6 research outputs found

    Family factors of self-esteem stability in adolescents

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    The aim of investigations was to examine what upbringing styles and socio-economic parameters correlate with adolescents’ unstable self-esteem. Self-esteem is an evaluative measure of self-concept whose stability in time reflects personality’s autonomy and integrity. Using the sample of 280 secondary school students, the SSES scale was administered twice, at a 30-day interval, the EMBU scale of upbringing styles, a questionnaire with general data on respondents and socioeconomic parameters. It proved that upbringing style and parental tenderness (of both father and mother) correlate with unstable self-esteem in adolescents. Significant correlation between upbringing styles and unstable self-esteem was also found in inconsistency, low control and protection on the part of father. Stable self-esteem is significantly negatively correlated with inconsistency of mother. Of diverse socioeconomic parameters, educational level of father and his profession are of critical importance for stable self-esteem. Upbringing styles produce greater influence on self-esteem level than socio-economic parameters do


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    The research intended to establish a connection between complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and the accepting/rejecting parenting of mothers, survivors of complex trauma. The goal was also to examine how protective factors, resilience, and perceived social support moderate the effect of C-PTSD on the mother’s rejecting parenting, as well as how parental traumas and their parenting predicts parenting of women survivors. The study results are based on a survey completed by 100 women at the age 19 – 64. The sample had two groups: mothers with C-PTSD and a control group without C-PSTD. The results indicate that complex trauma can predict mother’s parenting rejection. C-PTSD displays correlations with all five dimensions of the negative parenting styles (lack of affection/neglect/aggression/control/undifferentiated rejection). Resilience acted as a moderator between C-PTSD and rejecting parenting. Parental traumas and their rejecting parenting manifest in women’s parenting.Istraživanje je imalo za cilj uspostaviti vezu između složenog posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja (C-PTSD) i roditeljskog stila žrtava složene traume. Cilj je također bio ispitati kako zaštitni faktori, rezilijentnost i percepcija socijalne potpore umanjuju učinak C-PTSD na odbijajuće roditeljstvo majke, kao i kako trauma njenih roditelja i njihovo odbacivanje utječu na roditeljstvo kod žena koje su preživjele složenu traumu. Rezultati studije temelje se na istraživanju na 100 žena u dobi od 19 do 64 godine. Uzorak je imao dvije skupine: majke s poviješću C-PTSD-a i kontrolne skupine bez registriranih poremećaja mentalnog zdravlja. Rezultati pokazuju da složena trauma negativno utječe na roditeljstvo žene. C-PTSD prikazuje korelacije sa svih pet dimenzija negativnih stilova roditeljstva (nedostatak naklonosti/ zanemarivanje/ agresija/ kontrola/ nediferencirano odbijanje). Rezilijentnost je djelovala kao moderator između C-PTSD i odbacivanja roditeljskog stila. Roditeljske traume i njihov odbijajući roditeljski stil očituju se u majčinom roditeljstvu

    Attitudes towards Inclusive Education and Dimensions of Teacher's Personality

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    AbstractIn this research we investigated teachers of the primary and secondary schools (N=100) about correlation between his attitudes towards inclusion and dimensions of teachers’ personalities towards a model having five factors. The attitudes towards inclusion include the attitudes regarding the education of children with different difficulties in their development, the attitudes regarding the responsibility of a school to offer good education for all children. Also, teachers' self-evaluation regarding their own relevant professional and personal capacities regarding the work with children having difficulties in their own development. Personality was examined by the help of five basic dimensions: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, cooperation and being conscientious. The results have shown that, out of total number of examinees, 80% support the idea of inclusive education. Openness is in a positive correlation with the attitudes towards inclusive education. Teachers in primary schools have more positive attitude towards inclusive education