14 research outputs found

    Lychnothamnus (Rupr.) V. Leonh. (Characeae) novi rod za floru Jugoslavije

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    Od Å”est recentnih rodova reda Charoles razdela Charophyta u flori Jugoslavije poznate su vrste rodova Nitella, Tolypella, Nitellopsis i Chara. Istražujući harofite u regionu delte Neretve, 1981. godine, u slatkovodnom kraÅ”kom jezeru Å ipak otkrili smo prvo staniÅ”te vrste Lychnothamnus barhatus u Jugoslaviji. Ovim smo za slatkovodnu floru Jugoslavije zabeležili prisustvo ne samo nove vrste već i novog roda koji se u Evropi i Aziji nalazi samo na malom broju lokaliteta. Jezero Å ipak (Kardeljevo, SR Hrvatska) nalazi se u semiaridnoj mediteranskoj zoni koja ima karakteristike subtropske klime. Populacije makrofitske alge Lychnothamnus barhatus u jezeru Å ipak razvijaju se u priobalnoj zoni na dubini od 1 do 1,2 m, na muljevitoj podlozi. Voda je providna do dna, a pH iznosi 6,5 do 7. Lychnothamnus barhatus nalazi se zajedno sa Chara hispida, Nitellopsis obtusa, Phragmites communis, Polygonum amphibium, PotamogetĆ³n crispus, PotamogetĆ³n natans, PotamogetĆ³n perfoliatus, Myrio- phyllum demersum. Žbunasti talus Lychnothamnus barbatus visok je 20ā€”30 cm, zelene je boje i slabo inkrustiran kalcijumkarbonatom. Kora je delimično razvijena (nepotpuna) i nalazi se samo na najmlađim internodijama. Na nodusima glavne ose razvija se osam bočnih osa na kojima se nalazi 4-5 članaka. Dužina bočnih osa kreće se do 4 cm, a igličastih ćelija jednorednog stipularnog venca do 1,3 cm

    Lychnothamnus (Rupr.) V. Leonh. (Characeae) novi rod za floru Jugoslavije

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    Od Å”est recentnih rodova reda Charoles razdela Charophyta u flori Jugoslavije poznate su vrste rodova Nitella, Tolypella, Nitellopsis i Chara. Istražujući harofite u regionu delte Neretve, 1981. godine, u slatkovodnom kraÅ”kom jezeru Å ipak otkrili smo prvo staniÅ”te vrste Lychnothamnus barhatus u Jugoslaviji. Ovim smo za slatkovodnu floru Jugoslavije zabeležili prisustvo ne samo nove vrste već i novog roda koji se u Evropi i Aziji nalazi samo na malom broju lokaliteta. Jezero Å ipak (Kardeljevo, SR Hrvatska) nalazi se u semiaridnoj mediteranskoj zoni koja ima karakteristike subtropske klime. Populacije makrofitske alge Lychnothamnus barhatus u jezeru Å ipak razvijaju se u priobalnoj zoni na dubini od 1 do 1,2 m, na muljevitoj podlozi. Voda je providna do dna, a pH iznosi 6,5 do 7. Lychnothamnus barhatus nalazi se zajedno sa Chara hispida, Nitellopsis obtusa, Phragmites communis, Polygonum amphibium, PotamogetĆ³n crispus, PotamogetĆ³n natans, PotamogetĆ³n perfoliatus, Myrio- phyllum demersum. Žbunasti talus Lychnothamnus barbatus visok je 20ā€”30 cm, zelene je boje i slabo inkrustiran kalcijumkarbonatom. Kora je delimično razvijena (nepotpuna) i nalazi se samo na najmlađim internodijama. Na nodusima glavne ose razvija se osam bočnih osa na kojima se nalazi 4-5 članaka. Dužina bočnih osa kreće se do 4 cm, a igličastih ćelija jednorednog stipularnog venca do 1,3 cm

    Distribution, morphological variability, ecology and the present state of Nitella from Lake Ohrid and its surroundings

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    Our research into 52 profiles of the littoral zone of the Macedonian part of Lake Ohrid and numerous samples taken from its surroundings has resulted in a detailed picture of the composition of the Charophyta vegetation in the lake. The results of the research also include data regarding the species composition and present state of Nitella. The dominant species of Nitella is Nitella opaca, which is characterized by a specific distribution, morphological variability and ecology. The present state of Nitella is not steady, especially in the watershed of the lake, since in this area there are some permanent changes in the hydrology of the terrain. Therefore, there is a need to establish long-term and complex monitoring which will result in the prompt detection of risk factors and influences, thereby enabling a rapid reaction to a possible newly emerged negative state

    Diversity and Ecology of Charophytes from Vojvodina ( Serbia ) in Relation to Physico-Chemical and Bioclimatic Habitat

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    In Serbia, almost all charophyte species belong to one of the IUCN categories. This study aimed to gather more knowledge about their floristic richness, distribution and ecology. During the survey, 262 localities were investigated in the Vojvodina province, northern Serbia. Seventeen charophyte species were found, out of which 16 were included in the analyses. The environmental matrix included 38 localities, each characterized by habitat type and 35 environmental parameters. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed six parameters as being statistically significant: substrate, altitude, depth, water temperature, temperature annual range and precipitation of the driest month. Together, these explain the 32.34% variability in the species composition and abundance data. Altitude and substrate contributed the most to this. Two main types of habitats were outlined by the analysis. Small and shallow temporary habitats in the river floodplains, at lower altitudes, with muddy and clayish substrate, belong to one type. These areas are inhabited by either very tolerant species, such as Chara vulgaris and C. globularis, or the so-called ā€œspringā€ species of the genera Tolypella and Nitella. Habitats which are located at higher altitudes, when deeper and more permanent with a sandy substrate, such as sandpits and river habitats, belong to the second one. These areas are inhabited by species like Chara papillosa, C. hispida, and Nitellopsis obtusa

    Rediscovery of Chara canescens Loiseleur in Serbia

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    Chara canescens is the only charophyte performing parthenogenetic reproduction. Although most recently found populations consist solely of parthenogenetically reproducing females, bisexual populations exist as well, making the species a unique example of the sympatric occurrence of both reproductive modes. In Serbia, C. canescens was found only once for certain, near Prokuplje in 2005. The purpose of the present study is to report a reliable new finding of C. canescens in Serbia, in a stable parthenogenetic female population. Sampling was conducted on 7 July 2018 from the Plava Banja pond near the city of Kikinda. Results of water analyses revealed high concentrations of almost all measured parameters, but especially high levels of salinity and alkalinity markers. Very high concentrations of sulphates and chlorides in the Plava Banja pond pointed to extreme ion anomalies. On the basis of the concentration of nutrients in it, the Plava Banja pond can be characterised as a eutrophic water body. Chara specimens collected from this pond were identified as C. canescens, and only females in the reproductive phase were detected. The environmental features of this habitat are typical in relation to preferences of the given species for light and salinity (ion concentration). This record is of great importance because C. canescens has been declared to be probably extinct in the wild in Serbia

    Stoneworts (Charales, Characeae) of Croatia

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    Parožine ili alge iz porodice Characeae složene su alge makroskopskog talusa koji izgledom podsjeća na preslice. UvrÅ”tene su na popis Natura 2000 staniÅ”ta pod nazivom Tvrde oligo - mezotrofne vode s dnom obraslim parožinama. Kako parožine Hrvatske do danas nisu sustavno popisane, ovim je radom proveden detaljan uvid literaturnih podataka, neobavljenih podataka iz istraživanja koautora, kao i podataka iz studija i elaborata kojima su parožine bile obuhvaćene. U Hrvatskoj je ukupno utvrđeno 36 vrsta parožina iz svih Å”est do sada opisanih rodova: Chara (19), Lamprothamnium (2), Lychnothamnus (1), Nitella (10), Nitellopsis (1) i Tolypella (4). Prema geografskoj rasprostranjenosti, najviÅ”e su rasprostranjene u Dinarskoj ekoregiji, ali određeni broj vrsta dolazi i u Panonskoj ekoregiji. Kao Natura 2000 staniÅ”te, dominantna su skupina vodene vegetacije u većini hrvatskih prirodnih krÅ”kih jezera pa ih tako nalazimo u Plitvičkim jezerima, Vranskom jezeru na otoku Cresu, Vranskom jezeru u Dalmaciji i Baćinskim jezerima. Kao pioniri vegetacije dolaze i u povremenim lokvama ili jezerima na hrvatskim otocima poput otoka Mljeta, Paga, Krka i mnogih drugih te duž cijele obale. Ovaj prvi sistematičan popis parožina Hrvatske temelj je zaÅ”tite prirode i značajan doprinos poznavanju bioraznolikosti Hrvatske, posebice jer su njime obuhvaćene neke od najrjeđih pa sve do vrlo čestih vrsta.Stoneworts or algae from family Characeae are complex algae with macroscopic habitus that recall to horsetails. They are listed as Natura 2000 site under the name of Hard oligomesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp. Since diversity or presence of Croatian stoneworts was never systematically investigated, detailed insight in literature data, unpublished data from co-authors researches, as well as data from environmental studies that comprised stoneworts was done. According to all available sources, there are 36 species of stoneworts in Croatia in total that belongs to all six genera: Chara (19), Lamprothamnium (2), Lychnothamnus (1), Nitella (10), Nitellopsis (1) and Tolypella (4). Geographically, stoneworts are mostly distributed in Dinaric Ecoregion, with minor number of species in Pannonian Ecoregion. They are dominant aquatic vegetation in most of Croatian natural karstic lakes as Natura 2000 site, therefore we find them in large abundance in Plitvice Lakes, Lake Vransko on Island of Cres, Lake Vransko in Dalmatia and in Baćina Lakes. As pioneers of vegetation, stoneworts are often found in temporary ponds and lakes on islands throughout all Adriatic coast, like on islands Mljet, Pag, Krk and many others. This is the first systematic list of stoneworts in Croatia and a foundation for nature protection as well as significant contribution to knowledge of Croatian biodiversity, especially because it brings data about some of the rarest and very common speci

    First record of Paralemanea torulosa (Roth) Sheath & A.R. Sherwood and new findings of Lemanea fluviatilis (Linnaeus) C. Ag. and Hildenbrandia rivularis (Liebmann) J. Agardh (Rhodophyta) in Serbia

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    The paper presents the first record of the freshwater red alga Paralemanea torulosa and new findings of the species Lemanea fluviatilis and Hildenbrandia rivularis in Serbia. The existence of all three species was recorded in the upper reaches of clean fast-flowing rivers and brooks belonging to the basin of the Danube River. Lemanea fluviatilis was found in the Dojkinacka River in Eastern Serbia, while Paralemanea torulosa was recorded in the Drina River and Hildenbrandia rivularis in the Cvetica Brook and BioŔtanska Banja Brook in Western Serbia. These reports are important for conservation of the biodiversity of Serbia, since it is well known that freshwater red algae are endangered and rare species (taxa) in many countries. In Serbia they are under strict protection of the law.Botanica Serbica (2017), 41(1): 55-6


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    Abstract- The present paper gives results of floristic investigations of macrophytes in lakes on Mt. Volujak, the spatial distribution of the recorded species, and basic ecological characteristics of the milieu of life in the investigated biotopes

    Rediscovery of the endemic species Chara rohlenae Vilh. 1912 (Characeae) - believed extinct - on the Balkan Peninsula

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    The species Chara rohlenae was described more than a hundred years ago (in 1912) as a species new to science on the basis of herbarium specimens collected from the Mratinje locality in Montenegro. In addition, there were some other herbarium specimens of this charophyte originating from Greece (collected in 1885) and also ones from Bosnia and Herzegovina (collected in 1925), which, however, were taxonomically determined in different ways and not clearly identified as belonging to the species C. rohlenae. For such a long period of time thereafter, no new data on the presence of the given species in the Balkans were recorded, and for this reason the species was considered to be extinct (EX glob ?) in accordance with IUCN criteria. However, during botanical surveys conducted in 2010 and 2012, C. rohlenae was rediscovered on the Balkan Peninsula, in the Mokra Gora Mountain (a spur of the Prokletije massif) in Serbia. This finding confirms existence of the species in the wild. Morphological characteristics of the newly found specimens of C. rohlenae from Serbia are investigated in the present study

    New occurrence and distribution of Nitella hyalina (DC.) Agardh (Characeae) and the first report on Nitelletum hyalinae Corillion 1957, in Croatia

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    In 2011, a new population of the stonewort Nitella hyalina was found on the island of Pag, in a pond between Novalja and Lun, near the cove of Dubac. At the littoral, unshielded zone of this unnamed, small shallow lake Nitella hyalina forms large monodominant patches or grows together with Potamogeton trichoides Cham. et Schl. and P. nodosus Poir. We identified these stands as the speciesā€™ poor association of Nitelletum hyalinae Corillion 1957, a new vegetation type of Croatia. Nitella hyalina is sparse in Europe and rather rare on the Balkan Peninsula. It was previously detected only in two places in Croatia. Considering its severely fragmented distribution and the fact that at present it is known to exist at only three locations, Nitella hyalina should be treated as an endangered (EN) taxon among the Charophytes of Croatia