21,655 research outputs found

    Naturalness of the Coleman-Glashow Mass Relation in the 1/N_c Expansion: an Update

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    A new measurement of the Xi^0 mass verifies the accuracy of the Coleman-Glashow relation at the level predicted by the 1/N_c expansion. Values for other baryon isospin mass splittings are updated, and continue to agree with the 1/N_c hierarchy.Comment: 6 pages, revte

    1/N_c Expansion of the Heavy Baryon Isgur-Wise Functions

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    The 1/N_c expansion of the heavy baryon Isgur-Wise functions is discussed. Because of the contracted SU(2N_f) light quark spin-flavor symmetry, the universality relations among the Isgur-Wise functions of \Lambda_b to \Lambda_c and \Sigma_b^{(*)} to \Sigma_c^{(*)} are valid up to the order of 1/N_c^2.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Bosonic Operator Methods for the Quark Model

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    Quark model matrix elements can be computed using bosonic operators and the holomorphic representation for the harmonic oscillator. The technique is illustrated for normal and exotic baryons for an arbitrary number of colors. The computations are much simpler than those using conventional quark model wavefunctions

    Spin-Flavor Structure of Large N Baryons

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    The spin-flavor structure of large N baryons is described in the 1/N expansion of QCD using quark operators. The complete set of quark operator identities is obtained, and used to derive an operator reduction rule which simplifies the 1/N expansion. The operator reduction rule is applied to the axial currents, masses, magnetic moments and hyperon non-leptonic decay amplitudes in the SU(3)SU(3) limit, to first order in SU(3)SU(3) breaking, and without assuming SU(3)SU(3) symmetry. The connection between the Skyrme and quark representations is discussed. An explicit formula is given for the quark model operators in terms of the Skyrme model operators to all orders in 1/N1/\N for the two flavor case.Comment: 36 pages, 2 eps figures, uses revte

    Critical Analysis of Baryon Masses and Sigma-Terms in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We present an analysis of the octet baryon masses and the πN\pi N and KNKN σ\sigma--terms in the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At next-to-leading order, O(q3){\cal O}(q^3), knowledge of the baryon masses and σπN(0)\sigma_{\pi N}(0) allows to determine the three corresponding finite low--energy constants and to predict the the two KNKN σ\sigma--terms σKN(1,2)(0)\sigma^{(1,2)}_{KN} (0). We also include the spin-3/2 decuplet in the effective theory. The presence of the non--vanishing energy scale due to the octet--decuplet splitting shifts the average octet baryon mass by an infinite amount and leads to infinite renormalizations of the low--energy constants. The first observable effect of the decuplet intermediate states to the baryon masses starts out at order q4q^4. We argue that it is not sufficient to retain only these but no other higher order terms to achieve a consistent description of the three--flavor scalar sector of baryon CHPT. In addition, we critically discuss an SU(2) result which allows to explain the large shift of σπN(2Mπ2)−σπN(0)\sigma_{\pi N}(2M_\pi^2) - \sigma_{\pi N}(0) via intermediate Δ(1232)\Delta (1232) states.Comment: 18 pp, TeX, BUTP-93/05 and CRN-93-0

    Hyperon Nonleptonic Decays in Chiral Perturbation Theory Reexamined

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    We recalculate the leading nonanalytic contributions to the amplitudes for hyperon nonleptonic decays in chiral perturbation theory. Our results partially disagree with those calculated before, and include new terms previously omitted in the P-wave amplitudes. Although these modifications are numerically significant, they do not change the well-known fact that good agreement with experiment cannot be simultaneously achieved using one-loop S- and P-wave amplitudes.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 3 figures, uses axodraw.sty, minor additions, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Decuplet Revisited in χ\chiPT

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    The paper deals with two issues. First, we explore the quantitiative importance of higher multiplets for properties of the Δ\Delta decuplet in chiral perturbation theory. In particular, it is found that the lowest order one--loop contributions from the Roper octet to the decuplet masses and magnetic moments are substantial. The relevance of these results to the chiral expansion in general is discussed. The exact values of the magnetic moments depend upon delicate cancellations involving ill--determined coupling constants. Second, we present new relations between the magnetic moments of the Δ\Delta decuplet that are independent of all couplings. They are exact at the order of the chiral expansion used in this paper.Comment: 7 pages of double column revtex, no figure

    Effective field theory and the quark model

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    We analyze the connections between the quark model (QM) and the description of hadrons in the low-momentum limit of heavy-baryon effective field theory in QCD. By using a three-flavor-index representation for the effective baryon fields, we show that the ``nonrelativistic'' constituent QM for baryon masses and moments is completely equivalent through O(m_s) to a parametrization of the relativistic field theory in a general spin--flavor basis. The flavor and spin variables can be identified with those of effective valence quarks. Conversely, the spin-flavor description clarifies the structure and dynamical interpretation of the chiral expansion in effective field theory, and provides a direct connection between the field theory and the semirelativistic models for hadrons used in successful dynamical calculations. This allows dynamical information to be incorporated directly into the chiral expansion. We find, for example, that the striking success of the additive QM for baryon magnetic moments is a consequence of the relative smallness of the non-additive spin-dependent corrections.Comment: 25 pages, revtex, no figure

    On the structure of large N cancellations in baryon chiral perturbation theory

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    We show how to compute loop graphs in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory including the full functional dependence on the ratio of the Delta--nucleon mass difference to the pion mass, while at the same time automatically incorporating the 1/N cancellations that follow from the large-N spin-flavor symmetry of baryons in QCD. The one-loop renormalization of the baryon axial vector current is studied to demonstrate the procedure. A new cancellation is identified in the one-loop contribution to the baryon axial vector current. We show that loop corrections to the axial vector currents are exceptionally sensitive to deviations of the ratios of baryon-pion axial couplings from SU(6) values

    Calculation of the heavy-hadron axial couplings g_1, g_2, and g_3 using lattice QCD

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    In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 172003 (2012), arXiv:1109.2480] we have reported on a lattice QCD calculation of the heavy-hadron axial couplings g1g_1, g2g_2, and g3g_3. These quantities are low-energy constants of heavy-hadron chiral perturbation theory (HHχ\chiPT) and are related to the B∗BπB^*B\pi, Σb∗Σbπ\Sigma_b^*\Sigma_b\pi, and Σb(∗)Λbπ\Sigma_b^{(*)}\Lambda_b\pi couplings. In the following, we discuss important details of the calculation and give further results. To determine the axial couplings, we explicitly match the matrix elements of the axial current in QCD with the corresponding matrix elements in HHχ\chiPT. We construct the ratios of correlation functions used to calculate the matrix elements in lattice QCD, and study the contributions from excited states. We present the complete numerical results and discuss the data analysis in depth. In particular, we demonstrate the convergence of SU(4∣2)SU(4|2) HHχ\chiPT for the axial-current matrix elements at pion masses up to about 400 MeV and show the impact of the nonanalytic loop contributions. Finally, we present additional predictions for strong and radiative decay widths of charm and bottom baryons.Comment: 42 pages, 20 figures, updated calculation of Xi_b^{*0} width using mass measurement from CMS, published versio
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