic function during rest, exercise, and recovery in Spanish preschool children was not influenced by sex, although older children showed greater cardiovascular modulation. Cardiorespiratory fitness status was not associated with HR response

    Competências e obstáculos à comunicação intercultural em contexto empresarial

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    Mestrado em Línguas e Relações EmpresariaisO enfoque deste trabalho é a importância das competências de comunicação intercultural para o sucesso das organizações em contexto internacional. Estas competências incluem a consciência de que os valores, crenças e perceções variam de cultura para cultura e que certas palavras, expressões ou ações podem ser malinterpretadas pelo interlocutor, o que pode ter consequências nos relacionamentos profissionais. Uma comunicação eficaz e eficiente é muito importante dentro de estruturas internacionais de grande dimensão. Por essa razão, este trabalho tem por objetivo conhecer os principais obstáculos culturais e linguísticos à comunicação intercultural em contexto empresarial, sobretudo quando realizada numa língua não-materna para ambos os interlocutores. Por outro lado, o presente estudo também visa verificar qual a relação entre a formação linguística/intercultural e um percurso profissional internacional. Através de entrevistas e questionários realizados a profissionais, de diferentes áreas, que trabalham em contexto intercultural há vários anos, identificaram-se dificuldades e barreiras à comunicação intercultural, como por exemplo: ansiedade, diferenças linguísticas, cultural negocial, estereótipos e preconceitos. Também ficou demonstrado a relevância da formação linguística e intercultural para os profissionais entrevistados no mundo empresarial globalizado dos nossos dias.The focus of this work is the importance of intercultural communication skills for the success of organizations in an international context. These competencies include the awareness that values, beliefs, and perceptions differ from culture to culture and that certain words, expressions or actions may be misinterpreted by the interlocutor, which can have consequences in professional relationships. Effective and efficient communication within large international structures is very important. For this reason, this work aims to know the main cultural and linguistic obstacles to intercultural communication in a business context, especially when undertaken in a non-maternal language for both interlocutors. On the other hand, the present study also intends to verify the relation between linguistic / intercultural training and an international career. Through interviews and questionnaires made to professionals from different areas working in an intercultural context for several years, difficulties and barriers to intercultural communication have been identified, for example: anxiety, linguistic differences, cultural business, stereotypes and prejudices. It was also demonstrated the relevance of linguistic and intercultural training for professionals interviewed in today's globalized business world

    Comunicación y desinformación en elecciones: tendencias de investigación en España y Portugal

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    The relationship between politics and communication is not new, but it seems to have sparked renewed academic interest in recent years. The transformations that have affected contemporary democratic societies, such as digital technologies or the rise of disinformation, explain the concern about these issues. One of the topics of greatest interest are the elections, as the moment in which participatory democracy takes place. In this changing context, this study aims to carry out a review of the main research on political communication and elections in the Iberian area (Spain and Portugal), identifying possible similarities and divergences. The objective is to know the research trends (topics and methods) in order to later pose pending challenges. An in-depth bibliographic review was conducted of research published during 2008-2021 in WoS, Scopus and reference books. As results, similarities are observed in the methodological preference for content analysis, although the topics addressed differ depending on national circumstances, beyond a certain coincidence in the analysis of national legislative elections. In Spain, the action of the new parties on social networks has been especially addressed, while in Portugal the interest in television prevails. Likewise, the breakthrough of scientific production in Spain contrasts with the lower number of studies in the Portuguese cases. Researchers from both countries face the challenge of offering comparative studies between elections, as well as implementing a higher methodological plurality that allows to delve into the reasons of communicative actions.un renovado interés desde el punto de vista académico. Las transformaciones que han afectado a las sociedades democráticas contemporáneas, como la digitalización o el auge de la desinformación, explican la preocupación por estos asuntos. Una de las cuestiones de mayor interés son las elecciones, como momento en el que se materializa la democracia participativa. En ese contexto dinámico, esta investigación pretende revisar las principales investigaciones sobre comunicación política y elecciones en el ámbito ibérico (España y Portugal), identificando posibles similitudes y divergencias. El objetivo es conocer las tendencias investigadoras (temas y métodos), para plantear después los retos pendientes. Con este fin, se desarrolla unarevisión bibliográfica en profundidad de investigaciones publicadas durante el período 2008-2021 en WoS, Scopus y libros de referencia. Como resultados, se observan semejanzas en la preferencia metodológica por el análisis de contenido, si bien los temas abordados difieren en función de circunstancias nacionales, más allá de cierta coincidencia en el análisis de los comicios legislativos de índole nacional. En España se ha tratado especialmente la acción de los nuevos partidos en redes sociales, mientras que en Portugalprevalece el interés por la televisión. Asimismo, la explosión de producción científica en España contrasta con el menor número de estudios en el caso portugués. Los investigadores de ambos países tienen el reto deofrecer estudios comparativos entre elecciones, así como implementar una mayor pluralidad metodológica que permita ahondar en las motivaciones de las acciones comunicativas

    Calcific uraemic arteriolopathy - A mini-review

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    Calcific Uraemic Arteriolopathy (CUA) or calciphylaxis, is a thrombotic disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue which typically presents with painful purpuric nodules that may progress to necrotic ulcers, and is a severe, life-threatening condition. CUA is an uncommon clinical entity that affects mostly haemodialysis (HD) patients. Although the process of vascular calcification was initially thought to be the result of a passive deposition of calcium-phosphate crystals, current knowledge suggests a distinct mechanism, including cellular activity with differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) into chondrocyte as well as osteoblast-like cellular phenotypes and deficiencies in calcification inhibitors. Although multiple studies suggest a potential relationship between warfarin and CUA, larger prospective studies are needed in order to better evaluate this association, and randomised controlled trials are needed to assess the benefit of distinct interventions in this setting. In this article the topic of CUA is reviewed based on a clinical case of a 65-year-old man undergoing haemodialysis, who underwent an aortic valve replacement one year earlier, receiving a mechanical heart valve, and who has been under warfarin therapy since the