3 research outputs found

    Body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes and relationship with eating habits

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    Cilj: Procijeniti sastav tijela u pacijenata sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2, kao i povezanost s pridržavanjem mediteranskom tipu prehrane i ostalim prehrambenim navikama. Materijali i metode: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje u kojem su dobrovoljno sudjelovali ispitanici sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2 u razdoblju od prosinca 2021. do siječnja 2022. godine tijekom redovnih pregleda u Centru za dijabetes KBC-a Split. U istraživanje je uključeno 60 ispitanika, od čega je bilo 30 žena i 30 muškaraca. Ispitanici su ispunjavali anketu o prehrambenim navikama i učestalosti konzumiranja pojedinih namirnica što smo ispitali prema upitniku o mediteranskoj prehrani (MDSS) i tako odredili stupanj adherencije mediteranskoj prehrani. Nakon anketnog dijela, ispitanici su podvrgnuti mjerenju na bioimpedacijskoj vagi te im je procijenjen sastav tijela. Rezultati: Žene su imale statistički značajno veći postotak ukupne tjelesne masti (37,7 ± 11,1 % vs. 26,3 ± 7,9 %; P<0,001) i statistički značajno manji postotak visceralne masti (14,0 ± 4,1 % vs. 10,7 % ± 3,6 %; P=0,002) u odnosu na muškarce. Skupina žena je statistički značajno češće koristila informacije o broju grama ugljikohidrata i masti za donošenje odluke o izboru prehrambenih namirnica u odnosu na muškarce (23,3 vs. 3,3 %; P=0,028). Isto tako, žene su statistički značajno češće odolijevale iskušenju da ne jedu hranu s previše masti, šećera i kalorija (80,0 vs. 46,7 %; P=0,008). Uzevši u obzir sve prehrambene navike, najviše ispitanika izbjegavalo je hranu s previše masti, šećera ili kalorija (N=38, 63,3 %) i pažljivo biralo veličinu obroka (N=37, 61,7 %). Najviše ispitanika pridržavalo se smjernica za konzumaciju krumpira (N=54, 90,0 %) i slastica (N=48, 80,0 %), a najmanje ispitanika (N=1, 1,7 %) pridržavalo se smjernica za konzumaciju povrća. Muškarci su se statistički značajno više pridržavali smjernica za konzumiranje žitarica od žena koje su se statistički značajno više pridržavale smjernica za konzumaciju slastica i crvenog mesa. Prosječan MDSS zbroj bio je 6,0 (3,5-7,5) te nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između muškaraca i žena. Nadalje, promatrajući odnos između MDSS zbroja i opsega struka pokazana je statistički značajna negativna korelacija između navedenih parametara (r= -0,318; P=0,013). Zaključak: U našem istraživanju stupanj adherencije mediteranskoj prehrani bio je izrazito nizak te se svega jedan ispitanik pridržavao smjernica o konzumaciji mediteranske prehrane. Ipak, uspjeli smo pokazati povoljne učinke navedene dijete na opseg struka i razine ukupne tjelesne masti u ispitanika sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2. Također, s obzirom na sve veći broj dokaza o prednostima mediteranske prehrane na cjelokupno zdravlje pojedinca, važno je podizanje svijesti o povoljnim učincima takvog načina prehrane u populaciji.Objectives: This study aimed to assess body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes and the association with adherence to the Mediterranean diet and other eating habits. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in which patients with type 2 diabetes voluntarily participated from December 2021 to January 2022 during regular examinations at the Diabetes Center of the Clinical Hospital Center Split. The study included 60 patients, of whom 30 were women and 30 men. Patients completed a survey on eating habits and frequency of consumption of certain foods, which we validated according to the Scale for Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MDSS) and thus determined the adherence to the Mediterranean diet. After the survey, the subjects underwent measurements on a bioelectrical impedance scale, and their body composition was assessed. Results: Women had a statistically significantly higher percentage of total body fat and a statistically significantly lower rate of visceral fat compared to men. Women statistically significantly used more information on the number of grams of carbohydrates and fats to decide on their food choice compared to men. Likewise, women were statistically significantly more likely to resist the temptation not to eat foods high in fat, sugar, and calories (80.0 vs. 46.7%; P = 0.008). Considering all eating habits, most respondents avoided foods with too much fat, sugar, or calories (N = 38, 63.3%) and carefully chose the size of the meal (N = 37, 61.7%). Most patients followed the guidelines for consumption of potatoes and sweets, and least patients followed the guidelines for consumption of vegetables. Men adhered significantly more to cereal consumption guidelines than women. Women were statistically significantly more compliant with the guidelines for the consumption of sweets and red meat. The average MDSS was 6.0 (3.5-7.5), and there was no statistically significant difference between men and women. Furthermore, observing the relationship between MDSS score and waist circumference, a statistically significant negative correlation between parameters was shown (r = -0.318; P = 0.013). Conclusion: In our research, only one patient consumed food according to the Mediterranean diet. We have proven the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on waist circumference and total body weight. Also, given the growing amount of evidence about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet on the individual's health, it is important to raise awareness about the beneficial effects of such a diet in the population

    Body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes and relationship with eating habits

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    Cilj: Procijeniti sastav tijela u pacijenata sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2, kao i povezanost s pridržavanjem mediteranskom tipu prehrane i ostalim prehrambenim navikama. Materijali i metode: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje u kojem su dobrovoljno sudjelovali ispitanici sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2 u razdoblju od prosinca 2021. do siječnja 2022. godine tijekom redovnih pregleda u Centru za dijabetes KBC-a Split. U istraživanje je uključeno 60 ispitanika, od čega je bilo 30 žena i 30 muškaraca. Ispitanici su ispunjavali anketu o prehrambenim navikama i učestalosti konzumiranja pojedinih namirnica što smo ispitali prema upitniku o mediteranskoj prehrani (MDSS) i tako odredili stupanj adherencije mediteranskoj prehrani. Nakon anketnog dijela, ispitanici su podvrgnuti mjerenju na bioimpedacijskoj vagi te im je procijenjen sastav tijela. Rezultati: Žene su imale statistički značajno veći postotak ukupne tjelesne masti (37,7 ± 11,1 % vs. 26,3 ± 7,9 %; P<0,001) i statistički značajno manji postotak visceralne masti (14,0 ± 4,1 % vs. 10,7 % ± 3,6 %; P=0,002) u odnosu na muškarce. Skupina žena je statistički značajno češće koristila informacije o broju grama ugljikohidrata i masti za donošenje odluke o izboru prehrambenih namirnica u odnosu na muškarce (23,3 vs. 3,3 %; P=0,028). Isto tako, žene su statistički značajno češće odolijevale iskušenju da ne jedu hranu s previše masti, šećera i kalorija (80,0 vs. 46,7 %; P=0,008). Uzevši u obzir sve prehrambene navike, najviše ispitanika izbjegavalo je hranu s previše masti, šećera ili kalorija (N=38, 63,3 %) i pažljivo biralo veličinu obroka (N=37, 61,7 %). Najviše ispitanika pridržavalo se smjernica za konzumaciju krumpira (N=54, 90,0 %) i slastica (N=48, 80,0 %), a najmanje ispitanika (N=1, 1,7 %) pridržavalo se smjernica za konzumaciju povrća. Muškarci su se statistički značajno više pridržavali smjernica za konzumiranje žitarica od žena koje su se statistički značajno više pridržavale smjernica za konzumaciju slastica i crvenog mesa. Prosječan MDSS zbroj bio je 6,0 (3,5-7,5) te nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između muškaraca i žena. Nadalje, promatrajući odnos između MDSS zbroja i opsega struka pokazana je statistički značajna negativna korelacija između navedenih parametara (r= -0,318; P=0,013). Zaključak: U našem istraživanju stupanj adherencije mediteranskoj prehrani bio je izrazito nizak te se svega jedan ispitanik pridržavao smjernica o konzumaciji mediteranske prehrane. Ipak, uspjeli smo pokazati povoljne učinke navedene dijete na opseg struka i razine ukupne tjelesne masti u ispitanika sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2. Također, s obzirom na sve veći broj dokaza o prednostima mediteranske prehrane na cjelokupno zdravlje pojedinca, važno je podizanje svijesti o povoljnim učincima takvog načina prehrane u populaciji.Objectives: This study aimed to assess body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes and the association with adherence to the Mediterranean diet and other eating habits. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in which patients with type 2 diabetes voluntarily participated from December 2021 to January 2022 during regular examinations at the Diabetes Center of the Clinical Hospital Center Split. The study included 60 patients, of whom 30 were women and 30 men. Patients completed a survey on eating habits and frequency of consumption of certain foods, which we validated according to the Scale for Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MDSS) and thus determined the adherence to the Mediterranean diet. After the survey, the subjects underwent measurements on a bioelectrical impedance scale, and their body composition was assessed. Results: Women had a statistically significantly higher percentage of total body fat and a statistically significantly lower rate of visceral fat compared to men. Women statistically significantly used more information on the number of grams of carbohydrates and fats to decide on their food choice compared to men. Likewise, women were statistically significantly more likely to resist the temptation not to eat foods high in fat, sugar, and calories (80.0 vs. 46.7%; P = 0.008). Considering all eating habits, most respondents avoided foods with too much fat, sugar, or calories (N = 38, 63.3%) and carefully chose the size of the meal (N = 37, 61.7%). Most patients followed the guidelines for consumption of potatoes and sweets, and least patients followed the guidelines for consumption of vegetables. Men adhered significantly more to cereal consumption guidelines than women. Women were statistically significantly more compliant with the guidelines for the consumption of sweets and red meat. The average MDSS was 6.0 (3.5-7.5), and there was no statistically significant difference between men and women. Furthermore, observing the relationship between MDSS score and waist circumference, a statistically significant negative correlation between parameters was shown (r = -0.318; P = 0.013). Conclusion: In our research, only one patient consumed food according to the Mediterranean diet. We have proven the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on waist circumference and total body weight. Also, given the growing amount of evidence about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet on the individual's health, it is important to raise awareness about the beneficial effects of such a diet in the population

    Obesity and Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential: Allies in Cardiovascular Diseases and Malignancies

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    The clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) is a term used to describe individuals who have detectable somatic mutations in genes commonly found in individuals with hematologic cancers but without any apparent evidence of such conditions. The mortality rate in individuals with CHIP is remarkably higher than the influence ascribed to hematologic malignancies, and it is plausible that cardiovascular diseases (CVD) could elucidate the apparent disparity. Studies have shown that the most frequently altered genes in CHIP are associated with the increased incidence of CVDs, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and myeloid malignancies, as well as obesity. Additionally, multiple research studies have confirmed that obesity is also independently associated with these conditions, particularly the development and progression of atherosclerotic CVD. Considering the shared pathogenetic mechanisms of obesity and CHIP, our objective in this review was to investigate both preclinical and clinical evidence regarding the correlation between obesity and CHIP and the resulting implications of this interaction on the pathophysiology of CVDs and malignancies. The pro-inflammatory condition induced by obesity and CHIP enhances the probability of developing both diseases and increases the likelihood of developing CVDs, T2DM and malignancies, suggesting that a dangerous vicious loop may exist. However, it is vital to conduct additional research that will suggest targeted treatment options for obese individuals with CHIP in order to reduce harmful effects connected to these conditions