12 research outputs found

    Oligometastatic lung cancer

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    The role of PET-CT in radiotherapy planning of solid tumours

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    PET-CT is becoming more and more important in various aspects of oncology. Until recently it was used mainly as part of diagnostic procedures and for evaluation of treatment results. With development of personalized radiotherapy, volumetric and radiobiological characteristics of individual tumour have become integrated in the multistep radiotherapy (RT) planning process. Standard anatomical imaging used to select and delineate RT target volumes can be enriched by the information on tumour biology gained by PET-CT. In this review we explore the current and possible future role of PET-CT in radiotherapy treatment planning. After general explanation, we assess its role in radiotherapy of those solid tumours for which PET-CT is being used most. Conclusions. In the nearby future PET-CT will be an integral part of the most radiotherapy treatment planning procedures in an every-day clinical practice. Apart from a clear role in radiation planning of lung cancer, with forthcoming clinical trials, we will get more evidence of the optimal use of PET-CT in radiotherapy planning of other solid tumours

    Klinični primer multimodalnega zdravljenja bolnika z nedrobnoceličnim rakom pljuč stadija III

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    Nedrobnocelični rak pljuč stadija III predstavlja izjemno heterogeno skupino bolezni, kjer so podobno heterogene tudi možnosti zdravljenjaod primarne operacije ter dopolnilne kemoterapije, do predoperativne kemoradioterapije in nato operacije ter nenazadnje definitivne kemoradioterapije in imunoterapije pri inoperabilnih bolnikih. O najustreznejši strategiji zdravljenja se za vsakega pacienta odločamo individualno na multidisciplinarnih konzilijih

    Clinical outcomes in stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with durvalumab after sequential or concurrent platinum-based chemoradiotherapy

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    Chemoradiotherapy (ChT-RT) followed by 12-month durvalumab is the new standard treatment for unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Survival data for patients from everyday routine clinical practice is scarce, as well as potential impact on treatment efficacy of sequential or concomitant chemotherapy and the us-age of gemcitabine.Patients and methods. We retrospectively analysed unresectable stage III NSCLC patients who were treated with durvalumab after radical concurrent or sequential chemotherapy (ChT) from December 2017 and completed treat-ment until December 2020. We assessed progression free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and toxicity regarding baseline characteristic of patients.Results. Eighty-five patients with median age of 63 years of which 70.6% were male, 56.5% in stage IIIB and 58.8% with squamous cell carcinoma, were included in the analysis. Thirty-one patients received sequential ChT only, 51 patients received induction and concurrent ChT and 3 patients received concurrent ChT only. Seventy-nine patients (92.9%) received gemcitabine and cisplatin as induction chemotherapy and switched to etoposide and cisplatin during con-current treatment with radiotherapy (RT). Patients started durvalumab after a median of 57 days (range 12–99 days) from the end of the RT and were treated with the median of 10.8 (range 0.5–12 months) months. Forty-one patients (48.2%) completed treatment with planned 12-month therapy, 25 patients (29.4%) completed treatment early due to the toxicity and 16 patients (18.8%) due to the disease progression. Median PFS was 22.0 months, 12- and estimated 24-month PFS were 71% (95% CI: 61.2–80.8%) and 45.8% (95% CI: 32.7–58.9%). With the median follow-up time of 23 months (range 2–35 months), median OS has not been reached. Twelve- and estimated 24-month OS were 86.7% (95% CI: 79.5–93.9%) and 68.6% (95% CI: 57.2–79.9%).Conclusions. Our survival data are comparable with published research as well as with recently published real-world reports. Additionally, the regimen with gemcitabine and platinum-based chemotherapy as induction treatment was efficient and well tolerated

    Oligometastatic cancer

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    Oligometastatska bolezen (OMB) predstavlja vmesno stanje med lokalno napredovalo boleznijo in obsežnejšo metastatsko boleznijo. Zaenkrat ne poznamo specifičnih biomarkerjev, ki bi nam pomagali opredeliti bolnike z majhnim bremenom bolezni, zato diagnoza OMB temelji na slikovni diagnostiki. V zadnjih letih narašča zanimanje za optimizacijo zdravljenja OMB predvsem zaradi obetavnih rezultatov dodatka lokalnega k obstoječemu sistemskemu zdravljenju. S takšnim načinom zdravljenja se je prvič pokazala možnost doseganja dolgotrajnih zazdravitev ali redko celo ozdravitev teh bolnikov. Razlikovanje posameznih vrst OMB in njihovo enotno poimenovanje je pomembno zlasti v kliničnih raziskavah, saj nam omogoča medsebojno primerjavo rezultatov različnih raziskav.Oligometastatic disease (OMD) is a stage between locally advanced disease and polymetastatic disease, a group of diseases that are used interchangeably based on treatment history, ongoing treatment status, and imaging findings. The diagnosis of OMD is based on imaging because, as of yet, we are not aware of any specific biomarkers that would enable us to recognize patients with a low disease burden. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in optimizing the treatment of OMD, owing mostly to the promising outcomes of combining local and systemic treatment. For the first time, the prospect of achieving long-term cures or possibly curing these individuals was established using this form of treatment. The standard name of OMD subgroups allows for the comparison of diverse circumstances in everyday clinical work, as well as the classification for clinical study comparability

    Nevrološki imunsko pogojeni neželeni učinki in prikaz primera bolnika

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