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3 research outputs found
The Effect of Three Different Disinfectant Materials on Polyether Impressions by Spray Method
Ahmad S Tredwin C, Nesbit M, Moles D.
Al-Jabrah O Al-Shumailan Y, Al-Rashdan M.
+19 more
Egusa H Soysa NS, Ellepola AN, Yatani H, Samaranayake LP.
Egusa H Watamoto T, Matsumoto T, Abe K, Kobayashi M, Akashi Y, et al.
Ghahramanloo A Sadeghian A, Sohrabi K, Bidi A.
Hudson-Davies S Jones J, Sarll D.
Internationale FD.
Jennings K Samaranayake L.
Lepe X Johnson GH.
McNeill MR Coulter WA, Hussey DL.
Merchant V Molinari J.
Muller-Bolla M Lupi-Pégurier L, Velly AM, Bolla M.
Orsi IA Andrade VG.
Pang SK Millar BJ.
Powell GL Runnells RD, Saxon BA, Whisenant BK.
Rowe A Forrest J.
Rueggeberg FA Beall FE, Kelly MT, Schuster GS.
Samaranayake LP Hunjan M, Jennings KJ.
Szyma Ska J.
Westerholm H 2nd Bradley D, Jr Schwartz R.
Wilson S Wilson H.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
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Disinfection Efficiency of Irreversible Hydrocolloid Impressions Using Different Concentrations of Sodium Hypochlorite: A Pilot Study
Al-Omari WM Gly Jones JC, Hart P.
Best M Sattar SA, Springthorpe VS, Kennedy ME.
+14 more
Beyerle MP Hensley DM, Bradley DVJr, Schwartz RS, Hilton TJ.
Herrera SP Merchant VA.
Jennings KJ Samaranayake LP.
Kohn WG Collins AS, Cleveland JL, Harte JA, Eklund KJ, Malvitz DM.
Leung RL Schonfeld ES.
McNeill MR Coulter WA, Hussey DL.
Minagi S Fukushima K, Maeda N, Satomi K, Ohkawa S, Akagawa Y, Miyake Y, Suginaka H, Tsuru H.
Muller-Bolla M Lupi-Pegurier L, Velly AM, Bolla M.
Samaranayake LP Hanjan M, Jennings KJ.
Schwartz RS Hensley DH, Bradley DV Jr.
Tebrock OC Engelmeier RL, Mayfield TG, Adams HJ.
Tullner JB Commette JA, Moon PC.
Vandewalle KS Charlton DG, Schwartz RS, Reagan SE, Koeppen RG.
Westerholm HS Bradly DV, Schwartz RS.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
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Assessment of Influence of Contact Time between Alginate and Type III Dental Stone on Properties of Cast Model: An in vitro Study
Anusavice KJ Kenneth J.
Ashley M McCullagh A, Sweet C.
+15 more
Craig RG Robert G.
Giordano R 2nd.
Harris WT Jr.
Hondrum SO Fernandez R Jr.
Ibrahim AA Alhajj MN, Gilada MW.
Ibrahim AA Alhajj MN, Khalifa N, Gilada MW.
Johnson GH Chellis KD, Gordon GE, Lepe X.
Kwok WM Ralph WJ.
Lim PF Neo KH, Sitoh L, Yeo KL, Stokes A.
Marquezan M Jurach EM, Guimarães VD, Valentim RG, Nojima LI, Nojima Mda C.
Morrow RM Brown CE Jr, Stansbury BE, DeLorimier JA, Powell JM, Rudd KD.
Ratnaweera PM Yoshida K, Miura H, Kohta A, Tsuchihira K.
Samaranayake LP Hunjan M, Jennings KJ.
Schleier PE Gardner FM, Nelson SK, Pashley DH.
Vassilakos N Fernandes CP, Nilner K.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
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