173 research outputs found

    Does the quality of safetalk motivational interviewing counseling predict sexual behavior outcomes among people living with HIV?

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    Although past research has demonstrated a link between the quality of motivational interviewing (MI) counseling and client behavior change, this relationship has not been examined in the context of sexual risk behavior among people living with HIV/AIDS. We studied MI quality and unprotected anal/vaginal intercourse (UAVI) in the context of SafeTalk, an evidence-based secondary HIV prevention intervention

    Antiretroviral Adherence Following Prison Release in a Randomized Trial of the imPACT Intervention to Maintain Suppression of HIV Viremia

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    Many people living with HIV (PLWH) pass through correctional facilities each year, a large proportion of whom do not maintain viral suppression following release. We examined the effects of imPACT, an intervention designed to promote post-release viral suppression, on antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence. PLWH awaiting release from prisons in two southern states were randomized to imPACT (consisting of motivational interviewing, care linkage coordination, and text message medication reminders) versus standard care (SC). ART adherence, measured by unannounced monthly telephone pill counts, was compared between study arms over 6 months post-release. Of 381 participants eligible for post-release follow-up, 302 (79%) completed ≥ 1 of 6 possible pill counts (median: 4; IQR 1–6). Average adherence over follow-up was 80.3% (95% CI 77.5, 83.1) and 81.0% (78.3, 83.6) of expected doses taken in the imPACT and SC arms, respectively. There was no difference between arms when accounting for missing data using multiple imputation (mean difference = − 0.2 percentage points [− 3.7, 3.3]), controlling for study site and week of follow-up. Of the 936 (40.9%) pill counts that were missed, 212 (22.7%) were due to re-incarceration. Those who missed pill counts for any reason were more likely to be unsuppressed, suggesting that they had lower adherence. However, missingness was balanced between arms. Among PLWH released from prison, ART adherence averaged > 80% in both study arms over 6 months—a level higher than seen with most other chronic diseases. However, missing data may have led to an overestimate of adherence. Factors independent of the intervention influence ART adherence in this population and should be identified to inform future targeted interventions

    Deficiency of the zinc finger protein ZFP106 causes motor and sensory neurodegeneration

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    Acknowledgements We are indebted to Jim Humphries, JennyCorrigan, LizDarley, Elizabeth Joynson, Natalie Walters, Sara Wells and the whole necropsy, histology, genotyping and MLC ward 6 teams at MRC Harwell for excellent technical assistance. We thank the staff of the WTSI Illumina Bespoke Team for the RNA-seq data, the Sanger Mouse Genetics Project for the initial mouse characterization and Dr David Adams for critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank KOMP for the mouse embryonic stem cells carrying the knockout first promoter-less allele (tm1a(KOMP)Wtsi) within Zfp016. Conflict of Interest statement. None declared. Funding This work was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) to A.A.-A. and a Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) project grant to A.A.-A. and EMCF. D.L.H.B. is a Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Scientist Fellow and P.F. is a MRC/MNDA Lady Edith Wolfson Clinician Scientist Fellow. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the MRC grant number: MC_UP_A390_1106.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Analysis of Chimpanzee History Based on Genome Sequence Alignments

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    Population geneticists often study small numbers of carefully chosen loci, but it has become possible to obtain orders of magnitude for more data from overlaps of genome sequences. Here, we generate tens of millions of base pairs of multiple sequence alignments from combinations of three western chimpanzees, three central chimpanzees, an eastern chimpanzee, a bonobo, a human, an orangutan, and a macaque. Analysis provides a more precise understanding of demographic history than was previously available. We show that bonobos and common chimpanzees were separated ∼1,290,000 years ago, western and other common chimpanzees ∼510,000 years ago, and eastern and central chimpanzees at least 50,000 years ago. We infer that the central chimpanzee population size increased by at least a factor of 4 since its separation from western chimpanzees, while the western chimpanzee effective population size decreased. Surprisingly, in about one percent of the genome, the genetic relationships between humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos appear to be different from the species relationships. We used PCR-based resequencing to confirm 11 regions where chimpanzees and bonobos are not most closely related. Study of such loci should provide information about the period of time 5–7 million years ago when the ancestors of humans separated from those of the chimpanzees