12 research outputs found

    Achieving Compliance with Post-divorce Parenting Contact Arrangements in the Netherlands: Problems and Potential Solutions

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    Professor Masha Antokolskaia and Christina Jeppesen de Boer, with Geeske Ruitenberg, Wendy Schrama, and Inge van der Valk have examined new ways of trying to achieve compliance with post divorce parenting contact arrangements in the Netherlands. They include the question of Parental Alienation, and look at legal and nonlegal process, and at the adequacy of existing legal remedies. The effectiveness of policies directed towards methods of alternative dispute resolution are being questioned and there is pressure on government to move to a sanction based approach, including criminal law

    Parental relocation Free movement rights and joint parenting

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    As joint parental authority increasingly becomes the legal norm applied in situations where the parents do not live together, for example, after divorce or the breakup of a relationship, the settlement of disputes regarding the concrete exercise of parental authority gain relevance. A common dispute concerns the relocation of the resident parent. How do the courts deal with relocation disputes? Is relocation dealt with even-handedly between resident and non-resident parents? Do the same principles apply to relocation inside and outside the jurisdiction? This article compares the approaches taken in Dutch and Danish law, as well as the Principles on Parental Responsibilities drafted by the European Commission on Family Law

    National Report: Denmark

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    The Rights of the Child:Danish National Report

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    National Report: Denmark

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    Een eerste verkenning van de resultaten in de nieuwe procedure gezamenlijk toegang ouders

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    Sinds 1 april 2021 loopt bij de Rechtbanken Den Haag en Oost-Brabant, locatie Den Bosch, een nieuwe procedure waarbij ouders die uit elkaar gaan of al uit elkaar zijn zich gezamenlijk tot de rechter kunnen wenden in een versnelde procedure. Het gaat om een initiatief in het kader van de Agenda van de Rechtspraak 2015-2020, ‘Maatschappelijk effectieve rechtspraak’ (MER). De procedure loopt na verlenging tot 1 oktober 2023. Het doel van de procedure is om (hoogoplopende) conflicten tussen ouders en daarmee gerelateerde problemen voor kinderen te voorkomen of verminderen