5 research outputs found

    Methods of Pollution Removal After Tanker ā€œErikaā€ Accident

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    Marine accident of the Maltese tanker Erika is the biggest environmental disaster ever to hit France. 12th of December 1999, on the way from Dunkerque (France) to Livorno (Italy), Erika broke in two and sank near the French coast, spilling around 20.000 tons of heavy fuel oil into the sea. About 11.000 tons of dangerous cargo, trapped inside the sunken wreck, presented a danger to the environment. Severe weather conditions prevented any offshore clean-up operations. Oil trapped inside the wreckage was pumped out, while the on-shore clean-up operations lasted for another two years. This accident had a direct impact on the economy of affected regions and resulted in numerous lawsuits against the ship owners, charterers and classification societies. This paper aims to provide an overview of oil spill pollution clean-up methods and technologies after the accident of tanker Erika

    Određivanje toksičnosti sedimenta povezane s policikličkim aromatskim ugljikovodicima ā€“ PAH duž istočne obale Jadranskog mora

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were investigated in the sediments at 24 locations in the coastal area of Adriatic Sea. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 14,98 to 26145,62 Āµg kg-1, with the highest levels determined in the sediments of Å ibenik Bay and the lowest in the sediment near Island of Pag. Unsubstituted PAH were prevailing PAH group in the sediments from the Å ibenik Bay and in the Coastal area, while methyl-substituted PAH were dominant group in the sediments of the KaÅ”tela Bay. In order to estimate the possible toxicological significance of PAH concentrations, Sediment Quality Assessment was done according to three different sets of sediment quality guidelines. A high environmental risk was calculated for each station in Å ibenik Bay; for the station in vicinity of the Industrial port of Split and for the two stations in Coastal zone. Low environmental risk was determined in less urbanised areas such as Island of Pag. Sediment extracts were further analysed for acute toxicity by measurements of decrease in bioluminescence upon exposure to sediment extracts. Obtained results show disagreement between sediment toxicity predicted upon PAH levels in sediment and experimentally obtained sediment toxicity. Sediment extracts in which low PAH levels were measured showed high acute toxicity indicating that concentrations of PAH alone are a poor indicator of sediment toxicity. Correlation analysis between concentrations of specific PAH compounds and toxicity revealed the strongest association between acute sediment toxicity and sulphur-containing PAH suggesting the S-PAH should be considered in sediment toxicity assessment.Policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici - PAH istraživani su u sedimentu na 24 lokacije u priobalnom području Jadranskog mora. Ukupna koncentracija PAH-ova u sedimentu (T-PAH) iznosila je od 14,98 do 26415 Āµg kg-1. NajviÅ”a vrijednost masenog udjela T-PAH ā€“ova izmjerena je u sedimentu Å ibenskog zaljeva. Na većini postaja u Priobalnom području te na svim postajama u Å ibenskom zaljevu, ne-supstituirani PAH-ovi bili su dominantni spojevi u sedimentu; dok je sediment na svim postajama u KaÅ”telanskom zaljevu bio obogaćen metil-supstituiranim PAH-ovima (Me-PAH). Kako bi se odredila toksičnost sedimenta te procijenila opasnost za zdravlje okoliÅ”a, kvaliteta sedimenta istražena je primjenom triju različitih smjernica za procjenu stanja sedimenta - SQG. Visok rizik za okoliÅ” izračunat je za sve lokacije u Å ibenskom zaljevu; za jednu postaju u KaÅ”telanskom zaljevu, smjeÅ”tenu u blizini industrijske luke Split; te za dvije postaje u priobalju. Nizak rizik za zdravlje okoliÅ”a utvrđen je na postajama udaljenim od urbanih područja kao Å”to je otok Pag. Akutna toksičnost sedimenta dodatno je analizirana mjerenjem smanjenja intenziteta bakterijske bioluminiscencije nakon izlaganja ekstraktima uzoraka sedimenta. Dobiveni rezultati o akutnoj toksičnosti razlikuju se od rezultata dobivenih primjenom smjernica za procjenu kvalitete sedimenta. Ekstrakti uzoraka sedimenta u kojima su izmjerene niske vrijednosti masenih udjela PAH-ova uzrokovali su visoku akutnu toksičnost iz čega proizlazi da procjena toksičnosti sedimenta uzimanjem u obzir samo masenih udjela PAH-ova u sedimentu nije dobar pokazatelj stanja toksičnosti sedimenta. Analizom korelacije između masenih udjela specifičnih grupa PAH-ova u sedimentu i akutne toksičnosti ekstrakata sedimenta, utvrđena je jaka povezanost toksičnosti sa skupinom PAH-ova koji u svojoj strukturi sadrže atom sumpora (S-PAH), Å”to upućuje da je prilikom procjene stanja sedimenta potrebno uzeti u obzir i S-PAH-ove

    Methods of Pollution Removal after Tanker ā€œErikaā€ Accident

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    Marine accident of the Maltese tanker Erika is the biggest environmental disaster ever to hit France. 12th of December 1999, on the way from Dunkerque (France) to Livorno (Italy), Erika broke in two and sank near the French coast, spilling around 20.000 tons of heavy fuel oil into the sea. About 11.000 tons of dangerous cargo, trapped inside the sunken wreck, presented a danger to the environment. Severe weather conditions prevented any offshore clean-up operations. Oil trapped inside the wreckage was pumped out, while the on-shore clean-up operations lasted for another two years. This accident had a direct impact on the economy of affected regions and resulted in numerous lawsuits against the ship owners, charterers and classification societies. This paper aims to provide an overview of oil spill pollution clean-up methods and technologies after the accident of tanker Erika

    Application of Positive Matrix Factorization for Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in the Adriatic Sea, and the Evaluation of PAH-Related Carcinogenic Risks

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    Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were studied in 36 sediment samples collected from 29 sites in the central Adriatic Sea. The total concentration of PAH showed high variability, ranging from 42.85 Āµg kgāˆ’1 in open sea sediments to 28,662 Āµg kgāˆ’1 in the sediments of Å ibenik Bay. Unsubstituted, parent PAH were dominant PAH compounds in the entire area of Å ibenik Bay and most of the stations in the coastal area. In KaÅ”tela Bay, methyl PAH concentrations were higher than the concentrations of unsubstituted PAH, whereas in the sediments along the mid-Adriatic transect, similar concentrations of both PAH fractions were determined. PAH sources were investigated by applying the Positive Matrix Factorization software developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The results indicate the presence of four sources, two of which can be considered petrogenic and two pyrogenic. The contribution of the sources to the total concentration PAH at each station indicates the dominance of pyrogenic sources in Å ibenik Bay and at most stations in the coastal area. In the sediments along the mid-Adriatic transversal, as well as in KaÅ”tela Bay, PAHs originate mainly from petrogenic sources. The obtained results show that PMF can be a suitable tool for control of PAH pollution and thus, for the management of various activities in the Adriatic region. Seasonal differences between the contributions of sources in the KaÅ”tela and Å ibenik bays indicate that the contribution of traffic to the total concentration of PAH was higher during the tourist season. The carcinogenic risk of PAH determined by toxicity equivalent (TEQ) calculations showed an increased carcinogenic risk in the whole area of Å ibenik Bay, regardless of the number of PAH compounds considered for the calculations. A low PAH-related carcinogenic risk was found for the rest of the study area