3,325 research outputs found

    Density upper bound for congruent and non-congruent hyperball packings generated by truncated regular simplex tilings

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    In this paper we study congruent and non-congruent hyperball (hypersphere) packings of the truncated regular tetrahedron tilings. These are derived from the Coxeter simplex tilings {p,3,3}\{p,3,3\} (7≤p∈N)(7\le p \in \mathbb{N}) and {5,3,3,3,3}\{5,3,3,3,3\} in 33 and 55-dimensional hyperbolic space. We determine the densest hyperball packing arrangements related to the above tilings. We find packing densities using congruent hyperballs and determine the smallest density upper bound of non-congruent hyperball packings generated by the above tilings.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1505.03338, arXiv:1312.2328, arXiv:1405.024

    On lattice coverings of Nil space by congruent geodesic balls

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    The Nil geometry, which is one of the eight 3-dimensional Thurston geometries, can be derived from {W. Heisenberg}'s famous real matrix group. The aim of this paper to study {\it lattice coverings} in Nil space. We introduce the notion of the density of considered coverings and give upper and lower estimations to it, moreover we formulate a conjecture for the ball arrangement of the least dense lattice-like geodesic ball covering and give its covering density Δ≈1.42900615\Delta\approx 1.42900615. The homogeneous 3-spaces have a unified interpretation in the projective 3-sphere and in our work we will use this projective model of the Nil geometry.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Packings with horo- and hyperballs generated by simple frustum orthoschemes

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    In this paper we deal with the packings derived by horo- and hyperballs (briefly hyp-hor packings) in the nn-dimensional hyperbolic spaces \HYN (n=2,3n=2,3) which form a new class of the classical packing problems. We construct in the 2−2- and 3−3-dimensional hyperbolic spaces hyp-hor packings that are generated by complete Coxeter tilings of degree 11 i.e. the fundamental domains of these tilings are simple frustum orthoschemes and we determine their densest packing configurations and their densities. We prove that in the hyperbolic plane (n=2n=2) the density of the above hyp-hor packings arbitrarily approximate the universal upper bound of the hypercycle or horocycle packing density 3π\frac{3}{\pi} and in \HYP the optimal configuration belongs to the [7,3,6][7,3,6] Coxeter tiling with density ≈0.83267\approx 0.83267. Moreover, we study the hyp-hor packings in truncated orthosche\-mes [p,3,6][p,3,6] (6< p < 7, ~ p\in \bR) whose density function is attained its maximum for a parameter which lies in the interval [6.05,6.06][6.05,6.06] and the densities for parameters lying in this interval are larger that ≈0.85397\approx 0.85397. That means that these locally optimal hyp-hor configurations provide larger densities that the B\"or\"oczky-Florian density upper bound (≈0.85328)(\approx 0.85328) for ball and horoball packings but these hyp-hor packing configurations can not be extended to the entirety of hyperbolic space H3\mathbb{H}^3.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.2328, arXiv:1405.024

    The optimal hyperball packings related to the smallest compact arithmetic 5-orbifolds

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    The smallest three hyperbolic compact arithmetic 5-orbifolds can be derived from two compact Coxeter polytops which are combinatorially simplicial prisms (or complete orthoschemes of degree d=1d=1) in the five dimensional hyperbolic space H5\mathbf{H}^5 (see \cite{BE} and \cite{EK}). The corresponding hyperbolic tilings are generated by reflections through their delimiting hyperplanes those involve the study of the relating densest hyperball (hypersphere) packings with congruent hyperballs. The analogous problem was discussed in \cite{Sz06-1} and \cite{Sz06-2} in the hyperbolic spaces Hn\mathbf{H}^n (n=3,4)(n=3,4). In this paper we extend this procedure to determine the optimal hyperball packings to the above 5-dimensional prism tilings. We compute their metric data and the densities of their optimal hyperball packings, moreover, we formulate a conjecture for the candidate of the densest hyperball packings in the 5-dimensional hyperbolic space H5\mathbf{H}^5.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Triangle angle sums related to translation curves in \SOL geometry

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    After having investigated the geodesic and translation triangles and their angle sums in \NIL and \SLR geometries we consider the analogous problem in \SOL space that is one of the eight 3-dimensional Thurston geometries. We analyse the interior angle sums of translation triangles in \SOL geometry and prove that it can be larger or equal than π\pi. In our work we will use the projective model of \SOL described by E. Moln\'ar in \cite{M97},Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Congruent and non-congruent hyperball packings related to doubly truncated Coxeter orthoschemes in hyperbolic 33-space

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    In \cite{Sz17-2} we considered hyperball packings in 33-dimensional hyperbolic space. We developed a decomposition algorithm that for each saturated hyperball packing provides a decomposition of \HYP into truncated tetrahedra. In order to get a density upper bound for hyperball packings, it is sufficient to determine the density upper bound of hyperball packings in truncated simplices. Therefore, in this paper we examine the doubly truncated Coxeter orthoscheme tilings and the corresponding congruent and non-congruent hyperball packings. We proved that related to the mentioned Coxeter tilings the density of the densest congruent hyperball packing is ≈0.81335\approx 0.81335 that is -- by our conjecture -- the upper bound density of the relating non-congruent hyperball packings too.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.0494

    Horoball packings and their densities by generalized simplicial density function in the hyperbolic space

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    The aim of this paper to determine the locally densest horoball packing arrangements and their densities with respect to fully asymptotic tetrahedra with at least one plane of symmetry in hyperbolic 3-space Hˉ3\bar{\mathbf{H}}^3 extended with its absolute figure, where the ideal centers of horoballs give rise to vertices of a fully asymptotic tetrahedron. We allow horoballs of different types at the various vertices. Moreover, we generalize the notion of the simplicial density function in the extended hyperbolic space Hˉn, (n≥2)\bar{\mathbf{H}}^n, ~(n \ge 2), and prove that, in this sense, {\it the well known B\"or\"oczky--Florian density upper bound for "congruent horoball" packings of Hˉ3\bar{\mathbf{H}}^3 does not remain valid to the fully asymptotic tetrahedra.} The density of this locally densest packing is ≈0.874994\approx 0.874994, may be surprisingly larger than the B\"or\"oczky--Florian density upper bound ≈0.853276\approx 0.853276 but our local ball arrangement seems not to have extension to the whole hyperbolic space.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Horoball packings related to hyperbolic 2424 cell

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    In this paper we study the horoball packings related to the hyperbolic 24 cell in the extended hyperbolic space H‾4\overline{\mathbf{H}}^4 where we allow {\it horoballs in different types} centered at the various vertices of the 24 cell. We determine, introducing the notion of the generalized polyhedral density function, the locally densest horoball packing arrangement and its density with respect to the above regular tiling. The maximal density is ≈0.71645\approx 0.71645 which is equal to the known greatest ball packing density in hyperbolic 4-space given in \cite{KSz14}.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1401.608

    Decomposition method related to saturated hyperball packings

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    In this paper we study the problem of hyperball (hypersphere) packings in 33-dimensional hyperbolic space. We introduce a new definition of the non-compact saturated ball packings and describe to each saturated hyperball packing, a new procedure to get a decomposition of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space \HYP into truncated tetrahedra. Therefore, in order to get a density upper bound for hyperball packings, it is sufficient to determine the density upper bound of hyperball packings in truncated simplices.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1405.024

    Geodesic ball packings generated by regular prism tilings in Nil\mathbf{Nil} geometry

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    In this paper we study the regular prism tilings and construct ball packings by geodesic balls related to the above tilings in the projective model of Nil\mathbf{Nil} geometry. Packings are generated by action of the discrete prism groups pq21\mathbf{pq2_{1}}. We prove that these groups are realized by prism tilings in Nil\mathbf{Nil} space if (p,q)=(3,6),(4,4),(6,3)(p,q)=(3,6), (4,4), (6,3) and determine packing density formulae for geodesic ball packings generated by the above prism groups. Moreover, studying these formulae we determine the conjectured maximal dense packing arrangements and their densities and visualize them in the projective model of Nil\mathbf{Nil} geometry. We get a dense (conjectured locally densest) geodesic ball arrangement related to the parameters (p,q)=(6,3)(p,q)=(6,3) where the kissing number of the packing is 1414, similarly to the densest lattice-like Nil\mathbf{Nil} geodesic ball arrangement investigated by the second author .Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1105.198
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