23 research outputs found

    Enhanced terahertz conductivity in ultra-thin gold film deposited onto (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane (MPTMS)-coated Si substrates

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    Various material properties change considerably when material is thinned down to nanometer thicknesses. Accordingly, researchers have been trying to obtain homogeneous thin films with nanometer thickness but depositing homogeneous few nanometers thick gold film is challenging as it tends to form islands rather than homogenous film. Recently, studies have revealed that treating the substrate with an organic buffer, (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) enables deposition of ultra-thin gold film having thickness as low as 5 nm. Different aspects of MPTMS treatment for ultrathin gold films like its effect on the structure and optical properties at visible wavelengths have been investigated. However, the effect of the MPTMS treatment on electrical conductivity of ultra-thin gold film at terahertz frequency remains unexplored. Here, we measure the complex conductivity of nanometer-thick gold films deposited onto an MPTMS-coated silicon substrate using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Following the MPTMS treatment of the substrate, the conductivity of the films was found to increase compared to those deposited onto uncoated substrate for gold films having the thickness less than 11 nm. We observed 5-fold enhancement in the conductivity for a 7 nm-thick gold film. We also demonstrate the fabrication of nanoslot-antenna arrays in 8.2-nm-thick gold films. The nanoslot-antenna with MPTMS coating has resonance at around 0.5 THz with an electric field enhancement of 44, whereas the nanoslot-antenna without MPTMS coating does not show resonant properties. Our results demonstrate that gold films deposited onto MPTMS-coated silicon substrates are promising advanced materials for fabricating ultra-thin terahertz plasmonic devices

    Near-maximum microwave absorption in a thin metal film at the pseudo-free-standing limit

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    Electromagnetic absorbers based on ultra-thin metallic film are desirable for many applications such as plasmonics, metamaterials, and long-wavelength detectors. A metallic film will achieve a maximum 50% of electromagnetic wave absorption, frequency independent, at a thickness defined by its conductivity, typically in the sub-Angstrom range for good metals if bulk conductivity is maintained throughout. This makes it extremely difficult to obtain substantial absorption from thin metal films, in contrast to 2D materials such as graphene. Luckily, however, from a practical point of view, metal conductivity is drastically reduced as the film becomes sub-100 nm, to make it a race between the thinnest possible metal thickness experimentally achievable vs the conductivity reduction. Here, we demonstrate a near-50% absorption at a gold film thickness of 6.5 nm, with conductivity much reduced from the bulk value, down to the range of 10(6) Siemens per meter. Studying the effect of the substrate thickness, we found that the common cover glass, with its thickness much smaller than the wavelength, achieves symmetric absorption of 44%, implying that a pseudo-free-standing limit is achieved. Our work may find applications in infrared sensing as in bolometers and biomedical sensing using microwaves

    Ultra-Narrow Metallic Nano-Trenches Realized by Wet Etching and Critical Point Drying

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    A metallic nano-trench is a unique optical structure capable of ultrasensitive detection of molecules, active modulation as well as potential electrochemical applications. Recently, wet-etching the dielectrics of metal-insulator-metal structures has emerged as a reliable method of creating optically active metallic nano-trenches with a gap width of 10 nm or less, opening a new venue for studying the dynamics of nanoconfined molecules. Yet, the high surface tension of water in the process of drying leaves the nano-trenches vulnerable to collapsing, limiting the achievable width to no less than 5 nm. In this work, we overcome the technical limit and realize metallic nano-trenches with widths as small as 1.5 nm. The critical point drying technique significantly alleviates the stress applied to the gap in the drying process, keeping the ultra-narrow gap from collapsing. Terahertz spectroscopy of the trenches clearly reveals the signature of successful wet etching of the dielectrics without apparent damage to the gap. We expect that our work will enable various optical and electrochemical studies at a few-molecules-thick level

    Broadband high-performance terahertz polarizer based on a dense array of 5 nm gap slit antennas

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    Critical factors for terahertz polarizers include broadband operation, high transmittance, and a good extinction ratio. In this paper, using a 5 nm-wide metallic slit array with a 200 nm periodicity as a wire grid polarizer, we achieved over 95% transmittance with an average extinction ratio of 40 dB, over the entire spectrum as defined by the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (0.4 - 2 THz). Theoretical calculations revealed that the slit array can show 100% transmission up to 5 THz, and wider bandwidths with a higher cutoff frequency can be achieved by reducing the slit periodicity. These results provide a novel approach for achieving a broadband THz polarizer and open a new path for seamless integration of the polarizers with nanophotonic applications. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    The pioneer round of translation ensures proper targeting of ER and mitochondrial proteins

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    The pioneer (or first) round of translation of newly synthesized mRNAs is largely mediated by a nuclear cap-binding complex (CBC). In a transcriptome-wide analysis of polysome-associated and CBC-bound transcripts, we identify RN7SL1, a noncoding RNA component of a signal recognition particle (SRP), as an interaction partner of the CBC. The direct CBC???SRP interaction safeguards against abnormal expression of polypeptides from a ribosome???nascent chain complex (RNC)???SRP complex until the latter is properly delivered to the endoplasmic reticulum. Failure of this surveillance causes abnormal expression of misfolded proteins at inappropriate intracellular locations, leading to a cytosolic stress response. This surveillance pathway also blocks protein synthesis through RNC???SRP misassembled on an mRNA encoding a mitochondrial protein. Thus, our results reveal a surveillance pathway in which pioneer translation ensures proper targeting of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial proteins

    Gaptronics: multilevel photonics applications spanning zero-nanometer limits

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    With recent advances in nanofabrication technology, various metallic gap structures with gap widths reaching a few to sub-nanometer, and even 'zero-nanometer', have been realized. At such regime, metallic gaps not only exhibit strong electromagnetic field confinement and enhancement, but also incorporate various quantum phenomena in a macroscopic scale, finding applications in ultrasensitive detection using nanosystems, enhancement of light-matter interactions in low-dimensional materials, and ultralow-power manipulation of electromagnetic waves, etc. Therefore, moving beyond nanometer to 'zero-nanometer' can greatly diversify applications of metallic gaps and may open the field of dynamic 'gaptronics.' In this paper, an overview is given on wafer-scale metallic gap structures down to zero-nanometer gap width limit. Theoretical description of metallic gaps from sub-10 to zero-nanometer limit, various wafer-scale fabrication methods and their applications are presented. With such versatility and broadband applicability spanning visible to terahertz and even microwaves, the field of 'gaptronics' can be a central building block for photochemistry, quantum optical devices, and 5/6G communications

    Beyond-hot-spot absorption enhancement on top of terahertz nanotrenches

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    Metallic nanogaps are being widely used for sensing applications, owing to their ability to confine and enhance electromagnetic field within the hot spots. Since the enhanced field does not confine itself perfectly within the gap, however, fringe fields well away from the gap are of potential use as well in real systems. Here, we extend the concept of near field absorption enhancement by quantitatively analyzing terahertz absorption behavior of water molecules outside the hot spots of sub-20 nm-wide, similar to 100 mu m-long nanotrenches. Contrary to point-gaps which show negligible field enhancement at distances larger than the gap width, our extended nanogap act as a line source, incorporating significant amount of absorption enhancement at much longer distances. We observe absorption enhancement factors of up to 3600 on top of a 5 nm-wide gap, and still well over 300 at 15 nm away. The finding is well supported by theoretical analyses including modal expansion calculations, Kirchhoff integral formalism and antenna theory. Our results provide means to quantitatively analyze light-matter interactions beyond the hot spot picture and enable application of nanogaps for sensitive surface analyses of various material systems

    Strongly Localized ohmic Absorption of Terahertz Radiation in Nanoslot Antennas

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    Ohmic absorption of light is an indication of a light-matter interaction within metals, where many interesting phenomena and application potentials can be found. To realize the ohmic absorption of light at long wavelengths, where metals are highly reflective, one can use a metamaterial absorber design to concentrate the electromagnetic field within a thin metal film. This concept has enabled thinning of perfect absorbers from a quarter-wave thickness to several tens of nanometers, greatly improving the utility and efficiency of light-metal interactions. Further improvements on the performance are expected if the absorption can be additionally focused laterally, which is a possibility not yet explored. In this study, we report that nanoslot antennas can be a unique ohmic absorber of the low-frequency radiations, where it can incorporate 70% of incident light to ohmic absorption, focused laterally onto 1% of the unit cell area. The inductive field that drives both field enhancement and ohmic absorption is localized within a skin depth distance from the slots with amplitude being as large as 30% of the incident field. Mode-matching calculations and terahertz spectroscopy measurements confirm the inductive and localized nature of the absorption. The strong confinement of the inductive field and of the resulting ohmic absorption is expected to open a new venue in nanocalorimetry, optical nonlinearities of metals, and bolometer applications

    Active Thermal Control of 5 nm Gap Terahertz Antennas

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    Metallic nanostructures are combined with various active materials for electrical, optical, and thermal modulations of their optical properties. In particular, for the thermal modulation, deformation of metallic nanostructures at high temperatures limits the applications to relatively low temperatures, where thermal expansion of metals is negligible. Here, a unique regime is reported where terahertz (THz) waves transmitting through 5 nm wide slot antennas can be significantly modulated via controlled thermal expansion of metals without active materials. The normalized amplitude is modulated by 20% and the resonant frequency by 22% at an elevated temperature of 150 degrees C, indicating a decrease in the gap width by 50%. The extreme width-to-length ratio of the THz slot antennas compensates the small thermal expansion coefficient of metals, enabling the gap width to be considerably changed. COMSOL simulation and coupled-mode method (CMM) calculation quantitatively support the experimental data. This works suggests a new possibility of thermally active metallic nanostructures

    A Transformative Metasurface Based on Zerogap Embedded Template

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    The ideals of reconfigurable metasurfaces would be operation in a broad frequency range with a high extinction ratio and fatigue resistivity. In this paper, all the above is achieved in the microwave regime by transforming a bare metallic film into well-controlled nanometer sized gaps in a fully reversible manner. It is shown that adjacent metallic patterns deposited at different times can form "zero-nanometer gaps," or "zerogaps," while maintaining the optical and electrical connectivity. The zerogaps readily open and recover with gentle bending and relaxing of the flexible substrate, precisely along the rims of the pre-patterns of centimeter lengths. In a prototypical pattern of densely packed slit arrays, these gaps when opened serve as antennas achieving transparency for polarizations perpendicular to the length of the gap and shut off all the incident lights when closed. In such transformation between a polarizer and a mirror, 75% of transmission is observed with polarization extinction ratio of 7500 coming back down to 5 orders of magnitude extinction repeatable over 10 000 times. This work has long-standing implications to metamaterials and metasurfaces as well as the fundamental aspect of extending a picometer scale distance controllability toward the wafer scale