211 research outputs found

    Discovery of CLC transport proteins: cloning, structure, function and pathophysiology

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    After a personal description of the convoluted path leading 25 years ago to the molecular identification of the Torpedo Cl(-) channel ClC-0 and the discovery of the CLC gene family, I succinctly describe general structural and functional features of these ion transporters before giving a short overview of mammalian CLCs. These can be categorized into plasma membrane Cl(-) channels and vesicular Cl(-) /H(+) -exchangers. They are involved in the regulation of membrane excitability, transepithelial transport, extracellular ion homeostasis, endocytosis, and lysosomal function. Diseases caused by CLC dysfunction include myotonia, neurodegeneration, deafness, blindness, leukodystrophy, male infertility, renal salt loss, kidney stones and osteopetrosis, revealing a surprisingly broad spectrum of biological roles for chloride transport that was unsuspected when I set out to clone the first voltage-gated chloride channel

    Loss of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE8 causes male infertility in mice by disrupting acrosome formation

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    Mammalian sperm feature a specialized secretory organelle on the anterior part of the sperm nucleus, the acrosome, which is essential for male fertility. It is formed by a fusion of Golgi-derived vesicles. We show here that the predominantly Golgi-resident Na+/H+ exchanger NHE8 localizes to the developing acrosome of spermatids. Similar to wild-type mice, Nhe8-/- mice generated Golgi-derived vesicles positive for acrosomal markers and attached to nuclei, but these vesicles failed to form large acrosomal granules and the acrosomal cap. Spermatozoa from Nhe8-/- mice completely lacked acrosomes, were round-headed, exhibited abnormal mitochondrial distribution and displayed decreased motility, resulting in selective male infertility. Of note, similar features are also found in globozoospermia, one of the causes of male infertility in humans. Germ cell-specific, but not Sertoli cell-specific Nhe8 disruption recapitulated the globozoospermia phenotype, demonstrating that NHE8's role in spermiogenesis is germ cell-intrinsic. Our work has uncovered a crucial role of NHE8 in acrosome biogenesis and suggests that some forms of human globozoospermia might be caused by a loss of function of this Na+/H+ exchanger. It points to NHE8 as a candidate gene for human globozoospermia and a possible drug target for male contraception

    School-Based Mental Health Services and Programs: A Review of the Literature

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    In Chapter 1, a rationale, a statement regarding the focus of my paper, and historical backgrounds of both community-based mental health services and the history surrounding school-based mental health (SBMH) services were provided. In Chapter 2, I review 15 studies dated between 2003 and 2017 addressing the results of school-based mental health programs involving either an in-school parental component or services delivered by clinicians in school settings and the implications SBMH presents for the educational system and its personnel. Studies reviewed are summarized in chronological order and include both quantitative data pertaining to changes in behavioral and academic qualities in children and adolescents deemed “at risk” or diagnosed with mental health disorders, as well as qualitative input related to factors contributing to the success of school-based interventions. In the final chapter, I summarize my findings and provide my conclusions and recommendations for future research

    CLC chloride channels and transporters: structure, function, physiology, and disease

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    CLC anion transporters are found in all phyla and form a gene family of eight members in mammals. Two CLC proteins, each of which completely contains an ion translocation parthway, assemble to homo- or heteromeric dimers that sometimes require accessory β-subunits for function. CLC proteins come in two flavors: anion channels and anion/proton exchangers. Structures of these two CLC protein classes are surprisingly similar. Extensive structure-function analysis identified residues involved in ion permeation, anion-proton coupling and gating and led to attractive biophysical models. In mammals, ClC-1, -2, -Ka/-Kb are plasma membrane Cl(-) channels, whereas ClC-3 through ClC-7 are 2Cl(-)/H+(-exchangers in endolysosomal membranes. Biological roles of CLCs were mostly studied in mammals, but also in plants and model organisms like yeast and Caenorhabditis elegans. CLC Cl(-) channels have roles in the control of electrical excitability, extra- and intracellular ion homeostasis, and transepithelial transport, whereas anion/proton exchangers influence vesicular ion composition and impinge on endocytosis and lysosomal function. The surprisingly diverse roles of CLCs are highlighted by human and mouse disorders elicited by mutations in their genes. These pathologies include neurodegeneration, leukodystrophy, mental retardation, deafness, blindness, myotonia, hyperaldosteronism, renal salt loss, proteinuria, kidney stones, male infertility, and osteopetrosis. In this review, emphasis is laid on biophysical structure-function analysis and on the cell biological and organismal roles of mammalian CLCs and their role in disease

    Inactivation and anion selectivity of volume-regulated VRAC channels depend on carboxy-terminal residues of the first extracellular loop

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    Canonical volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) are crucial for cell volume regulation and have many other important roles including tumor drug resistance and release of neurotransmitters. Although VRAC-mediated swelling-activated chloride currents (ICl,vol) have been studied for decades, exploration of the structure-function relationship of VRAC has become possible only after the recent discovery that VRACs are formed by differently composed heteromers of LRRC8 proteins. Inactivation of ICl,vol at positive potentials, a typical hallmark of VRACs, strongly varies between native cell types. Exploiting the large differences in inactivation between different LRRC8 heteromers, we now used chimeras assembled from isoforms LRRC8C and LRRC8E to uncover a highly conserved extracellular region preceding the second LRRC8 transmembrane domain as a major determinant of ICl,vol inactivation. Point mutations identified two amino-acids (Lys98 and Asp100 in LRRC8A and equivalent residues in LRRC8C and -E) which upon charge reversal strongly altered the kinetics and voltage-dependence of inactivation. Importantly, charge reversal at the first position also reduced the iodide>chloride permeability of ICl,vol. This change in selectivity was stronger when both the obligatory LRRC8A subunit and the other co-expressed isoform (LRR8C or -E) carried such mutations. Hence the carboxy-terminal part of the first extracellular loop not only determines VRAC inactivation, but might also participate in forming its outer pore. Inactivation of VRACs may involve a closure of the extracellular mouth of the permeation pathway

    Selective transport of neurotransmitters and modulators by distinct volume-regulated LRRC8 anion channels

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    In response to swelling, mammalian cells release chloride and organic osmolytes through VRAC volume-regulated anion channels. VRACs are heteromers of LRRC8A and other LRRC8 isoforms (B-E) which are co-expressed in HEK293 and most other cells. The spectrum of VRAC substrates and its dependence on particular LRRC8 isoforms remains largely unknown. We show that besides the osmolytes taurine and myo-inositol, LRRC8 channels transport the neurotransmitters glutamate, aspartate and GABA and the co-activator D-serine. HEK293 cells engineered to express defined subsets of LRRC8 isoforms were used to elucidate the subunit-dependence of transport. Whereas LRRC8D was crucial for the translocation of overall neutral compounds like myo-inositol, taurine and GABA and sustained the transport of positively charged lysine, flux of negatively charged aspartate was equally well supported by LRRC8E. Disruption of LRRC8B or LRRC8C failed to decrease transport rates of all investigated substrates, but their inclusion into LRRC8 heteromers influenced VRAC's substrate preference. This suggested that individual VRACs can contain three or more different LRRC8 subunits, a conclusion confirmed by sequential co-immunoprecipitations. Our work suggests a composition-dependent role of VRACs in extracellular signal transduction

    LRRC8 amino-termini influence pore properties and gating of volume-regulated VRAC anion channels

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    Volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) are crucial for cell volume regulation and have various roles in physiology and pathology. VRACs were recently discovered to be formed by heteromers of LRRC8 (leucine-rich repeat-containing 8) proteins. However, the structural determinants of VRAC permeation and gating remain largely unknown. We show here that the short stretch preceding the first LRRC8 transmembrane domain determines VRAC conductance, ion permeability and inactivation gating. Substituted cysteine accessibility studies revealed that several of the first 15 LRRC8 residues are functionally important and exposed to a hydrophilic environment. Substituting glutamate 6 with cysteine decreased the amplitudes of swelling-activated ICl,vol currents, strongly increased iodide-over-chloride permeability, and markedly shifted the voltage-dependence of channel inactivation. Importantly, these effects were reversed by 2-sulfonatoethyl-methanethiosulfonate which restores the negative charge at this amino-acid position. Cd2+-mediated blocking of ICl,vol in cysteine variants suggested that the LRRC8 N-termini come close together in the multimeric channel complex and might form part of the pore. We propose a model in which the N termini of the LRRC8 subunits line the cytoplasmic portion of the VRAC pore, possibly by folding back into the ion permeation pathway

    Transport activity and presence of ClC-7/Ostm1 complex account for different cellular functions

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    Loss of the lysosomal ClC-7/Ostm1 2Cl(-)/H(+) exchanger causes lysosomal storage disease and osteopetrosis in humans and additionally changes fur colour in mice. Its conversion into a Cl(-) conductance in Clcn7(unc/unc) mice entails similarly severe lysosomal storage, but less severe osteopetrosis and no change in fur colour. To elucidate the basis for these phenotypical differences, we generated Clcn7(td/td) mice expressing an ion transport-deficient mutant. Their osteopetrosis was as severe as in Clcn7(-/-) mice, suggesting that the electric shunt provided by ClC-7(unc) can partially rescue osteoclast function. The normal coat colour of Clcn7(td/td) mice and their less severe neurodegeneration suggested that the ClC-7 protein, even when lacking measurable ion transport activity, is sufficient for hair pigmentation and that the conductance of ClC-7(unc) is harmful for neurons. Our in vivo structure-function analysis of ClC-7 reveals that both protein-protein interactions and ion transport must be considered in the pathogenesis of ClC-7-related diseases